Gyrfalcon's Keep let me share the reasons for your lecture for a change --
256 Posts
Ooc — summer
you too! I like having Autumn have an enemy >:)

Autumn was shoved into the nest by Caiaphas, who darted away. Autumn was about to follow her lead, but gave it a second thought. Instead of following the coy-wolf, she raced off in the oppisite direction. Hopefully this was away from the talons of the gyrfalcon. Autumn glanced over her shoulder. The gyrfalcon was watching her, but now it sat in it's nest, it's eyes narrowed. She stuck out her tounge at it. Then she looked forward again, escaping her enemy alive once more.
I will exit threads immediately if your character does not understand Autumn's dialogue as it causes inconsistencies in my roleplay experience.
Messages In This Thread
RE: let me share the reasons for your lecture for a change -- - by Autumn - December 04, 2014, 10:49 PM