Firestone Hot Springs Looking at the world through rose colored glasses
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
bring this up to the present? :)

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contrary to blue willow's feelings upon the matter, lasher found her quite beauteous indeed. he felt he had been neglecting her, for though they curled together each eve in the new burrow, his thoughts had been elsewhere, focused upon the missing juveniles of the plateau.

how could he cope if his own children departed him so suddenly? chastising himself for such thoughts — they were not even existent in the world, yet! — the anticipated father sought out the dark woman who carried their children, following her trail to the warm land of the hotsprings. there, lasher gazed upon her curved form fondly for a long moment, before stepping to the willow's side and nudging her cheek gently.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - by Lasher - December 24, 2014, 02:30 AM