Firestone Hot Springs Looking at the world through rose colored glasses
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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part of him wished to know what she carried, but another piece of his heart enjoyed the mystery. presently he lay down beside her and nuzzled the down of her curved side softly, preening the fur there with careful lips. it is pura for which i worry most. he is wild and i see only glimpses of him; he exists upon the fringes of our society.

a thought crossed his mind; he sighed. peregrine and fox shall be having children of their own, undoubtedly. will you be going to see them? in his mind, he was unwelcome, and blue willow only tolerated by the ruby for peregrine's sake.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - by Lasher - January 05, 2015, 05:58 PM