Redhawk Caldera Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT]
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Perry sucks at this game! He's also gross! :D

Fox seemed to be doing just fine, though Peregrine realized he wasn't at all playing the game. Rather than jump into things, he decided to move to the sidelines and observe. He practically walked into Somnia's jaws as she pretended to snap at him. He flashed her a quick smile as if to say, That's okay, then quickly moved out of the others' way. It was a good thing he did, too, for he felt his gut begin to rumble.

He had barely reached the edge of the makeshift arena when his hindquarters suddenly dipped and he had explosive diarrhea in front of everyone. When the smell of his own excrement hit him, Peregrine almost threw up in his mouth again. Groaning, he waved for everyone to keep on playing the game, then did his best to begin covering the mess with some of the freshly churned dirt Somnia had thankfully left lying around.

As he buried his scat, Peregrine couldn't help but muse, Am I destined to spoil every pack gathering with my bodily fluids? He laughed, albeit with a grimace, at his own silent joke and then sat back on his haunches to watch the game.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT] - by Peregrine Redhawk - January 21, 2015, 08:00 PM