Redhawk Caldera Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT]
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
As he watched, Peregrine came to regret not joining. It looked like everyone was having so much fun! On that note, he was glad he was able to see all this from the outside looking in. It gave him a priceless perspective on Somnia's ability to come up with a game. If it was this much fun for adults, their kids' heads would probably explode when they got to play. The thought made the Alpha male chuckle.

When the match came to a close and the Gamma got ready to announce winners, Peregrine threw Fox a victorious grin, then settled forward onto his stomach to hear the final scores.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT] - by Peregrine Redhawk - January 25, 2015, 06:45 PM