Redhawk Caldera Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT]
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
After a careful count, Somnia declared the winner: FitzDutiful! Peregrine shot his mate a playful pout, then jokingly called out, "I demand a recount!" Smiling, he gave her a nudge. "You kicked ass out there, foxy lady," he told her. "You feeling all right?" he added, wondering if she was still experiencing any nausea, especially after all that movement.

The Gamma didn't seem to have a prize for the winner, so Peregrine took it upon himself to trot to a nearby cache. He pulled two of the freshest carcasses—a pair of plump pikas—from it and carried them back to where the rest of the pack still gathered. He dropped one next to FitzDutiful, then presented the other to Somnia.

Once his mouth was free for speaking again, "Thanks for hosting an awesome play session, Som. You did a great job and you'll make a great Caretaker." The Alpha male gave her a nudge, then turned and trotted to rejoin Fox.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT] - by Peregrine Redhawk - January 30, 2015, 03:24 PM