Firestone Hot Springs a fox's tail
256 Posts
Ooc — summer
I have to stop making characters that are supposedly good at story telling when I suck at making up stories. >~< sorry for the delay.

When Osprey pretty much left the choice still up to her, Autumn decided to quick find some old legends that suited her. But she had trouble getting the wolf's personality. Hunter, Storyteller... Those weren't personality types! And out of the hundreds of stories she'd been told, it was impossible to pick one favorite. So she just chose one she remembered well instead. This story is about a young dark fox called Hidden Emerald. Hidden was a teenager who lived underground. Long ago, when she was very little, her parents were killed when they went to help fight in a large war. Her Aunt Porcupine Quill thought she would be safest from danger where no one could find her, in the Echoround Cave System. But when Hidden was about a year and a half old, wanderlust overcame her. She was sad to leave her caring aunt, but she ran away. As soon as she found the Entrance where Light Slips, she exited the system and found herself in a huge forest. The trees had wide trunks that were reddish in color and huge in size. Hidden gazed in amazement at the wonderful new land. Her shining green eyes observed every detail of the new land as she walked slowly along. Her wonder was disturbed by a high pitched voice from a nearby tree. New here, are you? A small chickadee asked Hidden. Yes, I lived under this land. She replied. I suggest you watch out for Sharp Jaws, then. He is a giant cougar who lives here and will eat anything smaller than him. Hidden nodded and thanked the chickadee for his advice, now wary of the forest's beast. Hidden kept a close eye on any rustling undergrowth, any quaking branch above. But soon she put her worries aside, trying not to become overly paranoid about some tiny bird's advice. Soon she came across a huge lake. Sitting beside it was another fox, however, this one's fur was flame instead of her shadow. When Hidden came close he looked over at her with radiant blue eyes. Hello there, Miss. I haven't seen you around here before. What's your name? I'm Hidden Emerald, she replied with a smile. Perhaps she could make some new friends here. Well, I'm Ocean Gaze, and if you're new here, you'll need a guide, huh. Nice to meet you, Ocean Gaze. Is there really a giant cougar here who will eat any smaller than him? She asked her new friend. He nodded, his eyes sad. My father was killed by Sharp Jaws. He will devour whatever he finds suitable, and if he is not hungry, store it away in his den for later meals. This only made Hidden more sure of the lurking predator. Ocean Gaze gave the dark fox a tour of the nearby forest, most of which looked the same: tall, wide, reddish trees. She parted ways, now ready to be on her own, thanks to Ocean Gaze. About a week later, she was walking along, when another voice spoke to her from above. A new one. The branches creaked under this creature's weight. I have seen you hiding, small creature. There is no hiding from death. It said. She looked warily up into the tree, into the glowing crimson pupils of Sharp Jaws himself. A sharp-toothed grin split his maw, his eyes narrowed upon his prey. She let out a nervous squeal as he leapt from the tree. Hidden darted to the side just soon enough to escape his fangs. She used her speed to leap away, through the now well known forest. Sharp Jaws chased after her. She hid in the shadow of a tree, closing her emerald eyes and hoping she would live. Sharp Jaws ran right past her- she had disappeared into the darkness of the shadow. Her dark fur had helped her to survive through her camouflage. She thanked the gods for her fortunate luck, creeping away after he'd been past a few moments. But soon after she left, he'd been back, tracking her down with his sense of smell. Hidden was on the run for her life, now. No creature escaped Sharp Jaws. But as much as she needed to run, she needed sleep as well. She settled down under a redwood, curled up, and slept. And was awakened with an oof by a huge paw on her tail. She looked up groggily into the red eyes of Sharp Jaws. I told you I would find you, creature. I will kill you. He said, lifting her up of the ground by his mighty paw. Wait! Wait! Please, make a deal! Oh, what deal, hmm? For Sharp Jaws simply loved playing with his prey before making the kill, and could not pass up the temptation of a game. Whoever can hunt the most rabbits in five minutes wins! And whoever loses must shrink themselves, leave the forest and never return. Although if he won Sharp Jaws would not get to eat Hidden, it was fun playing games with your prey and he would feast on rabbits anyway. So he put her down and they agreed to meet back there in five minutes. Hidden set off, tracking down her prey with expertise skill. She would chase them down, into their tunnels, corner them in dead ends and catch them. After five minutes she'd caught seven rabbits, a fine prize. She entered the place they'd been before at the same time as Sharp Jaws. He only had four rabbits. He had thought his strength would be to his advantage, but in truth he'd been to large to enter rabbit tunnels and too big and loud they heard him coming. He'd lost. Looking upon her seven kills and his four, he still saw a way to win. Very well, creature. I will leave and never return. Then he shrunk- from a giant cougar into a thousand tiny lynxes, all with his bloodred eyes. They all scattered in different directions, and left the forest, never to return. But instead of one tiny Sharp Jaws, there were thousands. He'd tricked her at the last moment, despite his loss. And although the red tree forest was free of Sharp Jaws from that day on, all across the land a new creature was born to torment every race: lynxes. And that's how lynxes were born. Autumn finished with a deep breath, it was even a lot of talking for a chatty girl like her. Foxes had their tales for how every creature was born, or how they got their markings, or unique traits. She sat back in content. What would Osprey think of her story?

I will exit threads immediately if your character does not understand Autumn's dialogue as it causes inconsistencies in my roleplay experience.
Messages In This Thread
a fox's tail - by Autumn - January 16, 2015, 11:05 PM
RE: a fox's tail - by Osprey - January 20, 2015, 12:31 PM
RE: a fox's tail - by Autumn - January 20, 2015, 11:53 PM
RE: a fox's tail - by Osprey - January 23, 2015, 12:57 PM
RE: a fox's tail - by Autumn - January 26, 2015, 12:25 AM
RE: a fox's tail - by Osprey - January 26, 2015, 03:46 PM
RE: a fox's tail - by Autumn - January 28, 2015, 12:04 AM
RE: a fox's tail - by Osprey - February 05, 2015, 09:57 AM
RE: a fox's tail - by Autumn - February 07, 2015, 11:53 PM
RE: a fox's tail - by Osprey - February 08, 2015, 10:19 AM
RE: a fox's tail - by Autumn - February 20, 2015, 06:14 PM
RE: a fox's tail - by Osprey - February 24, 2015, 06:03 PM
RE: a fox's tail - by Autumn - March 05, 2015, 01:00 AM
RE: a fox's tail - by Osprey - March 06, 2015, 03:59 PM
RE: a fox's tail - by Autumn - March 08, 2015, 12:51 AM
RE: a fox's tail - by Osprey - March 08, 2015, 04:06 PM