Don't eat the blue ones
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9 Posts
Ooc — JB
The territory controlled by Amekaze was, in a word, breath-taking. As he struggled along the gradual slopes, Caravaggio found a natural pathway up the mountain; Ame had led him only so far, and now it was up to himself to find his way around. The ridge was covered with dense trees and protruding stacks of igneous stone. He wound his way alongside a massive barren cliffside, and then decided to find a safer area to investigate - falling down the mountainside would not prove his worth as he was eager to do.

On his way through the trees, finding that the roots of trees hosted the best footholds for his knobby limbs, Caravaggio roamed through the forest - and came upon a thinning in the foliage. A natural field stretched out from the darkness of the trees, and in that field was the prone silhouette of a stranger. Not wanting to pass up this opportunity to befriend a pack-mate, Caravaggio jumped from the shadows and hopped on over. His tail waved happily at his hocks, and a grin spread itself across his angular face, so that by the time he reached her position he looked downright goofy. And yet, all he said when he was close was, "Hello!"
Messages In This Thread
Don't eat the blue ones - by Titana - February 27, 2015, 11:20 PM
RE: Don't eat the blue ones - by JB5 - March 02, 2015, 12:35 AM
RE: Don't eat the blue ones - by Titana - March 02, 2015, 12:41 AM
RE: Don't eat the blue ones - by JB5 - March 02, 2015, 01:39 AM