Swiftcurrent Creek this country is ours
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
For @Bones - throwing some NPC characters into the mix for a potential warrior thread (since it as brought up in the last thread) and making some assumptions about location, if that's OK. :)

"Bones. Bones." Bazi's voice was a frantic whisper. She gave her snoozing friend a hard shove in the ribs with both fore-paws to rouse her.

It was a few hours after midnight, and a smattering of stars were visible through the slow-moving sheet of scattered clouds. Prey was returning to the fields that surrounded their territory, drawn by the sound of running water and the promise of vegetation. Bazi had spent the evening downwind from a female herd of bison, scoping out the youngest and oldest animals. Bison did not go down easy and calves were hard to get at, but an older male duty-bound to protect the breeding females might be brazen enough to break away.

But that wasn't why it was important for Bones to wake up. Bazi hadn't been the only animal watching the herd that night. A small group of mangy, flea-bitten coyotes had taken up position within the pack's borders, watching her work with big, hungry eyes - and no matter what she did, Bazi could not drive them away. A show of strength was required, and Bones was the nearest wolf available.

With any luck, they could deal with the intrusion quietly and without needing to call on backup.
199 Posts
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Bones slept lightly, a byproduct of her upbringing in a place like Tortuga. She woke and sprang onto all fours within seconds of Bazi's hard nudge. "What, what?" she asked uncomprehendingly, blinking sleep from her pastel green eyes. "'S wrong?" she queried, feeling a headache gathering behind her eyes from the sudden wake-up call. Not one to be deterred by such things, she ignored it, still blinking slowly as her eyes fixed on Bazi's pale, moonlit face.
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
Bones exploded into action before the last syllable had left Bazi's lips, and she scuttled back in surprise. Ferdie was less easily roused. She made a mental note to adjust her tactics and spare Bones the risk of cardiac arrest next time.

"Coyotes," she whispered, shifting anxiously and throwing glances over her shoulder. "I can't shift them on my own, and they're creeping further in. There's a herd gathering near our borders, and I think they're looking to settle near it. Will you help? I'll call Ferdie, too."
199 Posts
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The word coyotes made Bones's eyes narrow slightly. "Rapscallions," she whispered under her breath. Coyotes were the sworn enemy of Tortuga, as the coyote bandits gave the wolf raiders a run for their money, for sure. "Aye," she added in response to the formal request for help. "Should we call Cap'n Fox or the others?"

Motioning for Bazi to lead the way even as she spoke, Bones fell into step with her. Both sleepiness and soberness over the situation at hand erased the usual smile from her youthful face, leaving it blank and stony, with a determined quirk to her brow.
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
For anyone that has time! :) There are some coyotes at the border.


The word sent a shiver down Bazi's spine, but there was no time to ask what it meant - at the mere mention of coyotes, Bones was suddenly stern warlike, directing Bazi to lead the way. The paler wolf nodded in return, and moved with swift steps towards their mangy visitors.

As they marched, she howled a low and ominous warning to all that called the Creek their home, and finished with calls to @Ferdie von Pelt, @Jace, and @Fox. Njal was presumably still away (which was a shame; the mere sight of him might be enough to ward off intruders), and Jinx had not been seen for days. Lecter would probably scare the herd away with the coyotes, so she left him out of the summons as well.
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The howl roused Fox from her sleep, and she blinked a few times before finally exiting the den that she and @Haunter shared. “You coming?” she asked him with a gravelly voice, although she did not wait to hear his answer. With a shake of her coat, she set off toward the epicenter of Bazi's call, loping at a swift pace. Her eyes were still tired, but she managed to arrive in a decent amount of time.

Bones and Bazi were both marching toward a group of shapes, and it took Fox a moment to realize that they were none other than coyotes. When this was realized, the yearling was suddenly wide-awake, adrenaline pumping through her as she advanced so that she was beside her white comrade. Fox's tail was held over her back, and she bristled instinctively, her eyes locked on the clan of coyotes that meant to take their herd away from them.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace heard the howl and standing swiftly he began to lope quickly towards the sound. His black pelt blended in nicely with the surrounding shadows and he was able to make it right after Fox. He titled his head to look at what all were looking at and then he caught sight of the coyotes and a feral growl, full of deep dark promises erupted from him. One would not know it was coming from the gangly youth if you weren't right next to him, his eyes flashed in the waning light. He was more than willing to go after all of them chase them away this was his pack's land, his pack's food.
199 Posts
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Bazi sent out a starlight bark, summoning help to deal with the band of trespassers. Bones's ears twitched and she scanned the nighttime scenery, waiting to see who might join them. Captain Fox arrived quite promptly, falling into step on Bazi's other flank. Although separated by the white scout, the juvenile tipped her head in acknowledgement of the leader. Her skull bobbed again when another dark shadow, a stranger, joined the group.

Before long, they approached the skulking troupe of shadows. Like the unseen Fox, Bones bristled at the mere sight of the coyotes. Although such a laid-back, easygoing creature, her black lips peeled back from her teeth in a dangerous scowl and her ears swept backward, nearly disappearing against her skull as she glowered at her sworn enemies. A rare growl—high-pitched but nonetheless dangerous-sounding—clawed its way up her throat, bursting from her mouth to echo in the otherwise quiet darkness.
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
Still open for more Creekites to join in; I don't think I'll use dice for my attacks this time.

Something happened to the four Creek wolves. They regressed, shedding ritual and civility for something simpler, closer to the metal. Eight eyes glittered dangerously in the faint glow. Bones, ordinarily the very essence of mirth, became a bristling beast. Jace, a picture good manners, was a snarling shadow next to Fox, whose size in no way detracted from the ferocious snarl that split her face in half. Bazi herself became sharp teeth and slaver.

Their foes were pathetic by contrast. Small, scruffy creatures with scarcely the bulk of one Creek wolf between them, but despite this they bared their ugly little teeth at the advancing formation.

There was nothing organized about their attack. There was nothing smart about it either, but the desperate pests refused to be pushed out.

Suddenly, a flood of animals launched at the Creek wolves like a cloud of yipping madness. They attacked in ones and twos, choosing different opponents rather than working as a cohesive unit. Two went for Jace, snapping at his ankles. A more ominous-looking creature leaped straight for Fox. A further three decided to team up, pushing Bones and Bazi into the rear.
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
I'm also going to forego dice rolls, since I'm not terribly fond of one-attack posts. :B

One of the larger coyotes lunged at Fox, but she was not a wolf to be trifled with, despite her size. With her jaws open, she ran at the attacker with full force, throwing herself into the battle with reckless abandon. She and the coyote were at each other's throats, snapping, growling, and biting wherever they could. From the outside, it looked like a blur of tawny coats wrapped into one. The sharp bite of the coyote's teeth sank into her left foreleg, and Fox yelped out of surprise and pain. Just as quickly, she had the 'yote's tail in her mouth and was tugging it this way and that.

Next thing she knew, Fox's ear was in her attacker's jaws, and she was pulling away from him, causing a tear in her ear and a snarl in her throat. She lunged back at him, teeth scraping against his shoulder and digging in as far as they would go there. He fell back for only a moment before tackling her yet again. Fox rolled, her rival on top of her as he bit at her chest and neck, though she managed to tuck her chin so that he could not get to her most vital areas. Her back feet kicked, attempting to knock him off balance and away from her.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
Loyal to the death
452 Posts
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I'm on Easter vakay with the kids. I'll catch up soon. Quick post for now

A guttural loud filled the air. Ferdie's mouth wide open to accentuate the loud noise, it was a noise that would fill the hearts of the cyote’s with fear. Ferdie Von Pelt tore across the ground, His hackles raised all raised making the huge brute seemed even bigger, His tail held high; they were canines after all they’d understand rudimentary dominance, not that Ferdie was trying to dominate anything it was just natural to him and the farthest thing from his mind. Ferdi e charged the cluster group of coyote, running into it full force he connected with one sending the tiny thing flying , flipping his head to the left, his jaws snapped attempting to come into contact with a coyote His jaws at full strength he meant to crush bone and ask questions later. NO ONE attacked his pack NO ONE!!

A coyote that rolled into submission upon his arrival and lay upon the ground leapt up and made contact with Ferdie’s inner thigh, a wolf with a matted coat might have had more protection he did not but with his adrenaline on high he didn’t notice he flicked his leg connecting with the thing as it connected with him another roar escaped him, attempting to drain any bravery the cyote’s might have left in the face of such great danger
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace reared back a step and planting his feet he snaked his head and snapped at the nearest coyote catching it's ear and he nudged the second with his shoulder. His stance was wide yet sturdy as he launched himself at the two coyotes attacking him, his blue eyes were alight with an almost otherworldly fire as he fought and dodged as his father had taught him, holding the very blood lust that his father had at bay.

He grabbed the leg of the nearest and bit down hard while he scrabbled at the other with claws and shoulders pushing it away or to the ground whichever he could get. He would rip their throats out if they weren't careful and left soon.
199 Posts
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I... think it's my turn? True story: I have a list of insults posted next to my desk at work with Columns A (adverbs), B (compound adjectives) and C (nouns). That is how I came up with Bones's insult. :D

The coyotes made the first move, leaving the wolves to defend and counterattack. Bones's eyes flicked hither and thither, trying to track each of the rascally beasts. But when three rounded on herself and Bazi, her attention fixed on them particularly. She looked at each in turn, quickly ascertaining the strongest, the weakest and the middlemost among them. The youth decided the one in the center looked the fittest, so she trained her focus on its curling black lips.

"Scram, ye surly, onion-eyed barnacles!" Bones said, her voice loud in an effort to frighten them. A moment later, her speech gave way to a thick, rolling snarl. She snapped at the air, further trying to intimidate the trio of coyotes that continued to press toward them, their eyes hungry and jaws slavering.
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
Bones is a delight.

I'm going to finish my 'attacks' in this post, since there are so many of us. :D Feel free to kill / maim / scare off your 'onion-eyed barnacles'. If the Bones powerplay is too much, Kat, let me know and I'll edit! Remedy - play out Bazi's actions in your post if you'd like.

Bones and Bazi → Now two coyotes, after Ferdie barrels into one and sends it flying
Ferdie → One coyote (battle)
Jace → Two coyotes (battle)
Fox → The largest coyote (battle)

Ferdie thundered in as the band of miscreants launched forth, and the sight of five capable wolves seemed to ignite a flicker of dissent. Bazi saw it in the eyes of the three that rounded on her and Bones. Strengthened by the sound of wolfish snarls all around her, she couldn't help but grin at the younger wolf's outburst. Onion-eyed barnacles?

The second largest of the three stooges went flying as Ferdie barreled into it, and the sight of his comrades being flung about like rag-dolls was quite enough for the smallest of the group. Bones's surprisingly guttural snarl sent him packing, tail between his legs and reputation presumably in tatters. Outnumbered now, Bones's main target cast hasty glances at its battling crew and soon decided to follow suit, leaving both girls open to help their alpha. Both barreled into the side of Fox's assailant - the largest of the lot - in a flurry of fur, teeth, and snarls. But they were three against one now, and numbers trumped size.
Loyal to the death
452 Posts
Ooc —
Ferdie glanced over and saw fox in trouble his heart nearly stopped right there but it didn't stop his next actions.

With the other two wolves closing in distracting the coyote and the fact it's rest of it's rout was fleeing, and Fox attempting to dislodge the coyote the thing was totally distracted, Ferdie bounded over in two steps to make his entrance to the Coyote fast and unseen until it was to late.

Hackles and adrenaline high he roared as he snapped his jaws at back of the coyotes neck it would fit neatly in his deadly jaws and the crushing of bones would stop any more attacks upon Fox which would delight Ferdie to no end.

And maybe this Pelt would please Bazi as well, Either way Ferdie had a trophy in his jaws from this battle and he wasn't about to drop it until he knew it was lifeless

edit: if you want me to add a roll or something let me know it could turn it's head since Ferdie Roared then their mouths could collide instead and though it'd still end badly for coyote Ferdie would be injured too
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
jace had seen the smaller alpha in trouble but since he had two mangy problems of his own he couldn't help but he was confident the others would help her. the coyote whose leg he bit yelped and ran but the other snapped her jaws and caught part of his shoulder. a snarl ripped from his maw as he felt the bite and with a roar he turned and grasped the coyote by the neck growling and shaking it till it lay limp before him his eyes held their red tinge and he turned to help the others though he was sure ferdie could kill it.
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Bazi and Bones, two of her favorite young ladies, came quick to her aid, and the large coyote was knocked off of her and quickly became the target of many wolves against one coyote. He was a large one, but even the largest could not fend off more than two wolves. Three would be damn near impossible. With Fox, Bones, Ferdie, and Bazi all heading toward him at once, the largest (and apparently leader of the gang) fled the scene almost immediately, and Fox turned her attention to those that remained.

It seemed Jace was the last one standing, and he held a lifeless coyote's neck in his mouth. Fox breathed deeply, hackles still raised and eyes still wild with adrenaline. “Leave it here,” she commanded, “It will show them not to return.” Nothing like a rotting coyote corpse to say, "This kind of shit won't be tolerated."
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace tossed the kill with a swift toss of his head and grimaced softly at the pain in his shoulder he turned his head and licked at it. Keeping his eyes from anyone looking at them knowing they held the blood red tinge that his father was so famous for, the berserker rages his father had called them, blood lust. He refused to let anyone find out this secret that he carried, what would they think of him prone to dark rages when angry, he had learned to control it and he would never hurt anyone near him, unless they deserved it, but some did not care and most feared what they did not understand.

He then waited with his head down for anymore orders as his breathing slowed, and his adrenaline also slowed.

EDIT Sorry about the posting order for some reason I read fox's name and thinking ferdie i guess cause i'm behind him *hides face in shame* no stones please. :)
Loyal to the death
452 Posts
Ooc —
Ferdie turned his gaze to Jace and his expression darkened, he had been wrapped up in his own fight, but now, in the calm after the storm, he felt it.

Something different about the male he felt neutral towards. Though he'd wait until Bazi and Bones left before bringing anything up to Jace, There would not be a better time to talk for it might not come up but for these situations.

Ferdie walked up to Jace and gently bumped his good shoulder with the whole of his head. The bloodlust, the same thing the dark hearted wolves from his story loosed upon the land to create havoc he knew it all to well. For his story was not a story but his past.

perhaps a second 'male bonding' post is in order
199 Posts
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AAahhhHh!! *runs to catch up*

In the blink of an eye, the party of three became a party of one as Ferdie bowled one coyote over, causing one of it cohorts to flee and the other to stand there looking frightened but belligerent. It didn't stand its ground for long; soon, it too ran off into the night, leaving Bones and Bazi free to focus their attentions elsewhere.

In no time at all, the band of coyotes scattered into the darkness, all save for the one who'd been executed. Bones looked grimly at the carcass when her pack mate dropped it, then stood there panting a moment, looking between Captain Fox and the rest of the crew. Their job seemed to be done, yet the youth would not go back to bed until properly dismissed.
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita

Posting order, man-wolves! ;)

The three ladies recovered elegantly from the kerfuffle - although their eyes still blazed with the rush, blue and green and grey together, they kept still and silent like soldiers standing to attention until Fox issued her command.

The same was not to be said for Jace and Ferdie, both of whom were struggling to regain their cool. Bazi kept close to Bones, looking down at the freshly slain body with occasional glances at the testosterone-fuelled exchange going on between the two males. There was head-butting, which she assumed was good progress. She gave the Tortuga girl a little nip to the shoulder and said quietly, "Maybe you and I should both sleep where I found you, and keep an eye on the border from afar. Just in case," she directed this at Fox.
Loyal to the death
452 Posts
Ooc —
*Rolls submissively,* swarrie

Ferdie lifted his head and gently mouthed the young males ear. He recognized something, and this could not be left unchecked, Ferdie's voice was deep and gruff it left no room for subordination Come he headed toward his shared den
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I post again in order then? sorry guys

Jace felt the bump and turned his head towards Ferdie as he spoke to him. He then looked to Fox waiting to see if she had any orders for him before he went with Ferdie. He was a little wary of what the older male wanted. Maybe he had seen his eyes or something or maybe he wanted to grumble at him away from Bazi about the day he had fished and been stubbornly trying to get Ferdie to join in.
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Last post for me! Thanks for the thread, everybody. :)

Fox nodded approvingly to Bazi's suggestion. The red fireball would return to Haunter and inform him of what happened. It was likely the news would spread to @Njal and @Tuwawi rather quickly. They would have to be on high-alert for the next week or so, just to ensure that the coyotes did not come back for some kind of revenge. Even if they did, they were down a 'yote and the Swiftcurrent wolves were strong and many.

With a huff, Fox glanced to each of her pack-mates before trotting off back toward the den she shared with Haunter. It would have been nice to have him out here, but she could not fault him. Even she had not known what dangers were lurking when she had heard Bazi's call. Still, it wouldn't hurt to give him a hard time about it.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
199 Posts
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Now that the excitement had died down, Bones felt a wave of weariness wash over her and that earlier headache pounded just behind her eyes. "Sounds good," she replied to Bazi's suggestion, then glanced at Fox even as the Alpha peered in her direction. She managed a tired smile, then turned and began to trudge back to her sleeping spot. She wondered if she'd have difficulty falling asleep after such an adrenaline rush but she passed out cold as soon as her chin hit the dirt.

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