Blacktail Deer Plateau Equinox
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat

Peregrine's moods had vacillated wildly lately, from cool indifference (that went so far as to allow him to flirt shamelessly, as if he hadn't just separated from the woman he'd previously considered the love of his life) to agitated, hurt and badly bothered by everything that had transpired. In one minute, he could miss Hawkeye, then hate her, then feel nothing for her at all. It was exhausting. He just wanted it to stop already.

When he woke on the unseasonably cool June morning, it did. Just like that. He rose, stretched and basked in a feeling of total calm. When he looked over at Hawkeye sleeping near the pups, he did not feel hatred or hurt or apathy. He saw the mother of his children, his pack mate. One day, perhaps, they could even be friends. He knew that time wasn't now. Despite this early morning tranquility, they both had tons of emotions to process still.

He wandered off into the woods to hunt, vowing quietly that he would remember this mood and try to perpetuate it. He wouldn't let horrible thoughts pollute his mind, nor ill words soil his mouth. He would move forward, turning over a new leaf without churning up unnecessary muck in his wake. He was aware that it would likely be easier said than done (his mood swings could return at any moment) but he would put forth his best conscientious effort.

Feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, Peregrine quickly hunted down a pair of rabbits. He stashed one, then carried the other back in the direction of the rendezvous site, his mind and heart still somehow light, burdened by nary a negative sentiment.
i was born to the witch boleyn
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Ooc — ebony

he had not been within the plateau long enough to hear of what had transpired between peregrine and his mate, or that the devil had ever been possessed of a woman. he had heeded the leader's words and gone into the lands to practice a skill with which he was familiar, but not expert. the day had lent itself to good hunting, but taltos had bypassed a herd of deer, seeing that the stag was quite healthy and alert. it would not do well for him to be fall injured so soon after entering peregrine's lands.

he stalked and killed a woodfowl, who led him on a quick chase through the tree-boles, but taltos had emerged from the wood victorious, and trotted toward the concentration of scents in the loam. this was where peregrine's children resided, and while he entertained no thoughts that he, as a new member of the pack, would be allowed near them, he would bring his kill as close as he dared, nevertheless.

stirring the earth at the foot of a nearby tree, lasher deposited his catch and covered it shallowly enough that a wolf nosing about for prey would be able to see it. murkwater eyes cast about to spot the shadowed form of peregrine moving through the trees. a soft chuff escaped him and he lengthened his stride, intending to greet the sable leader if his advances were welcome.

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3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He'd nearly reached the clearing when he saw movement between the thinning trees and noticed Lasher standing beneath one with freshly turned soil at his feet. Peregrine acknowledged his subordinate, then motioned for him to stay put as he finished his trek to the edge of the rendezvous site.

Instead of waking his slumbering family, he dropped the slain rabbit at the vale's edge and then pivoted, diving back into the trees. He padded up to Lasher, his head and tail held higher than the other male's and a small smile arching his lips. The Alpha had enjoyed their initial hunting venture and was keen to repeat it soon, possibly even now.

"Morning, Lasher. Do I smell...?" His eyes dropped to the earth, followed by his nose. He sniffed, then lifted his head and nodded his head. "Thanks, my family will make use of your gift. Let's walk this way." Moving fluidly, the swarthy Alpha male led Lasher away from the rendezvous site.

"They're asleep, else I'd introduce you," Peregrine shared as they walked. He paused, mulling about something, then thought out loud, "I'll actually probably wait a few days. My mate and I just broke up and it's been tough on the kids. Once the dust settles a bit more, I'll make a point of making sure you get to meet the others," he finished, recalling that Lasher had met Junior.

They walked a few hundred more yards before Peregrine stopped and turned to face his companion. "How're you settling in?" he asked conversationally, charcoal tail swaying side to side.
i was born to the witch boleyn
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Ooc — ebony

lasher heeded peregrine's gesture, and walked somewhat behind the male, away from the place where the children slumbered. eventually gliding to the devil's side, he pursed his lips in contemplation of what was revealed. cutting ties with one's mate was something foreign to him, which was not to say that he had surrounded himself with vastly conservative creatures, but that the witches he followed either did not have mates, preferring instead a swath of consorts, or remained celibate. therefore, he had nothing to say directly toward the knowledge that peregrine had separated from the female who was, presumably, also the mother of his children. or perhaps not so presumably.

i will be pleased to meet them, whenever you decide, he said softly, body loosening from hierarchy-enforced tension; peregrine was friendly enough, though their first meeting had left lasher with little doubt that the jet male would make a savage foe indeed. i am well. i have not yet found a den; i am more used to sleeping in the open, or in caves, he admitted, recalling the mazework of rocky dens upon tartok's mountain. i am sure i will find one before long.

his eyes met those of his leader briefly, perhaps holding them a heartbeat longer than was courteous, smitten as he was by the gems peregrine had turned upon him. and how do you fare? taltos inquired gently, returning his gaze to their path. he doubted that the other would share with him the intricacies of what had happened, and he awaited no sordid details, simply a drop of a tone or a word that would allow him to know what it was peregrine felt in this moment.

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3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
"My family recently relocated from a den to a rendezvous site," Peregrine shared. "I can't decide which I prefer, personally. I liked having shelter from the elements but it was pretty cramped, what with three adults and four pups living there..." For the moment, it simply didn't occur to him to elaborate on this remark or define his particular relationships with each adult and child in question.

Lasher asked him how he fared and Peregrine cocked his head. "I feel great this morning, actually. The separation has been hard but, this morning in particular, I feel like everything will work out okay. I guess I'm in an optimistic mood." His lips twitched.

Looking around absently for a moment, Peregrine's eyes eventually returned to Lasher's face. Once again, he was aware of their similarities. Perhaps narcissistically, Peregrine observed that the lanky male was handsome. The jade eyes set against the dark chocolate backdrop was especially pleasing to the eye. I hope I look as sexy, Peregrine joked to himself, then realized how homoerotic that sounded and uncomfortably batted the thought away.

"Have you met anybody else yet?" he wondered, speaking perhaps a bit too loudly, as if trying to drown out that awkward inner voice.
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony

as peregrine spoke, lasher recalled the brief, hot passion he had experienced with eismitte. he had felt the same lust toward siku, but he had worshipped her body, never touched it. the properties and rules that seemed to govern a formal mateship evaded him, and while he felt a sting of sadness for that which had given his leader hardship, he did not think he would pair himself with another. these thoughts, of course, were left unvoiced; he drank in peregrine's words with a little nod.

i do not like sleeping outside in the snow, but the rain can be cleansing, he mused, longing suddenly for a summer thunderstorm to rack the land. but i also do not wish to be crowded, the man murmured, eyes flashing with amusement. it occurred to him to sidestep caution and press his muzzle against the side of peregrine's proud ruff, veiling the gesture in a show of solidarity rather than one of intimacy, but again, such brazen thoughts were locked away quite swiftly. this was not tartok, and peregrine was neither siku nor eismitte.

no one yet, save for yourself and your daughter. i have been resting and hunting. i am not a social beast, not immediately, though i do look forward to greeting the rest of your wolves. he took several paces in silence, murky eyes pensive. and daringly enough, words slipped from him unbidden, brash, perhaps unwarranted, and holding an obvious undercurrent of suggestion: have you?

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3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Lasher's touch surprised him and made Peregrine feel uncertain, though only for a second. Instinctively, he waved his tail to show his acceptance of the friendly gesture. They were pack wolves, something which the Alpha male tried never to forget. These days, he used his tongue to do most of his speaking, though he hadn't totally overlooked the more fundamental method of communication: body language.

As if to remind himself to behave more like a wild wolf, Peregrine arched his neck slightly and nibbled at bridge of Lasher's muzzle, a companionable gesture. He then withdrew, his ears twitching as Lasher answered his questions. Lasher did not possess a very thick accent, yet the hint of it was rather pleasing to the ear, not unlike the juxtaposition of his irises and pelt was pleasing to the eye.

He didn't immediately understand Lasher's question, though comprehension dawned a second later and tugged a short bark of a laugh from him. "I've barely parted ways with my wife," he answered, only for his black ears to press forward guiltily as he thought of Fox. In hindsight, he'd gone to her, flirted with her, much too quickly. And if not for Ty's abrupt appearance, who knows might have transpired between them?

"I won't be entering any serious relationships any time soon," Peregrine said. He couldn't explain why but he felt a camaraderie with Lasher already. That, and of course he was as curious as any other Alpha would be. "How about you? Any great romances in your life, Taltos?" He couldn't say why he used the name, except that perhaps he just wanted to show Lasher that he'd been paying attention.
i was born to the witch boleyn
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Ooc — ebony

he was not expecting a return of the affectionate gesture, but his ears folded back and eyelids fell to half-mast below peregrine's gentle ministrations. having been alone for such a span of time, taltos had quite forgotten how much he had craved physical affection; his was a spirit not content with being held at arm's length. he gave a low, noncommittal sound at the devil's statement, but another relationship was not what peregrine needed at the moment.

i have loved one man and one woman in the past. she was my leader, a savage sort. i would have loved to consort with her, and yet i was content to merely worship her, my witch. and he was my packmate, a lover of both my soul and my body. i grieve them, but i will love again. whether or not it is reciprocated is of little consequence to me. he loved instantly the dance of his second name upon peregrine's tongue, and his eyes glowed with pleasure as he beheld those of his leader.

i loved them in my time of grief, he said simply, and their bodies, their affections, helped me to mend. i did not need the formality of their love, or their pledges, merely what they offered. he paused, taking a thoughtful breath. perhaps they used me, or i them, but in the end, it mattered little, peregrine, for we were all whole at the end of it.

this time, he did not pull his eyes away immediately; he allowed them to meet those of his companion boldly, though his stance was deferential as not to give peregrine the impression of challenge.

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3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Lasher spoke frankly of one male and one female lover. Peregrine swallowed at the mention of the former and shifted his weight. He didn't know what to make of same-sex pairings. He didn't understand them or their purpose. If he was being honest with himself, he found them a little disgusting... at least in regards to two men. When he pictured two ladies getting together, the mental image didn't bother him so much as tease him.

Shaking his head as if to clear it, Peregrine admitted, "Your approach to lovemaking is very different from what I've experienced. Before I came here, I associated mating with reproduction and regarded the entire process almost clinically. When I first met Hawkeye, I offered to be the father of her children; she was the one who wanted romance and partnership," he recalled. "Then I fell in love with her... and out of it nearly as quickly. Our children were borne out of love, though, and maybe because of them, I still believe in it and want it for myself again someday."

He let out a breath, his dark brow furrowing. "I hate to be crude... wait, who am I kidding? I love being lewd," the Alpha male quipped, albeit with an edge of sincerity. "But what's it like? I mean, did you... copulate with the male? Or was it more a matter of the heart than the body?" He felt a little embarrassed but his curiosity was genuine, which was evidenced by the cool fire in the gaze which clung unwaveringly to Lasher's face.
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony

he listened, appreciating the explanation of peregrine's words and the honesty therein. for a traditional man, the ebon leader was careful with his words, and curious, not rejecting out of hand a pairing that would have never resulted in children. he was silent for some time after his leader had finished speaking, ending with an inquiry that led lasher into contemplation.

children were never the end desire of my couplings, he said simply. i am fond of them, but had i found myself the sire of offspring, i would have been obligated out of duty to remain with their mother. this i would have done without hesitation, and loved whatever children came from that love, as you did, but ... perhaps you are a better creature than i. less selfish. he glanced to peregrine as he spoke, knowing fully that if the devil allowed him into such sanctums as mind and heart, the issue of his body, the children he had sired, would be equally set upon a pedestal in taltos' mind.

i did, he answered softly. our was a passionate lovemaking. it is different than lying with a woman, lasher explained, his gaze returning to the glow in peregrine's eyes.a female body is softness and curves, and gentle cries, a submission to a male's passion. to be with a man is to embrace a body much like your own, hardness, steel, and you meet one another with the same violence, instead of one yielding to the other. there is no yielding between men, only a fight for dominance, even in the dimmest of chambers.

a gentle sigh broke from him then, a rueful thought of eismitte. but in the basest of senses, it is much the same. one will take, and one will give. between men, however, there is the opportunity to share the roles of he who gives and he who takes, as there is not with a woman. ears flicked in the male's direction, and he fell silent, wondering what peregrine was to make of all this.

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3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Lasher's story coaxed a quiet heh sound from Peregrine's throat. "I'm sure Hawkeye would beg to differ," he murmured to himself. Honestly, the Alpha male knew he was selfish for breaking things off rather than forcing them to work. He would rather he (and Hawkeye too) suffer the temporary heartache of a dissolved union than the lifelong resentment of a loveless marriage. And then there was the kids to consider... Peregrine liked to think his decision had been selfless in that light.

The ocher male spoke so eloquently of homosexual lovemaking that Peregrine felt only minimally disquieted by the description. Before he could stop himself, he asked, "You put your dick in his butt, don't you?" Although he would never usually bat an eyelash at his own crass vernacular, he winced slightly and said, "Sorry, I mean... I don't mean to be blunt but is that really how it works? How can that feel good for the dude on the bottom? Call me morbidly curious..."
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony

whilst he had spoken vaguely, as not to unnerve peregrine, the other was blunted. laughter! lasher exclaimed, a wry expression tugging at his eyes, the edges of his lips. he was bemused by his leader, and the naked way that such a pairing was described. indeed, you are correct. and as for how it feels, how do you believe the women you have held beneath you felt during your coupling? brazen though this may sound, i doubt you have ever held an unwilling lover, or one who was unimpressed.

his eyes glimmered with amusement, and a genteel hint of desire. it is the same for the man who receives. the sense of penetration is the same, i believe, the same pleasure, the same clasp and shudder at the moment of climax. i have been the one there — that is what i prefer — and i tell you, it is no more painful or unpleasant than it would be were i a woman. it is none of those things, in fact. it is a blinding pleasure, and one more addictive than i care to admit.

he kept his eyes trained upon peregrine; he could not envision the jetfurred protector of the plateau as taking the same position he had beneath eismitte, and that was a vision that inspired lasher to new heights of mental bliss, being taken by one who knew not the true power and pleasure of such a pairing.

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3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
I guess I should slap a "Mature: Language" warning on this bad boy...

"But," Peregrine protested, then fell silent, letting Lasher finish before continuing, "It's supposed to be exit only, whereas pussies were made for bangin'." He didn't even realize it consciously as he slipped into even coarser slang. "And childbirth," he allowed.

"I don't mean to be offensive," he went on after a moment. "I just can't imagine that having a dick rammed up my ass would feel very good. And while I can see how it might feel the same as a... vag for the guy on top, won't he get shit on his dick?" His voice went up an octave or two as he voiced this thought aloud even as it occurred to him.
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
holy shit i can't breathe

at peregrine's vulgar outburst, lasher laughed. his was not a mocking sound, merely admiring of his leader's salacious language. when the mirth had passed, he wiped tears from his eyes with a crooked knee. ah, i had never thought of such things before, but you do raise valid points. while the orifice of a woman is made for congress, and subsequent childbirth, it is also made for pleasure, and therein they are similar, men and women.

you do not strike me as one who would immediately enjoy a ... dick being rammed up your ass, as you put it, lasher murmured. that is not an experience every man who enjoys men will undergo. it is clear to me that, in such a situation, you would be the one who gives.

as for the excrement, i can say that is an issue that has never in my experience arisen. i imagine it would be much the same if the female of your choosing did not cleanse herself beforehand, but those with many lovers are usually wont to attend to their hygiene assiduously. his eyes sparkled with mirth, and it was on the tip of his tongue to offer peregrine a learning experience of sorts, but he did not, instead settling for the lewd suggestion of, of course penetration is not the only thing that can be shared. there are other pleasures, and a woman may perform them also, but who better to know the body of a male than another male?

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3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Only when Lasher threw his own words back at him did Peregrine realize his use of graphic slang. He smirked a tad sheepishly while listening to the male's reply. He took all of the Alpha male's inquiries in stride and, much to Peregrine's relief, he did not seem offended. Conversely, he appeared to be amused, which made the crooked grin on the swarthy leader's face broaden somewhat.

"Damn straight," he said without thinking when Lasher pointed out that he envisioned Peregrine as a top. "Not that I'd do that. But hypothetically speaking," he felt the need to clarify.

He quirked an eyebrow at Lasher's assurance. He didn't really buy it. The reason Hawkeye had never shat on him, for instance, was because he'd never stuck it in her ass. They'd copulated frequently, particularly in the beginning, seeking (and finding) sexual pleasure. Eventually, they'd come together for greater purpose: creating life. Always, they'd done it in the same exact manner and position, the way Peregrine thought nature intended.

Peregrine considered himself a sexual creature, yet he'd barely ever contemplated trysts outside the man-behind-woman mold. For this reason, he found this entire conversation very weird but intriguing, especially Lasher's most recent comment. Blankly, the Alpha male stared at the Lambda. He was ignorant but he was neither stupid nor unimaginative.

"Are we talking about licking balls right now?" he questioned in a deadpan voice.
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony

he hummed in answer, though a sly expression crossed his face at the thought of changing peregrine's mind. however, it passed, and he turned his attention toward the dark male's inquiry. yes, lasher trilled, and the licking of members, as well. a man would be more skilled in that than a woman, do you not agree? have you ever had it done? he asked, maintaining a straight face of his own as he posed a question of his own.

there was a part of him that doubted that peregrine had experienced such, for his view of lovemaking was quite limited, but the leader's constant inquiries formed a hopeful flicker in lasher's mind.

the green-eyed male exuded a confident sensuality that was not lost upon taltos, and despite his obvious misgivings over a masculine pairing, lasher was drawn to him all the same.

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3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Peregrine made a quiet choking noise. "Uhhh... no," he replied with a loud blink. He let the silence linger between them for a few beats, then wondered aloud to himself, "If I had, would that make me gay? I mean, if I was on the receiving end, specifically..." His voice trailed off and his eyes, which had grown glassy, suddenly cleared as he rolled his dark shoulders.

"Why, are you offering?" he suddenly shot at Lasher, feeling a bit hot under the collar even as the words (meant as a joke) sprang from his tongue. Although Peregrine didn't judge Lasher's preferences, he really did find this topic awkward and a little gross, if he was being perfectly honest. Still, he felt strangely hot and bothered. He decided to chalk it up to the fact that they'd talked about vaginas as much as penises.

Still, in that lingering second before Lasher, alias Taltos, procured an answer, the Alpha male couldn't help but recall the Lambda's words upon joining. He'd offered himself and whatever Peregrine would require of him, no questions asked. Sensuality had never even crossed the leader's mind, though now that he'd learned more of Lasher, Peregrine couldn't help but wonder if he would actually offer sexual favors...
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony

i do not think so. i do not find myself under such a title, despite the fact that i have engaged in activities with men. i find that i still prefer each of the sexes, for different reasons. he was enjoying the conversation, meeting each question that peregrine posed with calm, though the next inquiry caught him off guard.

there was a second of hesitation, while taltos considered what his answer might mean for the budding companionship betwixt himself and peregrine. eyes traveled to the leader's own, and he held them for a long moment before he rejoined. that would depend upon your receptiveness toward an offer, the spirit answered softly, his words suffused with amiability.

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3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Although Lasher spoke in an eloquently indirect way, Peregrine understood an offer when he saw one. It kind of thrilled him but he quickly said, "Nah, man," trying to inject both firmness and casualness into his voice. "Nothing against you or anyone else who likes licking dongs or getting their dongs licked by other dudes... it's just not for me." Despite his words, he felt intrigued. He also felt slightly discomfited and enormously ready to change the subject. He'd arrived at his comfort threshold.

But he truly liked Lasher and saw no reason to end the conversation, so Peregrine paused a moment, then asked, "So, why exactly do you have two names, Taltos?"
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony

he dipped his muzzle to peregrine, accepting the statement. he had not thought the other would hearken to his invitation, though it remained between them all the same. still, there was a small sting of regret that peregrine had not taken his offer, for the very thought indeed was titillating to lasher.

my first witch, deborah, gave me the name lasher. she said i stirred the wind around her into a lashing fury. truly, i have many memories but i do not know from whence they come. it was told to me that i am a spirit, borne into many bodies, and doomed to seek another once this mortal vessel dissipates. whether or not that is true is anyone's guess.

he paused. taltos. taltos is an epithet given by those who do not understand me. i bear it with no shame, however. perhaps it means, in another tongue, what i am; body-snatcher, body-thief. but even if i am not these things, and only mortal, and possessed of no immortal spirit, i will still retain the name. i have come to like it.

lasher offered a gentle smile to the jet male alongside him. peregrine, osprey. you favor the predators of the air, yes?

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3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The words Lasher spoke (witch, mortal vessel, body-snatcher, et cetera), combined with the soft accent and whimsical timbre, were exotically alluring to Peregrine. He listened attentively and was surprised to learn that Taltos was meant as an epithet. In the Alpha male's head, it had already become something of a special nickname. Lasher had seemed to enjoy its use, so Peregrine decided he could continue to use it without offending the male.

"My mother, March Owl," he replied in an explanatory tone, "loved all things to do with birds, particularly raptors. She founded the Flightless Falcons, which thrives to this day, though she's since passed. Myself and my sister, Osprey Sr., were named for Mo's siblings, our aunt and uncle. I named my daughter for my sister, who is my closest friend." His insides ached when he spoke of his absent sibling. "My children's mother is called Hawkeye Raptor, so the theme comes from her side as well," he finished with a flick of his tail and a cant of his head that invited more questions, more conversation.
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony

he listened gently, giving a soft nod at peregrine's explanation. he wondered where the devil's sister was, for he had not heard talk of her in the plateau, though he knew the man was possessed of a brother who frequented the borders. the devil invited his words, and taltos gave them willingly enough. you say children. there are others besides osprey jr? he asked, knowing well enough the difference betwixt plurality and singularity — it was a means for peregrine to tell him how many others, instead of allowing himself to guess at such things.

my family, those i deem such, have names in a tongue called french, but i do not know it by heart. julien was one such. an interesting man. i daresay you would have liked him. he was much like you. save for his male lover, lasher added silently to himself, as they had left that part of the conversation rather behind.

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3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
When it came to his kids, Peregrine could (and often did) talk for hours. "I have two biological daughters: Osprey Jr. and Tytonidae. I also consider my great niece and nephew, Saēna and Pura, my children. Their mother, my niece, died in childbirth. The three of us raised the four pups together. It's a pretty unorthodox arrangement, especially now that Hawkeye and I are no longer together. I guess you could call us a modern family."

The conversation moved onward and away from Peregrine's children and that was all right because he might've never stopped talking. "French, huh? I think I have some French in my blood. My mother disowned her biological family as a youth. They were the DeMontes." He paused, one onyx ear flicking, and asked, "Oh, yeah? What's he like? Or what was he like...?" he corrected himself belatedly, shooting Lasher a questioning look.
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony

the arrangement for peregrine's biological children, and the ones he was raising with his former mate was not one that lasher felt qualified to comment upon, and so he merely nodded. they are blessed children to have a trio so dedicated to them, he said softly.

falling silent, he thought of how he would answer the dark wolf — there was not a correct way to describe julien. heady, passionate, crazed, loyal — these were all attributes that could be pinned upon the frenchman, depending on who was speaking of him in that moment. and yet he had been free with his tongue, watchful and loving toward his children, a quintessential patriarch till the very end.

he was a father of many, and not just to those who shared his blood. julien mayfair was artistic in his very being, in his words, which could lull and soothe as well as cut. he was at once both gentle and savage, and beautiful. too beautiful for a man, it was said. taltos gave a soft laugh. you remind me of him because you are strong, and because you are proud of what you have created without simpering over its creation. you are existent in your power and your status, as was he, and you define these things. you are not defined by them.

<style type="text/css">.lashertop {color:#120801; font-family:georgia; width:498px; background-image:url(''); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#585f5f; border:1px solid #000000; border-top:none; padding-top:200px; margin:auto; border-bottom:none;}.lasherbottom {background-image:url(''); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom center; padding-bottom:200px;}.lashertop p {text-indent:25px; padding:0px 5px;}.lashertop b {color:#0c231b; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:0px 0px 5px #87b5a5;}</style>
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Peregrine listened for Lasher's reply with genuine interest, yet he did not expect the flattery to follow. He felt himself flushing, at once delighted and slightly embarrassed by these flowery descriptors directed at him. Surely, Lasher did not know him very well if he thought so highly of Peregrine.

I'd like to change that, the Alpha male found himself thinking, his inner voice surprisingly fierce. He swallowed, feeling a little bit discomfited by his own interest in getting to know Lasher better, then pushed the feeling aside.

"Well... thanks for the words of praise, Taltos. I hope I'm half as wondrous as you make me out to be." He smirked gently. "I hope that I don't spoil your good impression as we get to know one another better," he added, his dusky eyes meeting Lasher's briefly as if to say, But I hope it happens. Soon.

For now, though, Peregrine felt himself edging in on some uncomfortable feelings about himself that he must dissect at some other point in time. Presently, he wanted to resume his hunting and his good mood before his own introspection could put a dampener on everything. Though he would love to linger here, chatting with the striking ocher male, it was time for him to be on his way.

"Hey, I have to get back to my duties. I'm sure I'll catch you again soon, Taltos," Peregrine said, waving his dark tail at the other male and then turning, a light smile playing on his lips as he walked away into the woods.