Emberflame Ridge Champagne and rolled-up notes.
148 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
All Welcome 
Since the attack that splintered his family, Elysium was quiet. At times, painfully so.

He'd been reluctant to ask his mothers to venture someplace new with him, introduce him to new sights and allow him the opportunity to sample their local territory. Sundance spent weeks trying to find the confidence to break that uncomfortable silence, request that Olive forgive herself for what happened to Ariel, but he absolutely did not wish to see her sad.

When finally the boy gently made his request, she of course agreed to accompany him. She chose the destination and her son followed willingly, wondering why he'd been so fearful of asking for such a long time. He loped along behind her with an enthusiastic stride; if Olive was reluctant or sorrowful that day, she did a good job masking it.

The evening was comfortable, and a cool breeze swept over the ridge as the she-wolf and her cub meandered through its fiery foliage. Sundance pressed on ahead, nose to the ground and white-tipped tail lashing excitedly at his backside as he padded carefully after a large black beetle.
b l i n d i n g
2 Posts
Ooc —
the storm had moved on. and as always, they followed close behind.

the color has drained from the world and everything is pale, the earth they walk on is ground that has not been soiled by the disastrous touch of those things. what they were would forever remain a mystery to them. their hackles hold the very soul of the storm betwixt them as the blessing takes hold, their steps hold purpose in them as the wind guides them slowly up a ridge.

crackles of leaves beneath their paws echo through the gales, their ears attune to what seem to be steps: they are light, quiet, and curious in their nature. coming to a rather abrupt stop, their tail flicks left and right as their nose is turned towards the sky, taking in small wiffs of whatever may be close by.
148 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
He moved on ahead when the beetle vanished among the forest debris, frosty blue eyes seeking something else that may hold his interest. His tall ears swivelled atop his crown, taking in the sounds of beating wings as starlings picked at fireflies above and... the approach of another creature?

Sundance paused, lifting his head in attempt to peer over the taller grasses in search of a source. Pawsteps fell silent abruptly and, eager to see who they belonged to, the young Shakti blinked over a feathery shoulder to assure himself that his mother was close by before he stepped softly between the trees.

A ghostly pale form stoo before him its narrow snout thrust skyward as flared nostrils tested the air. Sundance paused to watch, powder gaze wide with quiet wonder as he compared this delicate animal to his own kind. There was something wolfish about its shape, but he was sure he hadn't seen anything quite as beautiful.

"Hello?" Sundance called out gently, eager to better investigate but too fearful to venture closer.

b l i n d i n g
2 Posts
Ooc —
the scents carried through the air are unfamiliar to them; never had they smelt something to weirdly similar to their own self yet vastly different in ways that make it intimidating to approach. rustling noises come from the trees surrounding them and their ears swivel about, trying to find the source of the noise. letting their eyelids in, they allow the rest of the world to melt away in order to focus on the source of the rustling...


their tail sways against the leaves, gently scattering them across the ground beneath them as they listen to the whispers of the clouds and sky and earth, the whispers of the voices to direct them to the source... their eyelids let up and although they are unable to see the creature before them they draw their paws the slightest bit nearer-- a tiny voice breaks through the sudden silence of the air and their ears perk upwards, their tail relaxes as they greet the stranger with no words but rather a small and inviting yelp. although they are wary, the curiousity they have for the world around them is overpowering.