Ah, now here we are!
Valentine stared out at the shore with a smile. Spires of rock and limestone cut to perfection by years of the sea’s craftsmanship. Below them sat all too familiar pockets of water.
He turned back to his nameless companion.
Has anyone ever told you about tidepools?
valentine is occasionally accompanied by a gull named Teka
February 18, 2022, 09:20 PM
ooc; Thanks for starting! Also, I low-key love that they do not know each other's names, even now.
Here they were, indeed.
Diaval looked out into the ocean and soon felt the familiar dizziness. He looked away quickly, not wanting to seem even dumber in front of this male by tripping or falling over. His companion was far more enthused with the location than Diaval was but the boy put on a smile, anyway. He wasn't alone and he might get some food - he had many reasons to be happy! His tail wagged gently behind him.
"Ah, no. I haven't really seen the ocean...like, at all. Not until I came here." Was that weird? Was the ocean something everyone knew about and he was just too slow or sheltered to realize it?
Here they were, indeed.
Diaval looked out into the ocean and soon felt the familiar dizziness. He looked away quickly, not wanting to seem even dumber in front of this male by tripping or falling over. His companion was far more enthused with the location than Diaval was but the boy put on a smile, anyway. He wasn't alone and he might get some food - he had many reasons to be happy! His tail wagged gently behind him.
"Ah, no. I haven't really seen the ocean...like, at all. Not until I came here." Was that weird? Was the ocean something everyone knew about and he was just too slow or sheltered to realize it?
February 19, 2022, 01:04 AM
LOL yeah val is really not the name giving type I’ve noticed
You’ve been missing out then.Valentine sighed into the air. He pitied the wolves born inland sometimes. They’re like songbirds stripped of their voices, clipped of their wings, and caged behind bars of thick wood. It is only on the vast outstretch of sand where a wolf knows true freedom. He’d witnessed them finding that freedom many a time.
A beach can provide many things. Tide pools in this instance. And where there are tide pools, there is free food. Catered by the sea herself.
Valentine trotted up to one of the pockets of water and peered into it.
Ah, here’s a deep one. If you poke around in there you might find something worth while.He glanced up at the man with a grin.
Just hold your breath and be careful of crabs.
valentine is occasionally accompanied by a gull named Teka
February 19, 2022, 06:02 PM
"Tide pools..." he repeated, looking at the small pools of water around them. Did they still taste like salt? He probably couldn't drink from them. Hm... But that wasn't why they were there. He followed obediently as his companion trotted to a particular tide pool and began to instruct him...to put his head in. Diaval was starting to believe that this wolf was crazy or maybe just plain weird...which was a nicer way of saying 'crazy', really. Was this another euphemism that he didn't understand? The guy seemed serious enough.
"Uhhh...but-" he cut himself off, looking down into the pool. "What is a crab? And..." Well, to be frank, he didn't want to stick his head into the water. He'd wadded a bit into the ocean when he'd arrived and not only did it almost drag him out to sea, it also left his fur dry and itchy. He didn't want to say that, though - he was very sure that was rude. "- what am I looking for?" he finished, feeling an anxious dread crawl into his stomach the longer he looked at the pool.
"Uhhh...but-" he cut himself off, looking down into the pool. "What is a crab? And..." Well, to be frank, he didn't want to stick his head into the water. He'd wadded a bit into the ocean when he'd arrived and not only did it almost drag him out to sea, it also left his fur dry and itchy. He didn't want to say that, though - he was very sure that was rude. "- what am I looking for?" he finished, feeling an anxious dread crawl into his stomach the longer he looked at the pool.
February 19, 2022, 08:12 PM
A crab is a little beast with claws they use too pinch any poor soul that gets too close. They are sort of like… spider. If spiders had shells.The man was already hesitant, it was plain to see. That description probably wouldn’t give him any more more motivation to do anything, if he had any to begin with.
Valentine chuckled.
But don’t worry your pretty little head. Most of them are small enough, they don’t do much damage. The pinch is just a nuisance is all.
Other than that you may find clams, sea stars. Even a fish or two. They’re not much on their own, but spend some time gathering it all up and it makes a fine meal for the day.
valentine is occasionally accompanied by a gull named Teka
February 20, 2022, 10:13 PM
"Ew." he said reflexively when the wolf said that a crab was like a spider. He knew spiders. For the most part, they didn't do much but he had watched one eat once. It was creepy, how still it was...and then how it was suddenly too fast to see until it had its prey. Diaval hadn't felt the same about the small, strange-looking creatures since then.
So, they hurt you but not really? The greyscale boy hardly even noticed the term 'pretty', becoming accustomed to how the other wolf talked. He was just...weird. He didn't like the idea of any pain but if he said it didn't hurt...well, fine. Diaval was growing weary of the whole thing. He had thought they were coming for a fish but there was so much more to it than that. As the other wolf listed off several creatures that Diaval also did not know, the boy shook his head.
To back out now would be extremely rude. He didn't know what was going on. He was just going to do it.
"Uh, okay." he said in a voice that made it sound like it was not okay. He stared into the pool again and, after a moment, began to lower his muzzle into it. He got to his eyeballs before he backed away, shaking his head. "No, no...I just...maybe I shouldn't..." how the heck was he supposed to get out of this? "C-can you just...get it...?" he asked, some misery creeping into his voice.
Now he knew he was being rude and ungrateful.
So, they hurt you but not really? The greyscale boy hardly even noticed the term 'pretty', becoming accustomed to how the other wolf talked. He was just...weird. He didn't like the idea of any pain but if he said it didn't hurt...well, fine. Diaval was growing weary of the whole thing. He had thought they were coming for a fish but there was so much more to it than that. As the other wolf listed off several creatures that Diaval also did not know, the boy shook his head.
To back out now would be extremely rude. He didn't know what was going on. He was just going to do it.
"Uh, okay." he said in a voice that made it sound like it was not okay. He stared into the pool again and, after a moment, began to lower his muzzle into it. He got to his eyeballs before he backed away, shaking his head. "No, no...I just...maybe I shouldn't..." how the heck was he supposed to get out of this? "C-can you just...get it...?" he asked, some misery creeping into his voice.
Now he knew he was being rude and ungrateful.
February 28, 2022, 09:15 PM
The man was in no hurry to dip his head into the pools, hesitantly from the fearsome crab no doubt (Valentine chuckled at the thought). Or perhaps it was the newness of it all. Whatever the case may be, he stalled above the water then pulled away at the last moment.
With that, Valentine stepped to the edge of the pool and took a moment’s pause to study what was below its surface. After spotting a dark blot clutched to the wall, he dove in nose-first. He reemerged with a small cluster of muscles and dropped it at his paws.
Nervous?he teased with a warm smile.
Don’t worry, I can do it.
With that, Valentine stepped to the edge of the pool and took a moment’s pause to study what was below its surface. After spotting a dark blot clutched to the wall, he dove in nose-first. He reemerged with a small cluster of muscles and dropped it at his paws.
Hm, not fish but it will do.Valentine slid to his belly and nudged it towards the man.
Here! Try it. You have to open the shell to get to the meat.
valentine is occasionally accompanied by a gull named Teka
March 04, 2022, 06:47 PM
Diaval was relieved when the male relented and dove his face into the pool instead of him. It came with a heavy, thick dose of guilt, however, They swirled together until he felt almost dizzy with confliction. But he was hungry and he was lonely...
Though what was dropped before him did not look like food.
He stared at it, confusion shifting the color of his mood once again. Distraction worked well to soothe him and he let it, if only for a moment.
The other wolf slid to his belly and, somehow, Diaval felt further pacified. He did not recline with him, still too tightly wound to sink onto the earth. His head lowered and sniffed at what looked like a rock with mild fascination. It smelled like salt and meat, though a bit weird. He had expected nothing, yet the aroma was actually compelling.
"Open the shell..." he muttered to himself, opening his jaws and closing his teeth around them. He bit down, feeling grit, and the rocks fell apart, breaking into separate mussels, apart from their cluster. He dropped them immediately and frowned, glancing at his companion. "Just...bite them?"
Though what was dropped before him did not look like food.
He stared at it, confusion shifting the color of his mood once again. Distraction worked well to soothe him and he let it, if only for a moment.
The other wolf slid to his belly and, somehow, Diaval felt further pacified. He did not recline with him, still too tightly wound to sink onto the earth. His head lowered and sniffed at what looked like a rock with mild fascination. It smelled like salt and meat, though a bit weird. He had expected nothing, yet the aroma was actually compelling.
"Open the shell..." he muttered to himself, opening his jaws and closing his teeth around them. He bit down, feeling grit, and the rocks fell apart, breaking into separate mussels, apart from their cluster. He dropped them immediately and frowned, glancing at his companion. "Just...bite them?"
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