Jade Fern Grove Silver Sheen of Shacklebrook
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Inkeri was often watching the youngling while Sanja did what she needed to do, or moved about. It was clear now that Sanja was expecting. So many babies she was helping with. Perhaps she should consider caretaker thread for littles.

She would go to and fro with @Ethan, making sure he was taken care of. Food runs, and new bedding and guard duty. So much so, that she was beginning to look a little ragged, but she was also unable to focus on her own issues, and for once in her short life, her mind was quiet. Her stutter still sounded. Her mimicry.

She needed to bring @Lucius here, he would like them and she was fairly certain Sanja would allow him to stay. They needed bodies. Though she wasn't entirely certain. If he would allow.

Tags for reference. All welcome.

merry and bright
43 Posts
Ooc — H2O
Neon has been traveling inland more so than usual. Despite the fact that she was never a big dweller of the beach and the sea, she enjoyed the taste of fish and the smell of the salty fog. something about it pleased her and fulfilled her in an unexplainable way.

however, the adventure so far has been plentiful for the noble. the woodchuck family she had managed to stumble upon was a test of her hunting. they were fast, moved underground, and probably had a better sense of predicting things than she. and after a tumble in the loose dirt and a failed first attempt, the girl holds a smaller and younger woodchuck within her teeth. this one was a lucky catch, as it had an injured leg and thus had a harder time escaping.

she hadn't settled to eat yet, as she was looking through the endless ferns for somewhere comfortable. crickets chirp quietly, though they grow silent when her heavier footsteps grow near. upon her walking, she can see an unusual color glimmer under the breaks of light from the grove. grey and black, and ivory too. 

as neon grows closer, she offers a polite chuff as her plume wags behind her in a friendly manner. who was this pretty girl before her?
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-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri had never been to the sea. She could hear it sometimes. When they have traveled close. And she had smelled it at times. Salty. Briny and a bit bad. She hadn't liked it and had buried her nose into her sister's fur.

Inkeri had been hunting the forest and meadows for any prey to fill the caches. They would need it come winter, especially with so many mouths to feed. She was responsible for so many lives. Not her alone, but she had taken the burden upon herself. Why? Even she couldn't answer that.

Inkeri heard the chuff and her first instinct was to curl upon in herself. But she decided at the last minute not to. She probably looked a fool, startling just a bit as she did. Then easing back into a ready stance.

mmm. Hello. her accent thicker on her tongue than usual, a direct result of the surprise she had just had.

merry and bright
43 Posts
Ooc — H2O
the girl stiffens upon the approach of neon, and in hopes of not frightening her anymore, she takes a tentative step backward. her tail stops wagging for a moment, though when a greeting is offered, neon returns to her happy sway. her ears stick forward when she can hear the upward swing of her tone, hinting that she perhaps hails from a place where a different tongue is used.

"didn't mean to surprise you," she says politely after setting down the groundhog by her feet, "do you live here? you probably weren't expecting drop-ins." a little laugh at the end escapes her because neon has the habit of laughing at her own jokes, whether they're funny or she's diffusing tension. if neon were to be a person, she would add 'lol' after every text message to avoid coming off cross.

the girl was smaller than her, but she couldn't deny that she was beautiful. the sweeps beneath her eyes really brought out the emerald hues. neon was happy to see more colorful irises in her travels these days.
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-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This one gives her space. And Inkeri finds she is appreciative of it. She has met so many wolves lately, it is becoming overwhelming for the shy she wolf. So used to being near her sister. Winding herself around her sister. Never leaving her side. There is a dull ache there now. Inkeri wags her own tail, once, twice.

Inkeri can't help the smile that falls off her lips. This one is musical. Lyrical. her laugh like bird song. It is beautiful. That is okay. okay. Her mimicry making a habit of showing up. She looked down quickly, not wanting to see the shame of her problem winking back at her.

I am Inkeri.

merry and bright
43 Posts
Ooc — H2O
a little hum when she hears the name. inkeri, something that neon has not heard. strange to the noble, but perhaps something of beauty to her homeland. neon knows better than to judge something she knows little about. with two tails wagging, neon held onto high hopes with this conversation. it is not often that you find friendly faces in such a consistent string; she was grateful that inkeri would be her third in a row.

"you have pretty eyes, inkeri." flattery was often a good way to build a bridge, right? however, neon's shameless words were always stemming from the heart. she was never a good liar anyways, so everything had to be true from her mouth. "when others meet me, they think i'm a devil because of mine," a bubbly giggle and shake of the head, "who knows, maybe they're right."

"but devils wouldn't share their food, i don't think. would you join me for a bite?" a little nudge of her paw against the carcass at her feet.
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-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was a soft sound from the she wolf in front of her. Not unpleasing to the ear. It was her foreign name she imagined. It was not as pretty as some of them, but she was not to exist. Inkeri had met many nice wolves so far. There were probably some that weren't but thus far it was all nice.

Inkeri blushed and looked down. Thank you. You. She did like her eyes. One part of herself she didn't hate. The patches and the two tone fur, clear her parentage for all to see.

Inkeri made a soft sound. Surely not. You are nice. Nice. Angel, maybe not devil.

Inkeri looked down at the small creature. Though she had eaten, it seemed rude to deny. And it wasn't very large anyway, so it wasn't as if it would make her overly full. She nodded.


merry and bright
43 Posts
Ooc — H2O
pleasantries are easy to exchange with this lovely creature, neon was pleased she would be able to share a bite with her today. groundhogs were not large animals, so thankfully the larger lady had good luck tearing the thing into shareable pieces. it was gristly work, staining a shimmering white coat with red, but at least there was a reward through these meticulous tasks.

she tosses the other half towards inkeri and settles down into a laying position, situating the kill between her limbs so she can firmly grasp it. hopeful pink eyes look towards the girl in an inviting manner. "I've never eaten groundhog before, have you? i like to think they might be akin to rabbits."

a ginger bite finds itself in the flesh, and thankfully neon is not repulsed by the taste. however. she wondered about what her guest would think of the meat. her agreeance to even join the noble was enough to quench the questions of neon, though the girl still does wonder.
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-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri was unsure about all the small talk. It was something she was not used to, but had been doing much of lately. She thought on her sister and wondered how proud of her Anja would be. That she was learning to be better. The she wolf in front of her, quickly rent the prey beast to pieces and offered her some.

Inkeri shook her head. No, to tricky. Tricky. Pop up and down. Stare at you with dead eyes.

Inkeri settled to her own belly. Her cream and black fur mixing in with the dirt. She would have to get some of the knots out later.

Inkeri took a small bite and was surprised at teh taste of it. It is....sweet. Sweet. Like Berries, but not like berries.....Tangy, kanskje?

She realized her slip and shook her head. Sorry I said Tangy and then a word....when it isn't quite so, but it is something and you can't remember. Remember. Ah yes. Maybe. Maybe. I said Tangy maybe.

merry and bright
43 Posts
Ooc — H2O
her commentary has a few repetitions here and there, though neon doesn't think much of it. maybe it's something she just does, or perhaps she's secretly adding emphasis to words and neon is simply too much of a buffoon to understand it. either way, she continues eating.

though, the mention of a foreign word catches her ears forward with a slight head tilt. then a big grin settles on. "you can speak something else besides English?" she asks curiously. surely an accent would give it away, though again, neon tends to lack the skills in observing things quietly.

"i love it, it's hard to find others who are bilingual." her tail thumps against the dirt in a happy rhythm, "what is your language called, inkeri?"
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-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri was well aware of her repetition, and though she hated it. It was something she had never been able to fix. She knew it was from fighting to be seen and not hard, but there was a part of her, that still felt small. Despite that she had begun to spread her wings.

Inkeri looked down shyly and nods her head. I am still learning to speak English. my native language is Norsk

Inkeri enjoyed her language, wished more spoke it. She missed the way the words could dance off her tongue. Here it was hard to remember how to say this and that, and some meanings were still lost on her.

You speak something else too? Too?

Norsk umm Norwegian.

merry and bright
43 Posts
Ooc — H2O
her ears twiddle with fascination, another wolf who can speak in tongues. the noble was excited to hear this! norwegian, what a strange name. perhaps it was somewhere close, or maybe somewhere far away from these wilds. either way, neon couldn't be a better set of ears to listen to.

"norsk, that's lovely." at the question of her own language, neon's tail is thumping loudly against the dirt. "i can speak Latin, latius, and German, deutsh." both languages were relatively common at home, though one parent preferred german and the other latin. truly, it just depended on the preferences of the speaker. 

not knowing the supposed language of the land was hard, so maybe neon could make it a bit easier. perhaps even help inkeri feel a little at home. "would you teach me a word in norsk, inkeri? just something simple. i'll teach you something in german. it would be fun to speak in your native tongue, i hope."
[Image: giphy.gif]
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri wasn't entirely sure where her language came from, or even fully the historical significance of it. Except in terms of Kvitravn and even some Svart. Two pieces to make her whole. Though it was all really hard and difficult to explain not to mention that it made her nervous and sad.

Inkeri wagged her tail. Thank you. You.

Inkeri's eyes grew wide. So many languages. I only know Norsk and Common, and my common is not good. Good. On a bad day. day.

Inkeri still stumbled and the more upset she was the thicker her accent and the more readily her language came to her. Lilting and dancing from her tongue of twists and turns.

Inkeri furred her brow and nodded. How about. Thank you. Simple. Yes. Yes. Thank you is Takk skal du ha.

merry and bright
43 Posts
Ooc — H2O
a word of gratitude, that was simple enough! neon would listen closely now, trying to remember the word and think about how she can best say it without butchering and insulting inkeri.

neon goes slow. "t-takk? sskuul d-du ha? no, no that's not quite right." no that wasn't right, it sounded off. a shake of her head, she tries again. "t-t-tak. ssss-skal. du. ha.perhaps she was secretly imitating a snake with the second word, but it sounded better than the first attempt. a bit choppy, but hopefully not sloppy.

neon looks towards inkeri, awaiting judgment. and soon after, she would share her word. "thank you, danke." neon liked how straightforward her language was in the sense that it was just one word (though the fact that one word could also have 5 different meanings often made it difficult to speak). german sounded different from norsk, and neon couldn't deny the beauty she found in inkeri's voice when speaking.
[Image: giphy.gif]
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Neon was an avid listener. It made Inkeri blush a little to be paid attention to so closely. She smiled sweetly and waited to see how the other woman would do.

Inkeri leaned forward and tapped her on the nose gently. You did well for your first attempt, better than most. It is almost right. Takk Skal Du ha. She made the vowels a little sharper and the words a little further apart to share. To show.

Inkeri wagged her tail. Danke? Daaankay? Was that right, it didn't seem right a small furrow began in her brow, and a little pout on her maw as she tried harder. Danke.

merry and bright
43 Posts
Ooc — H2O
a bubbly giggle escapes the noble's mouth at inkeri's words. not to embarrass the girl but instead to find joy in sharing her language with others. with a solidifying nod, neon gives inkeri a charming smile. "you did it, practically perfect." neon would have to brush up more practice on her norsk, but for now was simply happy with the fact that she was 90% there. that's an A in her book!

"german is a deep language, many struggle through sounding things out." this was a compliment to the other woman. and for a moment, neon simply thinks to herself. in a way, it makes her a bit homesick to be speaking the mother tongue. it almost felt like a secret language between her and her family, as it was a secluded tongue in the area of their home. most creatures spoke English instead of anything else. "speaking deutsh makes me miss home a little. does inkeri miss her home too?"
[Image: giphy.gif]
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Her giggle was infectious and a tiny trill of a giggle fell from Inkeri like a song. She bowed her head, her pretty eyes snapping happily. It was nice to laugh with someone, she had not laughed in some time.

Thank you, Neon.

Inkeri's brow furrowed at the girl talking of her family language. Norsk was similar is that veing that it was deep and hard sometimes, especially to learn. Though the next question asked, made her tuck her tail a little.

Inkeri shook her head sadly. It was not home. Home. For me. Scary. Abusive. But It makes me miss my sister Anja.

merry and bright
43 Posts
Ooc — H2O
it hung heavily on the heart of neon to hear that home was not an inviting place for inkeri. neon must be lucky then, as most wolves she had gotten to exchange words with appear to come from complex backgrounds. perhaps she ought to be more thankful for her parents simply liking her (rather than being frustrated with their constant nags of her becoming better).

the mention of a sister, beloved by inkeri it seems, helps sway the conversation a little. "i hope you will embrace her again soon."  neon had too many siblings to keep track of in her head, none of which she remembered being particularly close to. but maybe one day she would learn the importance of having a close familiar connection like inkeri does to anja.

a deep breath leaves her body, thinking and pondering as the meat breaks down within. "where does inkeri go now, after this?" 
[Image: giphy.gif]
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri's brief thoughts went to home and a shudder racked her again, buts he shifted quickly and tried to force it from her mind. It had not been her fault she was learning now, that her parents had done something they weren't supposed. But really why did itmatter who they had fallen in love with.

Ink nodded her head. Me too. Too. Sister of my heart. Heart.

Inkeri's mind went to Anja's gentle face and eyes. The way she always helped her, and the gentle way she handled her vulnerable sister. Now she was gone, and guilt ate at Inkeri, she had been unable to help her sister's vulnerability.

Inkeri smiled and motioned towards Stone Circle. We are forming a pack that way. Kvarsheim.

merry and bright
43 Posts
Ooc — H2O
an interesting name for the group, but perhaps it reflected the wonderful tongue of inkeri from her home and sister. neon wonders about the location, what would that land entail for the group? even more so she had to think if there may be room for her in the future. eventually, seasons shift and the noble would rather not find herself alone in the dead of winter.

"kvarsheim, huh? if it has you in it, it must be good then." with her meal now gone, neon returns to sit up and stretch with a small shake of her coat. "i'd like to see you again soon if you wouldn't mind. would i be welcome there, at kvarsheim?"

while friendship was something neon always fought for, she preferred to not lose her head because she went looking for someone. hopefully, while the borders would be protected, a visitor would be welcome. and perhaps, a potential recruit if the stars did align.
[Image: giphy.gif]
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was not Inkeri's language that had made the name of Kvarsheim, but more so Sanja's. Though, they were familiar enough that Inkeri was learning to speak it more fluently.

Ink blushed and bowed her head. You are welcome to visit and there would be room would you like a home. Home.

Inkeri smiled with her green eyes and dipped her nose down. Just call for me at borderline. I will come and accept.

merry and bright
43 Posts
Ooc — H2O
last from me! if neon isn't settled anywhere by winter, I'm hoping to send her inkeri's way <3

then it was settled. neon would make her pilgrimage back to inkeri, should nothing hold her from doing so as the seasons change. neon was never quite sure where her next adventure would lead her, though she was hopeful it would mean finding others who were kind like inkeri. in a way, it reminds her of a sister, like a big doting sister always looking out for her younger siblings. 

"I look forward to the next time I see you, inkeri. i hope you are well until I come to visit." her plume sways behind her in a cheerful manner, and now neon offers the sweet Norwegian girl one last smile before turning to start a new direction. 

with a new friend and her belly full, neon could be seen practically skipping away.
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-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
354 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ink Will take her :D <3

Inkeri watched her new found friend leave, a warmth in her belly. She had made a new friend all on her own. She hadn't even mentioned her sister all that much. It was all on her own merit. It filled her with a gentleness of spirit she wasn't used too.

I do as well. Well.