@Moonshadow Set on 2/7/2024
It had been at least a year since Spruce Pinebreeze had seen a single other wolf. His goal as a lone wolf was to find the Sunspire mountains. Ever since he was a young pup, he had been told stories of the Sunspire. He was told of the countless adventures that his own parents had experienced. He recalled that there were several other packs at the mountain, and so he was heading there now to meet them, or so he hoped.
Now, he stood looking up at the majestic and magnificent peaks dusted with snow thinking about whether his parents were telling the truth. “Could there really be other wolves that lived here?” He thought. There didn’t seem to be a single soul. He didn’t hear anything except the harsh winter wind going up the sides of the mountain.
Without realizing it, he had walked all night. Shafts of morning light broke through the peaks lighting up the surrounding vegetation. A scent was suddenly smelled, but Spruce couldn’t figure out what it was. Knowing that whatever it was couldn’t bring him any more harm, he called out to it “Hello? My name is Spruce Pinebreeze. I have come here looking for the Sunspire Mountains seeking refuge. Is there anyone out there?”.
February 05, 2024, 11:28 PM
Her heat was not over but she definitely was certainly one of her many trysts had worked. Now that she was finally done she could actually hunt which the three times she had, her scent brought men to her. The gods were definitely favoring her in that way and the woman hoped it would bring her children, oh how she longed to be a mother again. Only time would tell and surely within a few moons she would be able to tell. She trekked along the mountain and came across a wolf who had spoken to her she believed. “Hello.” She said in response and swayed her tail mimicking his. “There is no pack here I believe.” Surely she hadn’t smelt anyone.
February 06, 2024, 12:09 AM
She was the most stunning wolf that Spruce had ever seen in his entire life. All the way from her stark black fur, to the cute little scar on her eye, she radiated strength and prowess. Her grayish green eyes shined like a a smooth wet stone from a river.
Spruce was caught off guard from the sudden engagement from the female wolf. He stammered, stunned that he met another wolf. “He-hello! My names Spruce. What’s your name?” He said.
Then, Spruce smelled the most heavenly scent. She was in heat. “Oh no.” He thought to himself, “Keep your act together. I know I want to be a father, but she probably already has a mate.”.
Without even thinking, in a heat driven fog, he asked “Are you single?”. He blushed, realizing what he said.
February 06, 2024, 12:42 AM
The wolf immediately responded to her and she smiled at him. “Hi nice to meet you, my name is moonshadow.” She was fully taken off guard by his next question of which he blurted out but she gave a small nod but how could she tell this man she’d already coupled with some other wolves. Though she wouldn’t mention all of them, she didn’t want to be frowned upon. “I do not have a mate, however I may be with pups it’s too soon to tell.” She wanted to start any relationship whether it be friend or more with honesty. The woman was too old for lies.
February 06, 2024, 01:29 PM
"Sorry if I was too blunt," Spruce said, "I just haven't seen another wolf for the past year." He had tucked his tail between his legs and had his ears drooped down from his embarrassment. "This is not the time or place for these kind of thoughts. I need to seek shelter and food." He thought to himself.
Confused about the fact that Moonshadow hadn't seen any other packs near here, he asked "Are you sure? My parents said that there were so many wolves that there would be a fight for territories every day! And you're saying that you haven't seen a single other pack?" In either case, do you think you could spare a meal and a spot to rest?".
February 06, 2024, 01:43 PM
She was curious as to how it had been that long since he had seen another but that could be a discussion for another day. “It’s not a problem. I’m sure you were just excited.” Surely she would have been if she was in the same ordeal. “I haven’t been able to sniff out a pack for a while but there used to be some I remember but it has been a while.” She was just about to hunt before he came along. “I’ve been occupying Blackfeather woods for the time being I am without a pack.” Though she thought back to haizel and his offer for his home.
February 06, 2024, 02:03 PM
"Well since I'm here, let me do something useful. Could I help you out with a hunt! Are you in need of some fresh meat?" Spruce unexpectedly got excited at the idea of catching a fresh kill with another wolf. His tail started to wag on its own as a grin crept along his face.
He desperately wanted to get to know this wolf better. She seemed to be incredibly smart and beautiful.
February 06, 2024, 02:13 PM
she hadn’t had a meal since the hare she devoured a few days prior and the woman knew she would have to keep herself fed and prepared for the moons to come so she nodded softly. “Yes that would be wonderful.” It would be easier with two and her tail wagged and matched his own. “I smelt a lone deer up that way.” She pointed up with her nose in its direction.
February 06, 2024, 03:19 PM
"Perfect!" And without another word, Spruce put his nose to the ground and sniffed to see where the deer had went. Just from the scent alone, he could tell that the deer was a female, about 2-3 years old. This was the perfect deer for a hunt.
He had genuine fun as he expertly followed the scent up and down steep slopes. He had the urge to mark several times as he was tracking the deer, but had to remind himself that this was Moonshadow's territory and not his.
Eventually he and Moonshadow finally saw the deer. It was near the edge of a cliff. Both of the wolves were hidden in some neighboring shrubbery about 20 meters from their prey. He was trying to hide his pride at finding the doe so easily.
Whispering to Moonshadow he asked her "So what's your game plan? You want me to go after it first to slow it down?".
February 06, 2024, 03:34 PM
The deer was near the edge of the cliff and she had to be careful cause in a panic deer were quite dumb and she didn’t want it to chuck itself off the cliff. “You stay here and I’ll run up the side and drive it towards you.” Should be simple enough the she wolf thought. It looked weak perhaps that’s why it was all alone no matter she waited to see what her hunting partner wanted to do.
February 06, 2024, 03:58 PM
Spruce was a little distraught that he wasn't going to be the one to lead, but nonetheless thought that it was a good idea.
"Sounds good, but Just be careful. I can't lost someone I just met!" He chortled quietly. His heart was pounding from the adrenalin. He watches as Moonshadow slunk into the darkness on the walls of the mountain. He admired how sneaky she could be staying in the shadows. "This must not be her first rodeo." Spruce thought to himself.
Another stray thought crept into his head as he watched her. "Could she be the one? Have I finally found someone that I could spend the rest of my life with?" It hadn't even been a day and he was already considering his options. For now, he put himself back in the present and waited for the attack.
February 06, 2024, 04:33 PM
She chuckled softly at his remark before she took off to the animals side and rushed to get behind it and the deer sprinted towards her hunting partner. The spooked animal reared up and the dark woman was quick to avoid getting kicked by the deers flailing legs. She snapped at the animal hoping to grab some and pull it down.
February 06, 2024, 07:04 PM
Running after Moonshadow, Spruce made his way up to the doe. He saw that she was struggling to find a good place to attack. "Moonshadow, grab the thigh! I'll go towards the neck!" Spruce said.
Not waiting for Moonshadow, he sprinted over and leapt straight up towards the neck of the deer. He could feel the neck muscle and tissue rip apart as he sank his massive canines into its flesh. What he didn't realize though, was that they were still really close to the edge of the cliff. The doe being afraid, kicked wildly and twisted its neck which knocked off Spruce off. Spruce flew in the air landing only a couple of inches away from the edge of the cavern. One of his hind legs slipped off, but he was able to keep the rest of his footing.
"You are one nasty little bugger, aren't you?" He muttered to himself.
The deer was now bleeding out, exhausted from the excursion. It looked like it needed one more bite to finish it off. He yelled out to Moonshadow "Looks like it just needs one more bite! You got this?".
February 06, 2024, 09:38 PM
She wasn't able to grip anything but her hunting partner was able to grab a part of her neck and she could smell the blood aroma in the air. It was then that she saw him almost go over and she held her breath scared. He ended up being okay but the deer ended up practically killing itself and she gave the animal one final bite down to end the animal's suffering. The metallic liquid surged through her mouth. “Here have the first bite, you earned it. “ The woman hadn't done much.
February 06, 2024, 10:25 PM
Spruce ripped a part of the leg and gave it to Moonshadow, while also ripping a piece of the throat for himself. "We both deserve this win." He said to her.
He dragged his piece over, so he could sit next to her. He looked out over the chasm, the sunrise illuminating the surroundings with a light pink and orange hue. Moonshadow looked absolutely stunning with the light on her.
Doing away with pleasantries, Spruce started eating his chunk of meat. He savored the metallic taste of blood as it dripped down his chin. It was was his first meal in several days, having only had a spare rabbit or squirrel to satisfy his hunger.
He took a moment to let all of this newness to settle in. He had a new place, a new wolf, new food, and so much more. He wasn't alone anymore!
He waited for Moonshadow to finish, relishing this moment.
February 06, 2024, 10:51 PM
She could feel her hunger getting satiated with every bite that she took of the deer they had felled and it felt nice to have more than rabbit or goat. Her tail swayed behind her happily. Her heat was almost over she was positive she was with pups all was well. Now she would have to keep herself fed as well as find a pack that would accept her with her future children. Oh but what if no one will allow her to join? She thought.
The dark woman chased that thought from her mind. She then looked at her new friend. “So where are you from?” she questioned.
The dark woman chased that thought from her mind. She then looked at her new friend. “So where are you from?” she questioned.
February 07, 2024, 12:34 PM
"I'm from the Pinetree Ridge." Spruce said matter-of-factly. He was trying to hide the fact that he was uncomfortable talking about his past. Nonetheless, he continued "Its a place far from here. It had the greenest trees and the best sunsets. I thought that it was the most beautiful place. Now that I'm here in Sunspire though, this place takes the cake.".
He looked over to her and asked "What about you? Have you always lived here?".
February 07, 2024, 04:24 PM
Her ears pricked upwards at the name, it wasn't a pack she had recognized. Perhaps it wasn't from here and as he continued to speak the woman was right it sounded like a beautiful place. “I used to be in a place called Blackfeather Woods it's not too far from here.” She pointed her nose over in its direction
February 07, 2024, 04:32 PM
Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself to ask a question which he was pretty sure she would say no to. "Thank you so much for you kindness today. I have one more huge favor to ask. Is there anywhere where I could rest? I haven't had a wink of sleep these past couple of days and it would save me some time and energy. I completely understand if you can't." In all honesty, he really wanted to get to know her more, but he was afraid to say it to her face. He looked sheepishly at her when he asked.
February 07, 2024, 04:39 PM
He asked about a place to sleep and the woman had no clue where a decent spot on the mountain was. “I was planning on traveling back towards the woods soon.” That’s where she wanted to be or at least close to it, she didn’t want to be in these mountains too long. Too many bad memories from shadow mountain here. “I’m unsure of any near here. If you’d like to sleep now I can keep an eye out?” She questioned.
February 07, 2024, 06:29 PM
Spruce perked up. Maybe he could ask her if he could follow along? "Would it be okay if I joined you? See I’m looking for a pack, and since you're by yourself too, maybe we could find a pack together. What do you think?” He was definitely nervous. When would he meet another wolf, especially one like her?
February 07, 2024, 07:06 PM
She smiled at the offer and it hadn’t been the first many had asked her to join them. “I don’t see why not.” She said with a smile on her muzzle.
This time she felt good about it because it wasn’t out of obligation of the potential babies. “If we find a pack that would allow me and my potential children I’d be happy to join a pack with you.”
Companionship could be nice, she had remembered the she wolf who had helped with her last litter and it was nice to have someone around.
This time she felt good about it because it wasn’t out of obligation of the potential babies. “If we find a pack that would allow me and my potential children I’d be happy to join a pack with you.”
Companionship could be nice, she had remembered the she wolf who had helped with her last litter and it was nice to have someone around.
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