Blacktail Deer Plateau You and me
97 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 

Rhonen dtepped from the den of their parents. He should probably look for his own. But the thought of leaving anyone was sort of like a sick feeling in his belly.

He tilted an ear forward as patch eye looked abou.t tracing where the snow was beginning to melt and some early buds were pushing from frost and snow. It was pretty here. Even if he missed the vale
30 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
A small chuff escape the girl as she trailed out of the family den after her brother. She had been quiet upon their arrival in this new pack, uncertain how she truly felt about such a seemingly sporadic decision.

While her honeyed eyes fall upon her litter mate, she pulled her gaze from him to study the more rugged but still inviting terrain of the plateau. Wanna go explore?
97 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue eyes settled on his sisters grey form as she moved from the den. She was as quiet as he was. Deja being the one that was most exuberant and extroverted. And Rho loved him for it. But there was a special place reserved for his only sister.

He followed her gaze wondering what it was she was looking at. He made a soft hum in his throat.

ooookay. Wwwherr ttto?
30 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Rhonen was up for some exploration—and the girl cast him a cheeky grin before indicating with her muzzle to move onwards.

That’s all anyone could do, she assumed, when put in a totally different situation and territory than what they had grown up with. Her heart ached for the vale—and as she began to trot toward the stone and grass terrain of a steeper hill, an ink-dipped ear flicked back toward her brother, ensuring she heard his footfalls.

“I don’t think I like it here,” she confided to him quietly.
97 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen would have gone anywhere his sister led. As the only girl in their family she deserved more attention than others. And he preferred her quiet solace and lack of judgement.

Rhonen too missed the vale. The little places he had searched out and loved.  His footfalls were heavy and cumbersome. The size of his breadth large and hulking like that of their father, but with none of the hardness.

He moved closer nosed her side. Wh wh why? Iii fffind iiit dddifficult ttto sssettle.
30 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
“I just…” She trailed off—uncertain how to explain it. Deja was running off, making new friends… Nicco was barely seen. Mama seemed sad, and Daddy seemed tense. “I just miss the Vale.”

She chuffed a soft sigh, her tail waving in the cool air behind her. She gave the hint of a wry smile to her brother—her darkened paws moving with silent grace. “Maybe we just need to find a place here that’s our own—like the Vale used to be.”
97 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen knew sort of how she felt. Their mother wasn't happy here. Their father was always watchful, though Rhonen wondered sometimes if he had always been like that. He would need to ask their mama. 

Mmme Ttto. Th Th the den anand the gggarden.

He listened with Keen interest. Eyes lighting up with delight and he stepped closer to his sister to nudge her gently. oookay.
30 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Wanna do a fade? Have something more up to date, maybe?

Mama’s garden. Lotus remained pensive a moment, the memories she held of the specific place revolving around her mother doting and nourishing what she could of it—the sadness that had played in Meadow’s eyes when she had departed it a final time. Her lips pursed—she gave a solemn nod.

“C’mon,” she murmured, offering her golden brother a half smile, and luring him to explore parts of their new home.

If they never looked around, they would never feel at home.
97 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sure :)

Rhonen remembered briefly the vale. He missed it like a missing limb. You knew it was there, but you lesrned to function without it.

Rhonen would follow behind. Keeping an eye on his sister and the surrounding area. As the only girl he was quite protective of her.