Profile of Ipiktok: Quick Facts
Played By: Lieu
Basic Info
Full Name: Ipiktok Balerion Sveijarn
Zodiac: Leo
Subspecies: wolf
Size: Large, Stocky
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 0 (August 14, 2023)
Birthplace: Stavanger Bay, Teekon Wilds
Profile of Ipiktok: Details
[Image: i9WABnb.png]
solemn · trustworthy · judgmental · moral · righteous · steady
mountain man, aloof big brother, magical native american, responsible sibling
ISFJ; The DefenderLawful Neutral

9 Months Old: Ipiktok is a tawny, agouti male wolf with a pelt that ranges in color from pale cotton to rich shades of biscotti and hickory. The pattern of his coat will resemble a mule deer's pelt, including a light-colored tail with an inky tip. His eyes are bi-colored sun-gold and kelp green. He had become a large and athletic adolescent, with fur longer than the usual wolf's.

Name means of “keen, sharp”

He will be interested in warrior and shamanistic arts.

Likened to: Mufasa, Chief Powhatan, Ned Stark
Rhaegal x Vairë

Salaksartok, Nasamiituuq
Born August 14, 2023
Pack History
Aug 2023 — Oct 2023
Oct 2023 — present
Profile of Ipiktok: Additional Information
Registered on August 10, 2023, last visited June 29, 2024, 02:56 PM
6 months — 1 year: Adolescent

Pups enter a period of slow growth between 28 and 51 weeks, and by now they are nearly indistinguishable from adult wolves. During this time the pups will begin to readily travel with the pack and will actively hunt. Dominance and submission behaviours will become more intense during this time as pups vie for their place in the pack. By 9 months, pups are fully integated into the adult hierarchy, but they still have a lot of maturing to do and adult wolves may not take them seriously for many months longer.

Equivalent human age: 11 years — 18 years
Art Credits
avatar by mixedhearts, profile image by lieu
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