Ravenshook Cliffs Death mittens
3 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
Pssst maybe @Billie?
The Medeiros peered over the cliff's edge, gauging the distance between it and the water with a momentarily thoughtful expression. Yeah... She said under her breath. Yeah, good enough for government work. Which really just meant that she was gambling with her life again, but that was old news by now.

Piper took several steps back, glancing over her shoulder with tail held high as if to check for an audience. Usually there was none. But she was always quite happy to be watched on the rare occasion someone stumbled across her! So whatever she found, in the next instant she was flying forward to launch herself off the low cliff and into the waters below with an echoing whoop of joy.

Now to see if she survived the drop!
14 Posts
Ooc — siv
She was not fond of the climb and the stones, but she thought that there might be a reward at the end.

Maybe food. Maybe a swimming spot worthwhile. In her wildest dreams she liked to imagine there was a bed. Soft and comfortable, awaiting her aching joints.

Up there! Someone!


Billie balked for only a second. This was a fun swimmer who had seen a chance and took it. She rushed (in a rather unbecoming waddle) to where the stranger had jumped from. Then peered down below.

A series of excited barks escaped her before she could even think to speak proper.

Her paws a tip-tap-tip-tap as she debated sending herself after the stranger.
a mostly carefree and experimental character :)
3 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Regret set in immediately as Piper hit the water with a startled yelp. She could already feel the bruises forming. More pressing than that, however, was the way the air was knocked from her lungs — only moments before she plunged into the water. Shit. Fuck. Shit.


Oblivious to her audience, the Medeiros flailed blindly in the water. She might have yelled for help if she'd known anyone was watching. Instead what she yelled, between dying, was FUUUUUU -

Hold on. Okay, resuming —

14 Posts
Ooc — siv
Billie knew that sound.

Typically it was accompanied by something breaking or a shift in moods. Was this a shift in mood? Her barks had silenced as she stared down, trying to make out the figure. She was not sure if she could make it out with the motion of the waters and her beginning-to-fail sight.

How bad was it?

How far was it?

Her impatience had her front paws nearly hanging off the ledge as she crouched.

Then she was falling. Into the water.

Hardly the image of grace as she did it and for the moment, she forgot entirely about the other animal in the depths below.
a mostly carefree and experimental character :)