Herbalists' Cache Bury The Hatchet
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He nodded, snatching the branch from Pepper and placing it on the ground. Using his claw he pulled five from the bunch that the other had brought over.

"Take those for now. That should be good enough."

He decided with a firm nod.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Five didn’t seem like a lot, but he trusted the wolf’s judgement. 

He ate them all in one go. The taste was just as sweet as it was bitter, and he wrinkled his nose, feeling his mouth become wet with fresh saliva. 

They were difficult to swallow, but he did so, wishing he’d had water to rinse the flavor out. 

He had to sit with it for a moment, wondering if his stomach was about to reject it. But all that came up was a burp, which reminded him of the flavor. 

”’scuse me. It’s rough on the way down,” he said, giving a sheepish smile.
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"I've sat through worse."

He grunted, pushing the rest of the berries aside. Now he just needed to deal with the leech problem.

"Right, moving on - leeches. Where are they?"
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He gave a wag of his tail, appreciating Phobos’ willingness to move past it. 

”More like where aren’t they. Fuckers are all over my legs, probably some on my chest too. We were wading through mud for hours.”
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Well on your back then." He said. His tone and expression were calm, but he wasn't being completely serious - mostly just teasing. He did need him to lay down though.

Removing leeches could be tedious, but he usually made quick work of them. Then again, most wolves knew better than to wade through a swamp so there wasn't always this many.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Pepper hesitated momentarily. He didn’t like showing his belly to others. It was too vulnerable. But, aside from being a little shady, he had no reason not to trust the wolf. Unless the berries he’d been fed were gonna poison him. 

But he felt fine. Other than his stomach feeling odd. Nothing bad, though. 

”Right,” he said, rolling over. He’d never laid like this for anyone other than his old mate. It felt weird.
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"I wasn't being serious - I thought you would complain more."

He snickered, standing to approach Pepper. It felt oddly satisfying to be above him for once in their interaction.

"Sit up if you're uncomfortable, it really doesn't matter as long as I can get to them."
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
”I’m that bad, huh?” he chuckled. He knew he’d been known to complain. Or at least make his disdain for a situation known. He was too tired for that now, though. And the cool forest floor did feel nice on his back. 

He figured it’d be easier for Phobos to get them like this, anyway. 

”I’ll be aight like this. My paws are killin’ me, anyway.”
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He stared for a moment with an odd expression, as if he thought he knew something that Pepper didn't. He moved on a moment later, laying down to begin removing the leeches.

It wasn't the most pleasant process, and it was definitely repetitive; press his tongue to the leech, carefully remove it, lick over the wound, and then repeat on the next one he found.

He was being quite thorough; pushing through the thicker fur to check if any were hiding and avoiding pulling fur where he could.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Pepper, as stoic of a demeanor as he tried to put on, couldn’t help but giggle when the wolf began. His skin flinched beneath his tongue, not expecting the odd sensation. He quickly gathered himself, clearing his throat and making himself still. 

”Am I done for?” he asked, knowing the answer would be no.
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Oh maybe, but only if the HIV gets to you before me. I did say that the leeches spread disease."

He snickered, finishing up with his legs and moving on to Pepper's chest. He snuffled through the fur, grabbing leeches as he went and doing a surprisingly good job of keeping his teeth to himself.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Pepper didn’t know what that was, but he didn’t like acronyms. He’d trust he was safe. 

The wolf’s ruffling in his fur felt nice. He was tired, too, and figured he might as well loosen up a bit before having to walk back. 

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. 

The thought occurred to him that he’d need to do this for Leto. He’d really rather not, but he had no choice. 

”You know, I’d say you should take me out to dinner first…but,” he let a grin crawl up his muzzle. They actually had already done that.
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He hummed, giving him a light nip before moving. "Talking like that I'd think you're flirting with me. That would be something."

Removing the final leech he rested his head on top of Pepper. From the looks of his face he was rather pleased with himself - which he was.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Pepper’s chest flinched, that nip clearly not aimed at a leech. 

”Oh, you’d be so lucky.” he said, tail flicking slowly. 

”But yeah. You’ll have to excuse me. Been a day.” 

He felt the heaviness of the wolf’s head on his chest, but didn’t look up. He remembered nights like this, and if he imagined hard enough, he could imagine he was back home with him.
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"..It certainly looks like it."

He eyed Pepper's muddy paws, more than happy to be done pulling leeches from them.

"Your friend - are they young? Must have a lot more energy than you to be willing to frolic through a swamp like that."
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
”Hah!” he exclaimed. ”Yeah. I’m not one to point paws, but it was her idea.” 

Which was partially true. 

”She got it worse than I did, though. Her fur’s white. She looked like a different wolf comin’ outta it.”
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Poor girls fur was probably stained by now if she hadn't had a good wash. What a pain that must be.

"I can imagine the frustration. I suppose we're lucky in that sense."

He snickered, briefly shutting his eyes.

"She has to learn somehow though - we all do."
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
”Maybe. I know for a fact I won’t be doin’ that shit again.” 

He knew he should probably get going, but his legs didn’t work. And he didn’t want them to. He’d earned a quick rest. 

”So you just stay out here pickin’ mushrooms all day?”
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"That's what I was doing today, sure. But tomorrow I'll likely move on."

He said, tail flicking upwards. He didn't see the point of staying in one place for too long if he was on his own - there was much more to gain by traveling.

"I like to get an idea of what plants are in the area, that's all."
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He didn’t smell like he had a pack. Pepper wondered why not, as he didn’t look like he could take care of himself, and waiting on a larger wolf to show up in order to eat was really no way to live. But he’d ask anyway, just to be sure. 

”I’m guessing you don’t have a pack?”
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He frowned at the question. He didn't, but it wasn't by his own choice. Pepper didn't need to know too much though.

"I used to - but I left after a misunderstanding. I didn't have much of a choice."

He would need to make his way back into one soon. He was tired of eating scraps like a coyote - today had been his first proper meal in some time.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He was curious, but would offer the same respect he’d been shown about his injuries. 

”Sorry to hear.” 

He almost reminded the wolf that summer was almost over, and the food he’d been eating wouldn’t be around forever. He didn’t take the wolf for a hunter. But, he figured if anyone knew that, it’d be him, and Pepper wasn’t one to offer unsolicited advice. 

The thought that this wolf—a stranger, was currently resting on his chest hit him out of nowhere. He suddenly grew uncomfortable, like he shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy a moment like this. He needed to get back to Leto, anyway. 

”Ah, shit. I need to start headin’ back. Sun’s almost down.” 

He shifted awkwardly, trying to slide out from under him.
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Expertly taking the hint, he lifted his head. Maybe it was a bit insensitive.

"Safe travels, then. Maybe I'll see you again sometime."

He offered a smiled, curling his tail around his legs. Having something in his stomach had put him in a much better mood - but the companionship had been nice too.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
”Maybe. We’re headed west. If you go that way…just, go around the swamp.” 

The large wolf stood, then pressed his nose to Phobos’ shoulder. 

”Thanks,” he said, then picked up the sprig of berries and turned to leave.
194 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Ears perked, he couldn't manage to do anything but stare at Pepper as he left. He wasn't planning on it, but maybe he would have to go west..
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