Witch's Marsh i can be no good for you
47 Posts
Ooc — metic
All Welcome 
takes place before this thread

well shit. if one thing was certain, it was that sparrow was not a natural tracker. he'd managed to follow ma's scent up to the first body of water she'd come across and from there, it was a flurry of mixed scents. his little legs were not quite as quick as wren's and his nose not quite as experienced.

he refused to admit he was lost, still determined to find both of his mothers and return them home. where even was home from here? he spun around as if to try and pinpoint the direction from which he came, but nothing looked familiar. whatever, he'd worry about that later, first he had to find mama!

he stopped by a stream to quench the thirst he'd built up before continuing to press onwards in what he thought was the right direction.
14 Posts
Ooc — box

She had followed him, because of course she did. Sparrow couldn’t be the only one out here, out trying to save mom and mama. She galloped on still too large paws, following her brother’s scent out of the taiga and into a different place, a different area. 

She was panting, drenched with mud and marsh water when she saw him ahead. Phoebe ran the last few steps to his side, near ramming into him before she stopped.

Which way we going?

Because she refused to let her brother go alone.