Stone Circle Well
174 Posts
Ooc — Van
All Welcome 
AW - and also hoping for @Sven and/or @Ujurak!

Next were the wolves of Kvarsheim. The nicer of the two other packs in this valley, if what he’d been told was true, and he had no reason at all to doubt the veracity of Lestan’s claims.

For them, he brought a large fish from the riverwet moorlands: a testament to his willingness to brave the frigid waters for a gift. Keeping his distance from their borders, he set the fish down into a tidy arc and howled for an audience.
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
Humble not Meek
212 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven was never far from thr borders. He had begun to flit the trails hos father once had. Each step reminding him of who much responsibility he had. And who he was responsible for.

So it was with a gentle smile and miles of grace he met the man at the borders.

Hello you approach Kvarsheim. I'm Sven.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
174 Posts
Ooc — Van
i am sorry for hogging all your threads LOL

Who approached first was a young wolf, silver and slate, and not much more than a yearling by the youthful shape of his face. The boy had kind eyes, also, but stood with the presence of a wolf who belonged.

Winter’s Wake inclined his muzzle cordially. Ave, Sven. I am Winter’s Wake. The rogue brushed a paw over the fish. I bring a gift for your pack. It is my wish to foster good will between us. This would be slightly different than his introduction at Swiftcurrent, because he had learned of the leaders’ names from Lestan prior to arriving. By comparison, he had no clue who stood at the helm in Kvarsheim.

May I ask who leads here?
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
Humble not Meek
212 Posts
Ooc — Danni
never apologize it is fine, I don'tmind at all. And besides I have a lot of charies lol.

Sven was not yet two. But he had been leader now longer than when he had first been elevated alongside his brothers at less than 8 months old. And now. 

A dip of his head. A glance to the fish and the white paw that touched them. Then back to the face of a newcomer? A neighbor?

Thank you. It is a thoughtful gift for winter.

Sven lifted his head. A bit of his father's spirit he hoped helping him out. Myself and my brother Ujurak.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
174 Posts
Ooc — Van
Winter’s Wake appeared interested at the news that this young wolf was one of two leaders here. I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me.

The yearling was a quiet sort, who answered openly but voiced no questions of his own. It did not seem to be a lack of confidence. Perhaps a lack of experience? Yet, this did not seem accurate either. The rogue landed on the possibility that Sven was of a rare and trusting nature that most other wolves did not seem to have. He remembered keenly Arric’s interrogation, and swished his tail at the memory of being scrutinized.

This softness felt much less familiar to Wake. It was a struggle for him not to attempt to take advantage. I wish to raise a pack in this valley, he announced without further preamble. I have come to ascertain if Kvarsheim would be friendly or hostile to my presence here. I hope for a peaceable existence between us.
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
Humble not Meek
212 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Their numbers dwindled each day. And Sven was unsure if they could continue to keep the lands intact. He thought perhaps if Kvarsheim should fail. He may stay a lone wolf for a time. Like his father. Learn of all the packs and exist on his own. Then he couldn't ruin anyone or anything. He could just exist. 

You are welcome. he nodded sagely. Sven had begun to learn that thought he felt his kindness a strength there were those that would take advantage of such open kindness. He now needed to learn to find out who they were. 

Sven studied him. We would be friendly as long as you were. But we will protect our own if we must.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
174 Posts
Ooc — Van
That is generous of you, to be so accommodating. The rogue hadn’t anticipated much pushback from a pack known for its kindness, yet he still felt surprise at the level of magnanimity presented to him. I understand you will defend yourself. I would expect nothing less. In fact, if any of my wolves crossed a line with your Kvarsheim, they would have to answer to both of us.

Though certainly not above taking advantage of another’s giving nature, Winter’s Wake knew he would get further with these wolves if he did not abuse them. Sven’s compliance had earned Kvarsheim a great deal of good will in his eyes, and any wolf of theirs would be safe from his machinations until further notice.

I should like for you, and anyone interested in your pack, to join me for a snowring, if you are amenable to it. Wake smiled. In my culture, the time of bonding is when it is coldest. A snowring is made when we gather in a circle of two or more wolves and tell stories to one another to keep our minds warm in the gathering snows.
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
Humble not Meek
212 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven was a quiet wolf. he did not like to rock the boat and he preferred kindness to cruelty. However, he had learned at teh paw steps of his father that you could be kind and gentle. But you still had to stand up for what you must. And he knew this. Clear in the way the pack was beginning to fail. If they did not come up with something. ALl would be lost. 

I will pass the word along. We are not large in numbers. But you can bet that Iw ill be there to enjoy this.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
174 Posts
Ooc — Van
Eximius! Wake grinned. I shall return before the next full moon for our meeting. Is this amenable to you? He was eager to tell @Kirain of this plan, as she would likely be interested in attending the get-together with him. What do you think of coming together in the glade east of here? The tree cover will make for a more comfortable snowring.
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
Humble not Meek
212 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A soft chuckle and a nod. That will be fine.

He liked teh infectious happiness this wolf invoked. It was nice to have a less worry. To look forward to something of fun.

It is a nice place. I think it will suit our purpose well.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English