Shadewood the system is done for
~ the outsider ~
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There was no reason for the slender woman to find her way into the Wilds, except the thought that perhaps her wayward friend might have followed the same thought process she had. They're minds often fell into sink and this was only the most recent destination that brought pause to Lie's journey.

The trees had only just started to change color, and so the dense forest floor was surprisingly soft. The decaying leaves littering the ground had yet to grow brittle and crack under her paws. Lie found she liked the softness of each step, it made the stalking of prey easier. Not that she had caught the scent of anything in the last moment or so.

The journey was boring. She found that stealing and lying were not as much fun when committed in a solitary state. No. It was much more worth while when someone joined you in the fun. Alas Lie remained alone, her paws carrying along at a leisurely pace.

~ i haven't played that song since my wife died ~
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile

"common", "french" 1/5 posts