Barrow Fields but it turns out the way it does for everyone
◆If you want to, I can sHoW you, what my dReAMs are made of◆
47 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
A nod signifies he was taking in all the words she had offered him. She seemed to be pretty aware of the growing swell of beings coming to and from these lands - he had passed several on his way to seek a home to wreck.
This would be rather easy.

that was until she suggested he socialize with the scum of this new home of theirs. 

A gag near surfaced as his vivid imagination courted grossly intertwining with the happenings of these lesser beings. He had already socialized with the leader of this band- the underlings were the dirt between his webbed pads. But all that he portrayed at the advice was a curtly canted head and the confirmation. “With haste.” He had followed her, remaining as her left flank by a few hands of distance. Just out of reach enough for the banshee to require more effort to snatch him should she transform again. But with his growing ease, he felt the demon had been subsided for now. 

Turning to follow where her acidic gaze had drifted, he saw what she considered their borders to be. Plenty needed to be done, it seemed. 

Returning his inquisitive stare to her, he asked with curiousity growing in his own plans. “I assume those cliff dogs are who rose savagery against our own? I’ve seen quite of our own with fresh wounds.“. He needed to know as much as possible as far as both their own band and the ones they were against before he trekked off in any debauchery.
                            BrEaK bReAk BrEaK my minD,             
                            breAk it tiLL my TaLe unWiNds,         
                            fOrcE my thoUghTs ThrOugh Hell aNd BacK,
                            oR leAVe Me heRE aLoNe to DiE. 
Messages In This Thread
but it turns out the way it does for everyone - by Caiaphas - December 31, 2018, 01:49 PM
RE: but it turns out the way it does for everyone - by Loki Kyber - January 12, 2019, 01:32 PM