Wild Berry Meadow 距離
Swiftcurrent Creek
55 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!
All Welcome 
Slowly, she was starting to adjust to her injuries. It didn't make it any easier to breath properly, but at least she was starting to get more comfortable with the slow pace of her current life. Although she did miss bounding off to let out some energy, though. Who knew needing to rest most of the time could bore you half to death?

During her walk, Yuki couldn't help but ponder the tidbits from all her father's lessons. All she'd been taught so far was the basics on how to dress a wound and identify some herbs, but nothing much beyond that -- at least, nothing internal. Nothing like this, where she had to sleep things off. She wanted to be able to help Ash with his own wounds, just like he'd been taking the time to help her.

On her path, she'd stumble across a array of sugary scents -- come to find out she'd landed herself in a feild of wild berries. Which she'd begin grazing at without second thought, as her sweet tooth willed her to.
[Image: 85512331_sBCUc47O1EZtqNO.png]
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.
7 Posts
Ooc — Laur
He had spent the idle time since his acceptance into Moonglow mostly recovering, taking in the lay of the land, and observing its inhabitants. It was a busy pack, he had noted, but aimed to stay out of most others way for the time being. At least until he could get a better understanding of how they all ticked.

Today had him finally travel from the mountain of the Moon wolves and into the territories beyond – coming upon a yawning meadow smelling of berries and flowers. He had been searching for herbs to restock his wares, but sweet delicacies were also just as useful under the right circumstances.

Another had found the field too, and Quentin spotted the stranger up ahead, a starkly monochromatic form amongst the verdant green. The man moved closer, noting the subtle, hitched movement of her sides as she breathed. An injury?

"I see you too have been tempted by spring's harvest," he said, flashing a smile and adopting a relaxed demeanour as he sauntered forward in hopes of not scaring the girl.
Swiftcurrent Creek
55 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!
Raspberries -- she remembered the name now. Whenever the girl's father would take her and her siblings out on one of his foraging trips, these were the the same bushes of velvety berries that Yuki would always run to. A sweet taste with a slight yet pleasant tang -- and there were plenty of them in these very feilds. Indulge as she might, though, there was yet another wandering the lands who was soon noticed. Yuki raised her head and licked the fruit juices from her jowls, taking sight of the approaching steps.

I did not notice you approach. Hello! A chipper smile to match her company's own. He was an older man, with disheveled grey furs -- though you could say it was the scars that drew her attention the most. The snowbird had not known where this man came from, but she was only happy that she was no longer by herself. 

Her tail swayed behind her, content to see yet another new face.

Ah, have I made it too obvious? She said with a sheepish grin, pressing a forepaw to her lips to feel if there was still residue from the berries she'd eaten earlier.
[Image: 85512331_sBCUc47O1EZtqNO.png]
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.