Moonspear Searching
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
All Welcome 
Pema , @Aditya and @Dawn are comming to Moonspears border in search of someone with medic knowledge. AW!

The scouting party had been away from the pack for alittle over a week now. They had traveled together and seperatly, before comming together once again before nearing the border of the pack Moonspear. They came upon this destination both by investigation and pure luck, as none of them had visited the pack before now. Winter was drawing nearer and the group would need to pick up their pace if they were going to visity a majority of the packs in the valley.

But Pema didn't want to sounds pushy. After all this whole outing was for her. For her to find someone others to help her learn a bit more about being a medic incase the need arose. The smell of the pack helped guild them to the border of the Moonspear pack. At the border Pema looked to her companions asking "Are we all ready?" making sure that they were ready to call and announce their pressence. This would also be the chance to add in any informaion about the pack that they had, especially any information that this pack might be hostile or otherwise not so friendly. 
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
dated to around Oct. 27th
It had taken them a few days to reach the border, and Dawn had quickly learned to adapt to the somewhat slower pace of her companions, who, unlike her, didn't throw themselves into travel and adventure with the fervour she did. They reached the border sometime around late morning, Pema pausing to ask if they were all ready. Mistaking this for nervousness, she offered Pema a reassuring smile (or what she hoped constituted for one) before raising her muzzle and calling for the occupants of this place. As the final notes faded in the crisp autumn air, she turned to glance at her companions. 

  "This is obviously the "mountain", then. Hopefully, it's the same pack Da mentioned." If her father had thought to mention this claim, that must mean that he knew them well enough to know that they weren't dangerous nor a threat. She supposed that she ought to have asked her father more about the locations he had mentioned, but his word was good enough for her.
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
for the first time since he had dragged his injured self over the river and onto the plateau, aditya's nose caught the scent of a new pack. he began to analyze what he smelled, running through scenarios in his mind. multiple scent profiles all melded together, so a large pack. fresh, which meant they were possibly in the habit of marking frequently--a strong pack, too.

now the question was if they had a medic, and if so, what pema could learn here. this trip, after all, was about the young healer and her quest to sharpen her skills in medicine. he tried not to think of it too often, but he knew that some day--maybe sooner rather than later--those skills would be desperately needed.

dawn let out a ululating howl to the denizens of the mountain and then they waited for a response. aditya would prefer to meet an alpha at the borders right away, rather than a mere sentinel, but anyone would do at this point.
he came and stole the wild
1,808 Posts
Ooc — Chan
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Master Historian
When the trio of Morningside wolves had called, Rannoch was already on his way to them. He had caught the scent of the visitors from a distance and redirected his patrol to meet the group. Unlike other fragrances he had found on the border, there was something familiar about this one. He couldn't quite remember who had carried the odor on their pelt; all that he could recall was that he had met somebody who smelled like this pack before. 

When the three wolves were in sight, Rannoch quickened his pace and adjusted his posture accordingly as he surveyed the group. Though two of the wolves were not familiar to Rannoch, one stood out from the crowd. "Dawn," he greeted, recognizing the Lead Hunter as he cleared the final distance that separated the four wolves. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked once he had stopped before the wolves, genuinely curious to know what she and her packmates were doing at Moonspear's borders.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
he came untied, solid as a stone
all is almost lost and it starts to show
the bonecracker
2,670 Posts
Ooc — kit
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The howl brought Hydra to the scene only a little later than Rannoch. She had been marking the borders diligently a bit of a distance from the trio, and responded shortly after the call was made to inform the howling wolf she was on her way. When she arrived she saw not simply one but three wolves—Hydra wondered if this were some sort of challenge, and was glad to see the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Rannoch there as well. If this were that, she was eager to see what he was made of. But he seemed friendly toward them, and they did not carry themselves aggressively... so she minded her own manners, and approached with the air of authority she had earned.

Rannoch had asked the question, and Hydra slid alongside him with erect ears and a lifted plume. They weren't too close for comfort, but with their number she wanted to see that they were not, in fact, here for a fight.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Instead of answering her questions with words Dawn simply smiled and let out a call for the leader of the pack. She wasn't sure if she should take her smile as her saying that she knew this pack was going to be friendly or if it was simply a smile her way. Either way it seemed no one had objections with this pack. 

Soon enough a male from the pack came into veiw and looked them over from a distance, before approaching the three of them and calling Dawn by her name. The two had meet before, or at least it appeared as thought they had, which was reassuring to Pema that this pack would be friendly towards them, or at least not hostile. Then another member came forth presenting a level of dominace that protrayed their strance within the pack, but not in an intimidating way. Pema kept her tail low, respecting their role as outsiders at their door. 

"Hello" she said in greeting "We come from Morningside in search of someone about to pass some medic knowledge along." she said, trying to place her tone somewhere between formal and casual seeing Rannoch's friendly dimenor. She would have introduced all of them, but it seemed they might already know Dawn and she didn't want to speak for the others. 
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
The male that approached was half-familiar to the girl, and her brow furrowed in thought, and then mild panic when he said her name. It would no doubt be odd if he knew her name yet she not his, but after a moment of fumbling she came up with an answer. "Rannoch" A minute smile graced her lips a moment, remembering the meeting from seasons past. Before she could answer, another girl approached, and she dipped her head, stance the passive one of a visitor meaning no harm. Pema was quick to slip into a casual tone, and Dawn offered her a sidelong glance, put-off. She didn't like the idea of informally requesting a mentor when they knew almost nothing about the pack and the pack nothing about them. 

Not dissuaded, however, she continued a moment after Pema finished speaking, gaze on the two before them. "I am Dawn, and these are Pema and Aditya," She began, introducing them both with a dip of her muzzle.  "We hail from Morningside, to the north-east of here. We're looking for someone willing and able to teach my companion what they can about healing." Her gaze drifted to Rannoch, being the only of the two before her that she was familiar with.  "Or course, we would offer something in return." She continued, vague on what exactly that might be but not knowing what other packs might want. Her father had trusted her to work out a deal, and that she implied as she regarded the wolves before her, hoping someone in their ranks could offer some knowledge to them.
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
two wolves eventually answered their call. first, a young burly grey male, his eyes a twinkling blue, who was on at least familiar terms with dawn--aditya wondered briefly where and when they had met, and (with a twinge of jealousy in his stomach that was quite unlike him) what kind of friends they were.

then another, a sleek dark woman, slinking up to them as if she were a shadow in the night. both seemed wary, but not hostile, and aditya relaxed a little, giving them a small smile in greeting. they had an audience, finally, with the wolves of moonspear.

both dawn and pema spoke, but aditya remained silent, taking it all in. his presence there was enough; he had nothing pertinent to add to the conversation. he would listen, and learn. observe, and remember.
he came and stole the wild
1,808 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Coach
Master Historian
As Hydra approached, Rannoch adjusted himself so that he stood adequately in the Beta's presence. Rannoch's tail tipped happily between his ankles in recognition of her appearance, yet, his eyes never left the trio. As Dawn began to explain the reason for their presence at the border, Rannoch listened politely. It was an intriguing prospect, and he couldn't help but wonder what the compensation would be for their cooperation. 

When all was said and done, he turned curiously to Hydra, knowing that it was not his place to make the decision. Instead, he felt the need to speak to his own experience and let her hear his perspective on the wolves of Morningside.  "I can vouch for Dawn and Grayday, the leader of Morningside," he offered, recalling both of his interactions with them as pleasant ones. "Grayday and I have hunted together, and when we were done, he helped me carry back the kill to the Vale so that my pack could feast," he recollected, wondering if the story would speak to Hydra as it did for him in regards to Grayday's character.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
he came untied, solid as a stone
all is almost lost and it starts to show
the bonecracker
2,670 Posts
Ooc — kit
Master Guardian
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When each minded their place, Hydra too seemed to relax some. Her ears flicked atop her crown as one spoke on the reason they were here, and Hydra stared at her for a moment—they were here to teach? That was... new... no one had come here to do that before. But then the wolf who called herself Dawn introduced each of them, and with her introduction came clarification. They had come to learn. Or, one of them had. Dawn looked to Rannoch when she spoke of fair trade, and Hydra stated: what sort of trade were you thinking?

Hydra took no issue with them wanting to learn, and Rannoch's opinion of them only served to help their cause further. A return favor only sweetened the deal, and Hydra shifted her weight. We do have a wolf that can heal, her sister, as luck would have it—she wanted them to know that they had come to a good place to learn. She has healed Rannoch here, and another among our ranks, when they needed repair. She had no doubt they could learn something.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Dawn jumped in shortly after Pema, inroducing all of them and restating their intentions for being there more clearly. Pema nodded her head when her name was called and took note and decided that the next time they went to another pack's borders she wouldn't be hesitant on being more formal and taking iniciative. When Dawn spoke about offering something in return Pema realized that she hadn't thought about that. Of course she would be willing to repay any pack willthing to help them, but she wondered what would be a reasonable price of knowledge when she thought so highly about it. 

When Dawn announced Ronnoch's name, Pema's eyes widen for a moment. This was the wolf that had been away from the Vale, causing one of the members to storm into Morningside's territory uninvited. He had been here. But that conversation might be best of another day, and maybe it simply wasn't there place at all.

Pema looked over to Adi, but he remained silent or he at least didn't have a chance to speak before Rannoch began vouching for the three of them, Dawn and the pack more specifically. He told the dark female who appeared to be of higher ranking. "I was thinking of the medic caregiver trade." Pema specified. "I would be honored to speak with this member of your pack to see what I could learn, if they are so willing. And as Dawn, said we would be more then happy to repay such a kindless." she said with a smile and a bow to her head. It didn't seem they would have to travel far to reach someone able to teach Pema something. 

1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
Her tail wagged behind her as Rannoch vouched for them, smile on her muzzle in silent thanks. She wondered what the male was doing here, with new scars and his pack dozens of miles away. It wouldn't be proper to question him here, she supposed, though the question bothered her, and her gaze turned sharply curious. Still she turned to the woman, offering the ideas that came to find. "we are hunters; we can offer prey to stock your caches. or maybe knowledge, for knowledge, if we can offer you anything of interest." The ball was largely in this pack's court, for Dawn wasn't sure what other packs wanted; but food always seemed to be a good idea.
he came and stole the wild
1,808 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Coach
Master Historian
@Aditya told me to skip 'em!

To Rannoch, the deal seemed lucrative enough to spark the interest of Hydra. The prospect of having support in stocking Moonspear's caches for the Winter was very appealing to the resident Delta. With Morningside's offer given, Rannoch turned to Hydra curiously and wondered what she would make of it. 

It was not his time to talk, as this was a decision for the Beta of the mountain, and he would only speak up if he were addressed directly.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
he came untied, solid as a stone
all is almost lost and it starts to show
the bonecracker
2,670 Posts
Ooc — kit
Master Guardian
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Master Warrior
She could agree to that. In Hydra's opinion, Moonspear benefited greatly from that, and though the knowledge Lyra shared would be timeless, hunted meat in the coming winter was invaluable in itself. So Hydra nodded and firstly asked, How long do you have to stay to learn? She inquired, her gaze panning toward the would-be student of her twin.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
With no words against the idea so far, Pema thought this was going well, and that she most likely would be able to learn something from a member of this pack. Dawn did sweeten the deal by throwing in some food for winter, something Pema would be sure to remember if the trio ended up needing to return with that sum of meat.
When the question of how long she would be staying was asked, Pema replied, “Max a day or two. But it’s all up to them really. Even just an afternoon. I’d be glad to learn as much as they are willing to teach me.” She didn’t think this tutoring lesson would last long. Especially since they had to visit other packs and be back before winter. But maybe if the first lesson went well they would be willing to do a second later in the future.
If she did end up meeting with the member that would be teaching her, she imagined that the others of her party would venture off in the meantime, or fulfill their half of the deal.

1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
The girl's next question made it clear she had accepted the terms, and Dawn smiled. "we can stay however long your healer and Pema need."  She stated, dipping her head in agreement with Pema, but amending the fact that they'd stay however long it took for Pema to gain as much knowledge as she could. There was no sense in cutting their mission short if it meant that they'd miss out on information that could be useful. "We can hunt for you in that time." She glanced sidelong at Aditya, wondering briefly just how much they ought to catch. Just how many rabbits was knowledge worth?
the bonecracker
2,670 Posts
Ooc — kit
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Hydra nodded to them. Even she did not know how long it would take; @Lyra would know better. And so Hydra lifted her head and called for her. I suppose it is best we begin now. Our healer will best be able to communicate timelines with you, she explained while they waited, one ear cupping backward to listen for any sounds of approach.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
these violent delights
402 Posts
Ooc — Laur
As always, the girl was never far from her sisters, but she was just far enough today to be unaware of the meeting transpiring upon their borders. In fact, she was contentedly leaning against a log deep within the territory, preening her fur lazily when the call went up. She paused mid-lick, wondering at Hydra's summons. It was not urgent, yet there was a distinct, commanding tone to it that forced Lyra to her feet and she set off at a gallop towards the source of the howl.

She immediately felt uneasy by the sheer number of wolves gathered, and drew up beside her sister, pressing her shoulder against hers for comfort like she used to do when they were younger. The presence of Rannoch went completely ignored by the girl, her still being angry with him. She then eyed the group, who seemed friendly enough and held no signs of aggression.

The eldest was a male, with a thickly furred tail akin to a fox's which caught her attention first, before she turned to the other two females with a shy half-smile. One had sharp metallic-coloured eyes that contrasted against her greyscale coat while the other, somewhat larger stranger seemed to exude an almost motherly warmth. Lyra shifted slightly, giving Hydra a curious look before letting out a quiet, "yes?" hoping that would prompt one to fill in why they were here.
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
When a female came to answer the call Pema thought that they must be related. Aside from being within the same pack the two looked almost exactly alike. Both with pitch black coats and blue eyes. They also appeared to be around the same age, roughly one year old. 

She immediatly went over to her supposed sisters side and spoke very shyly. Pema wasn't going to go fully into detail about the tradeing of skills, but to get a general sense of the situation she said, "Hello. My name is Pema and these are two of my pack mates, Dawn and Aditya." she said gesting to both of them as she spoke. "I am an aspiring medic and we have come in search of some mentors. Assuming you would be willing to help teach me, I am able to stay as long as you think we will need." she said. Hoping she had done a good job of hitting all the major points for her as well as keeping it quick and concise.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
She'd allow Pema to speak for herself now, waiting only until the arrangements were hammered out before moving out with Aditya in search of the payment due to the Moonspear wolves. She was pleased with the way their first attempt at finding Pema a mentor had gone, and snuck a quite satisfied glance at Aditya before glancing back towards the other girl; the one that seemed an exact copy of the first they'd met, Hydra. She blinked, glancing between the two once, twice, and finding them to be completely indiscernible.
the bonecracker
2,670 Posts
Ooc — kit
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Hydra listened to them, knowing ultimately it would be Charon who determined the length of their stay. In the meantime she loitered and listened to what Lyra had to say—and, after all the deals were exchanged, Hydra gestured near to the border, just outside, where there was a secure overhang. You can rest there. My father will permit you entry into the territory if you are to stay; he will seek you out. In the meantime, that area is under our protection. With a nod, Hydra looked to Rannoch and bumped hips with him before she turned away from the group. If Lyra was to begin teaching, she imagined she might stay. But the deal was made.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal