Profile of Charcoal: Quick Facts
Played By: Goat
Basic Info
Full Name: Charcoal Left After The Fire.
Subspecies: Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: 5 years (2000)
Birthplace: A long distance away in a swampy area
At a Glance
Pitch black fur bright yellow eyes very dull claws light grey pawslarge black nose thick raged fur.
Profile of Charcoal: Details
Charcoal has pitch black fur that is raged an unkempt with a very large mass and weight to it. This for would feel quite rough to the touch with curls and some of the thick patches near her body and chin.

Charcoal owns a set of golden eyes that gleam with hatred. The eyes are a very odd bright yellow with pitch black pupils that are very round. These are surrounded with a thin dark yellow line.

Charcoal owns very thick black paws that have light grey body and very dull thick claws that are almost flat on the ends.

Charcoal has very thick wight canines and a lower jaw tooth that sticks out a lot when compare to others. She has very sharp incisors compared to other wolves. She has a very pale blue tounge that is quiet long.
Snappy, Mean, grumpy, jumpy, over all a yelps wolf who's just a prick. Why a prick? Week in her mind if you let your guard down your dead.
Charcoal was raised in very swampy area far far from the wilds. Her household was very strict with her being the only pup she had to learn how to hunt and fight as soon as she could stand and walk.

Her parents were killed when they went hunting in a bog they were surprised then chased by a bull mooose into a large Pete bog getting stuck and dying there.

Charcoal then went on to find new hopes and traveled anywhere with ease. She had never learned how to swim and there for is terrified of water even rain. Because of her parents death she has a great fear of moose.

When she was on her own she had to eat a wolf for survival and therefor will eat it if necessary with no problem.
Pack History
Just went searching for one
Profile of Charcoal: Additional Information
Registered on December 06, 2016, last visited December 10, 2016, 08:36 PM
Seem to yelp a lot. Absolutely terrified of moose and rain also large bodies of water.
Likes the taste of wolf.
Art Credits
Player Notes
This is my first online rolepay ever.
I love art even though I'm bad at it.
Duck meat is perfect.
Goats are amazing.
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