Profile of Vale: Quick Facts
Played By: Trigedakru
Basic Info
Full Name: Vale Cruor
Subspecies: 50% Timber Wolf, 50% Gray Wolf
Size: Gigantic, Athletic
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 2 Years (March 11 2022)
Birthplace: Ravensblood Forest
Profile of Vale: Details
In true Cruor fashion, Vale resembles his dam's family more than his sire's. On a base of pale cream, he bears salt-and-pepper timber markings with russet accents. He will grow taller than his mother and father, favoring the impressive stature of his maternal grandfather. He leans more on the athletic side, built for speed and distance rather than raw muscle. Vale stands 36 inches at the withers and weighs 130 pounds. His eyes are a pale gray-blue.
Lawful Good

Vale has matured into a stoic young man, perhaps with an abundance of caution. Pure at heart, Vale desires only one thing — to reunite with his family, or, perhaps, find a new one. Quiet, Vale has few tells; his expression is usually one of polite stoicism, and while he seems aloof, he's kind, and he genuinely wants to help others.

Positive Traits


Negative Traits

Seemingly Aloof

Year One

Vale is born to Violante and Vagabond, alongside siblings Violante II and Asara. As the pups grow, Vale comes to enjoy patrolling and hunting, earning a name for himself before he's even six months old.

A short time after turning six months old, his family pack suddenly abandoned their lands, and left the Teekon Wilds. They travelled for months, never settling in one place for too long, and around the age of one year, Vale and his family were separated by a snowstorm. While Vale searched, he could not find his family, and so he turned towards the only place he'd ever called home — the forest in which he was born.

Year Two

Vale returns to the Teekon Wilds.
Violante & Vagabond

Violante II, Asara (via Vagabond 2022)

Aunts & Uncles
Vorilye, Vex
Pack History
Lone Wolf — 6 months to Current
Sacrarium — Birth to 6 months
Profile of Vale: Additional Information
Registered on January 28, 2022, last visited Yesterday, 01:51 PM
Art Credits
Photographer | Kati H. @ dawnthieves
Edits | Trigedakru
Vale's Signature
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
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