Profile of Lavender: Quick Facts
Played By: KT
Basic Info
Full Name: Lavender Eleuthera Shakti
Subspecies: Wolf Hybrid
Size: Tiny, Stocky
Sex: Female
Age: 1 (June, 2023)
Birthplace: Round Valley
Profile of Lavender: Details
a pale heather gray that resembles the aunt she takes her middle name from. strawberry blonde. cream unders and dark ear tips. her eyes are the delicate, shifting lavender of blooming thyme; somewhere between dull purple and pale pink. she is nearsighted. there is something a little domestic about her. her tail has a slight curl to it.

compact and short-furred with a longhaired tail. diminutive compared to other wolves.

soft spoken — voiced by saori hayami (falin touden, dungeon meshi)

smells like fresh herbs.
she likes to feed the birds and has a particular affinity for the dark-eyed junco.
seamus shakti x silversong of round valley
Profile of Lavender: Additional Information
Registered on June 08, 2024, last visited July 13, 2024, 12:24 PM
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