Northstar Vale Megalomaniac
Nothing else could make me feel this good
103 Posts
Ooc — Bone
All Welcome 
@Viskani for visibility since i know you guys are staking a claim here. Little bit of a mature warning as Envy is a weirdo, but I will keep things tame :)

Pitter patter, pitter patter. A go-getter, she was! Mountain-climber! Miss Nephele needed only the finest herbs for her and the new little younglings, and oh poor ol' Arktos looked weary beyond his years. The mountains held some of the most coveted plants, and perhaps if fate was kind, she'd see the familiar visage of icarus incarnate, Cassian- she remembered, for the taste of his blood on her tongue was hard to forget, the invitation of thrill was not one she found offered to her all too often, as few others shared in her particular reveries. She spared a moment of thought to him, how impactful, that golden boy had been— and now they had matching ear scars! Like friendship bracelets! It made her giddy, to say the least. She wondered where he had found himself.

But wishful conquests aside, Envy did in fact have a purpose out here beyond that of chasing lustful fantasy. One would wish she was only after herbs, but truth be told, she had come this far to evade the eyes of those that might look upon her with scorn. Dissect. Indulge. It was like playing with dolls, in some depraved, detached way. A fox, an unlucky coyote perhaps, she would mangle, because it was fun, and then she would cripple, and then she would-

She was getting ahead of herself here. But she needed an outlet. There was no running from that inner part of her that was simply malformed. Her thoughts had plagued her day and night, that unseen calling that drove her to harm. It was a fog that only dissipated when she practiced. Her passion was all consuming... dangerous. She had devil's blood, mother always said. She was the demon that strangled her true child in the womb, and stole her place when she was born... Perhaps her sire had been a hell-spawn in disguise.

That was why she had come so far- to protect the rest. Protect anybody who dared to trust her, from that which swallowed her whole and had always done so. She would vent her disgraces elsewhere, so that they did not haunt her home, and those who had taken pity on her wayward soul.

The imp scampered across ledge after ledge, weasling a scrawny, lithe frame between cracks and crags, and committing the vale to her memory, a fruitful place to gather her supplies—or so it should've been. Wolf scent clung here, and not that of Cassian, nor of any other she'd met when she herself had been a vagabond, cast to the wilds. This was unknown to her.

She proceeded with caution, looking over her shoulder, and keeping her wiry figure low. She was a scout now, as much as she was a healer.
Montagne de Ciguë
88 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Having left @Chesley on the other end of the vale, Viskani had begun to dig out dens around the large willow trees scattered throughout. There was plenty of work to do, and they would need somewhere to rest in between.

A breeze passing through, she soon caught onto an unfamiliar scent. Another wolf - but not one she had met during her travels. Lifting her head and perking her ears she began to search for the source. She had to question what their intentions may be; were they simply passing through, or did they have similar intentions to the scarred she-wolf on the ridge?

She soon settled her harsh gaze on a small, thin wolf. Her gait showed caution, Viskani could only assume that this meant that the stranger had caught wind of their scent as well. But whether this was true or not, they were still an intruder and Viskani had to reaffirm their place here.

Fixing her posture, she began her approach. She appeared calm, uninterested in conflict - a demeanor she had learned to expertly uphold.
Nothing else could make me feel this good
103 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Stealth was not entirely her forte, it seemed, or perhaps she smelled too strongly of bison and blood to go unnoticed. Either way, a smokey figure approached her from the shrouded vale, one with the mist, this woman looked to be, were it not for the eerie flicker of yellow come down to meet her own gaze of hellfire.

Envy looked upon her with obvious scrutiny, and straightened her posture. Stop there. She yips an order from her ledge, a little higher than the strangers. She would keep this vantage as she glowered down, put on the bristling demeanour of a honey-badger, so that the other may be deterred from pressing a challenge. Or maybe she just saw the worst in others first. I'm not here to steal your food, or whatever. M' passing through.

But it was clear this wolf wanted something. Wanted to say something. Other passer-bys were not usually so eager to make themselves known.

She'd be quite... perturbed, if she were not able to continue reaping the rewards this mountain valley flowered. The sheepeater cliffs were an alright enough hunting ground, but jagged, rough and dangerous— and she did not fancy herself a mountain goat. She hoped they did not seek to stake a claim, all the same as that pest by the gorge- one rat was enough.
Montagne de Ciguë
88 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She had to hold back any amusement that the sight of the bristling little wolf brought her - now was not the time for teasing. "I have no intention of stopping you so long as you have no plans to bring harm."

"I thought it would be polite to introduce myself is all; myself and my kin have placed claim on this land." Staring up at the smaller wolf her eyes did not allow for an explanation - rather they only led to further questions. Her jump to aggression gave Viskani reason to believe that she must be young.

She would not respond to the aggression without reason. If she treated the other with hospitality there would be potential for good to come from it.
Nothing else could make me feel this good
103 Posts
Ooc — Bone
And there it was- a claim. Her disappointment was immeasurable, but halted before she could toss her head back and wail in dramatic fury. She considered the previous words. Envy could be harmless, she could be good and well-behaved, and her sort of harm did not extend to those she wasn't permitted to toy with anyways. No plans of stopping her did seem like a good bargain.... all she had to do was not bare her teeth.

Didn't even know yous set up around here. I haven't had time to draft up any plans.. She offers a lighthearted shrug, a museful grin creeping its way across pale features. She relaxed, and assumed a far more curious demeanour. ...Envy, of Yellowstone. I travel around these parts to get herbs that don't grow where we live. She'd remain cryptic about the particular location of her pack, but if they were to cement themselves here, such things wouldn't remain a secret for long.

She took it upon herself to attach herself to her pack quickly, an unspoken barrier placed around herself. Any harm that comes to me will not be taken lying down.

She'd bring a paw to her chest, tattered ears flick briefly. So... the opposite of harm, actually. I'm picking flowers.

and I wanna keep doing that...

But that part remained unspoken. She wasn't entirely sure how the rest back home would feel about her taking it onto herself to negotiate without their influence... but there was no time like the present, and here she was, where the others were not. You snooze you lose. A fine little diplomat, she would be! Herbs were her domain, anyways.

..Who are you, and your kin? She asked with a gentle snicker, head tilted- perhaps a little bit of mockery at the fanciful way this woman spoke. How regal. Proffesional. The urchin had no semblence of such decorum.
Montagne de Ciguë
88 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
A flick of her tail was the only sign of irritation towards the other's behavior. A wolf representing their pack should learn the importance of formality, she thought.

"We have time before our ranks will require such things. I see no reason why not to let you take what your pack needs." She decided, offering a friendly smile. Need was the keyword here - she wouldn't allow her to take more than that.

"As for myself and my kin, I am Viskani. My son Chesley is nearby, and if all goes well the other's will arrive in a few weeks time."

With the smaller wolves questions answered, she moved on. "But that aside, have you travelled far? The mountains are quite a challenge, you must be a true talent to travel here often." Simple flattery - that tended to work out for her, after all who wouldn't appreciate such a thing?
Nothing else could make me feel this good
103 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Flattery! Her weakness! A chord was struck, and from one who so resembled her own mother? This was just plain cruel, and Envy lapped it up like a love-deprived child. In an instant, she seemed to soften. She was a true talent, ceaseless passion could not be stopped by mere cliffsides, and she had nothing but time on her dainty little paws. ...You're... letting me? Oh- Well- Okay!

Bounding down the ledge, she'd thrust herself into the personal space of the other, feeding the curiosity which beckoned her to steal a closer look. The wretch would circle a moment before sitting down in front of her. Travelled far enough comin' up these rocks, but you can consider us neighbours, if you stick it out here. We're just on the other side.

Rambling would ensue now that she felt her hide was off the hook. ..I just need raspberry leaves n' some other little things. They go a long way, so I wouldn't need more for a while. Mostly just need 'im cause of- A pause. A clear slip of her words, caught before she'd mucked it. circumstances. Scarlet eyes narrowed. She'd quickly rebound.

Preciate yer hospitality- or deference, she thought. I won't take much- just enough to prepare for when it starts gettin' colder.
Montagne de Ciguë
88 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Clearly the flattering words had worked, so she would be sure to lay that on strong. "You'll have to come back some time then, yes? We'll be sure to have a meal waiting for you."

"Maybe your presence, even if it's brief, will be a good influence. I can only hope that my son's will grow to be so hard working." She insisted, looking down to the girl sat in front of her. Acquainting herself with this wolf would be worth the effort, she had decided.

"I'll accompany you while you search. I need to finish scouting anyways - so it's no trouble." She did not intend to leave this stranger on her own.
Nothing else could make me feel this good
103 Posts
Ooc — Bone
A good influence. Truly the greatest irony.

Her hospitality was been damn near suspicious— or at least it might've been to a more politically versed wolf. Envy was not such. She could not see ill intent unless it was slated across one's face or spoken aloud in their words.

She could come back? They'd even feed her? Hell, she got an escort- a pair of ears to torment with her grating little voice until she had what she needed. These were good neighbours indeed. She'd behave herself to the best of her ability. Offering a grateful and uncharacteristic dip of her head, Envy would begin to walk, her crooked tail unable to keep secret the delight that coursed through her. Oh goodie, I do work better with company.. She'd chime, blissfully unaware that this was merely a means to supervise her.

..The raspberry patches are this way- still in season for a little while longer, and theres a few other things I wanted to look for- Are you sure this is alright? Do you not want something in return? Though.. I'm not a very good hunter...
Montagne de Ciguë
88 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Nonsense - just put in a good word with your pack, yes?" She insisted, trailing after the she-wolf. Gullible, she assumed - but such a thing could be useful. Healers were often well-regarded in their packs, so making a good impression on such a wolf never hurt.

"This benefits me too, you know. I know very little about the herbs in the area." She decided, a smile crossing her muzzle. "I'm glad to be learning from such a talented young lady."

The sort of praise a mother would offer you; it seemed to work without fail every time. It was something everyone craved.
Nothing else could make me feel this good
103 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Oh and crave it she did. Envy nearly faltered as they continued on, caught off guard at each praise. Her own mother held little regard for the things that her spawn was so captivated by. She was an abomination, one who buried her vile nature beneath the guise of someone selfless- a healer, truly the most noble of professions. A talented young lady, indeed. Few could trick themselves so well.

But this Viskani was working to soften her, and it was working. I will speak to them, we look for allies too. There are some other packs in this area, one in the desert, another in the forest north of here. I don't know of any others, save a few much further from here- and they are not worth the time. Envy spoke with a inkling of disdain for the last mentioned. It'd be good for you to know the herbs you have here. The mountains have some of the most useful herbs, not that they grow for very long- come fall this place will be void of most things. The plains- ah, a slip, oh well. um.. there is more variety, some that fill the gaps when winter comes and all the best things have died. We could trade.. maybe? When the time comes. It would be good for you and me.

Envy posed her query hopefully, all that rambling had to amount to something.
Montagne de Ciguë
88 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She listened actively and intently, not allowing her attention to falter even momentarily. "That sounds like it would work well to me. Will you need to converse with your pack?" She asked, blinking down at her. A simple question, yet the answer was sure to assist in her gathering of information.

She liked this girl; young, moldable, and most importantly she seemed to lap up every lord that escaped her tongue. Maybe a bit odd, and lacking manners - but she could excuse such things, she wasn't a member of her pack after all, so her expectations of such things were low.
Nothing else could make me feel this good
103 Posts
Ooc — Bone

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: swearing. Naughty f word alert

...I... probably should.. I'm sure they wouldn't mind, so long as we're not shorted in the deal. She shrugs, taking it upon herself to solidify things. What did the bison-wranglers know of the intricacies of herb-trading?

If yous stick around, you'll probably get the chance to meet Arktos or Nephele. They're real nice, both of em'- though Arktos is a big fucker- so don't get any ideas. She snickers, painting the strength of their claim with her words.

As they walked, the imp kept her muzzle mostly low to the ground, save when she'd chatter back and forth. She spotted a few mallow blossoms, dwindling on a bush that had mostly shed the last of its flowers. She would not inform Viskani of how precious the little things were, seeking to take most, if not all that remained to it. She too, could be conniving and selfish. Dreven had shorted her some on their last little escapade, being a fool and getting his silly little throat torn open, AGAIN. You'd think he'd know better, but then again, he had admittedly had zero control over it happening.... and she'd gotten to satisfy herself tending to him, so she couldn't truly be mad about it.

Gently, far gentler than she ever treated her patients, she would pluck a few of the blossoms from the low sprouting bush, careful not to puncture any with her teeth, needle-like and sharp as they were.
Montagne de Ciguë
88 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Her eye gave a twitch at the vulgar language, however she did not comment on it. "You'll have to introduce us then." She then turned her attention to the blossoms, watching the wolf's careful collection of the petals.

She had always found the work of herbalists to be interesting. How they managed to do such a thing she could not understand; even she knew that it wasn't in the nature of wolves to heal, something that had been proven to her time and time again.
Nothing else could make me feel this good
103 Posts
Ooc — Bone
She lingered awfully close to Viskani, fur that once bristled now laid flat, and her demeanour faded to one far more casual. She even flicked the woman with her tail a few times, ever the touchy one.

Jus' a few more things n' I can be outta your hair. I'll let em' know you've done me a favour. She continues on, along the way, gathering those coveted raspberry leaves and a few other scraps of the mountain's bounty, some tucked within the crags, requiring a far more crafty approach- hardly a problem for stick-thin limbs. ..Y'only take so much, wanna leave plenty to grow back later. Then you can keep coming to a spot to restock through the year. She informs the other, considering this little exchange of information a form of payment.—that, and she was actively showing her where the herbs grew.

Crimson eyes lit up she could not help but ramble on, she was never a great teacher, but boy did she ever like to talk. Doesn't work with everything, but established plants tend to linger. With others, sometimes its best to wait for them to spread their seeds, later in the season, before you harvest them. Some... are just one time wonders. Lucky finds. Its a balance.

She'd defined a little trail of her own, through here, through the valley and the forest, around the gorge; and though her paws had cracked and bled from her sheer tenacity in the months prior, she had established her route, which made any blood spilt worthwhile. Purposeful.

...I should head home fore' the sun sets. Its a long trip and I wanna get going before it starts gettin' chilly. She halts her pace, a fine little bundle nestled at her paws. A fruitful last harvest, before autumn would take the valley.
Montagne de Ciguë
88 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She felt almost disappointed to learn of the girl's departure, but offered a nod. She would not stop her, there was no reason to. "Have a safe trip then, yes? It would hurt me to hear of any injuries."

"I hope to see you again soon. You said your name was Envy, yes?" She would have to keep note of such a name; someone she could call upon in the future if need be.
Nothing else could make me feel this good
103 Posts
Ooc — Bone
last from me

It shouldn't. Injuries are quite fun to tend to... She grins and carries on walking, evading the fact that the statement was moreso in regards to her own wellbeing. Looking back over her shoulder, she'd parrot her escort's words, amusement clear in the playful touch that lingered on her tongue. Envy, yes, right on. Correct. Hasn't changed since~ You are still Viskani, I assume.

The wretch would lower her muzzle, rolling what she had gotten into a bundle easy enough to tuck into her jaws for the long walk home. Not before she would pause to scratch her shoulder with her hind leg, scrawny frame contorted, her nails long and unkempt. It made for a good scratch, what can you say.

I will stay safe. If I can help it. You do the same. Good luck with this claim a' yours. I'll bring you somethin' to make up for this sometime. She'd offer rather cryptically, and flick a tattered ear to dismiss herself.

Envy began her ascent of the rock walls that barred this vale from the harsh winds of the peaks, scuttling, scrambling, and kicking up pebbles as she manouevered through the rockways.
Montagne de Ciguë
88 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
The woman watched as the younger wolf departed, her stance firm and her gaze unreadable. She would have to do what she could to cover up the scent trail so as to ward off any trespassers who would gain a sense of reassurance from it.

However, this interaction in particular had gone quite well. Yes, the other had been a bit odd, yet Viskani had been able to gain necessary insight from her and that was what truly mattered.

She could only hope that the next time she encountered the other that her own pack will have blossomed from the small sprig it was now.