Phoenix Maplewood genesis
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
All Welcome 
The Rise-prince was rather lucky in his life.

Berserkr, leader of the fight, with few battle scars to show for it.

Until a stranger got the jump on him this morning. 

They tussled for awhile, far enough from the Rise's borders that backup wasn't available. He toughs it out, putting up a worthy defense that eventually sends his attacker fleeing.

Adrenaline fueled, the boy gives chase. 

He finds himself alone, past the moraine, when the pain sets in. Blood soaks his right leg, dripping from a deep gash scored on his shoulder. The Berserkr can't tell the severity of it, unable to turn his head in a way where he can see the damage—his fur is too dark to discern anything anyway. 

There is no choice but to abandon the manhunt.

With teeth gritted, he refuses to show any signs of discomfort and trots along with deliberate strides. Soon enough, exhaustion hits him hard.

Under the shade of a tree, he stiffly settles down and finds refuge in the Maplewood.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The scent of grouse led SuzU beyond Rivenwood’s borders, and out into neutral territory. She found hunting inland very difficult- rabbits were too fast, mice too agile, squirrels could climb trees…And while grouse could fly, she found occasionally lucked out in catching them on the ground, close to a nest. 

She stole close to a group of them, pecking at spruce nettles on the ground. She had to cover as much distance at a creep as she could, knowing that she was not good at sprinting. For a wolf as stout as she, she was careful on her feet and quiet- and when she finally pushed herself forward to close the distance, all but one of the grouse leapt into flight. 

The last one rose, but then fluttered back to the ground, uttering a muted, wailing sound. Its wings lightly spread, it dragged its feathers on the ground and continued on foot. Suzu knew the act meant that the grouse had a nest nearby, and chose to prowl rather than pursuing the mother grouse with her “wounded wing” act. 

She watched it, noting how it reacted as she scouted the area. When it fussed and came closer, hoping to grab her attention, she knew she was on the right path. 

The bird fluttered off when Suzu found the nest- and six eggs- camouflaged by a pile of twigs and dead leaves. 

She wouldn’t be able to bring them back whole, for Heda and Druid- but she could regurgitate the meal. She liked this arrangement more than bringing back a kill anyway- this way, she actually got to taste it and eat it before bringing it back up later. 

She ate the eggs, shells and all. By the texture, she assumed the eggs would have hatched soon- but they were delicious just as they were, and it would mean more meat for the mothers and pups later. 

She sniffed around in the area to see if any others had laid a clutch nearby, but instead caught the scent of a wolf, and wolf’s blood. Warily, she proceeded at a slow pace, wondering if she might find the wolf alive or dead.
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
The adrenaline ebbs away and he is left with infuriating pain. His head aches, his limbs are sore, his throat is dry. 

There is nothing to do but rest. Mulherin places his head atop his paws and battles sleep. 

The sight of movement in the distance sends his heart racing once again. A wolf.

He bristles and jolts to his feet.

Surely it's that bastard from earlier—

But no. It isn't. Rather, an unfamiliar woman. Small, stout, she searches for something.

Hopefully, not him. 

Two amber eyes follow her every move.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Mingled amongst the scent of blood was a scent that Suzy recognized, though it was faint. It gave her the courage to seek him out, however- wolves of the Rise were allies. To the best of her knowledge, they had harboured her once-lost brother, though she had no idea if he still lived among them. She wondered idly if the scent she was tailing belonged to Requiem- a scent she wouldn’t have known well anyway- but gut instinct told her that this one wasn’t her brother.

She startled, similarly to how he did- rising a foot into the air in surprise. Wild eyes looked at her and were greeted momentarily with a look of shock, followed by an intentional slow blink, intended to be reassuring. 

”It is alright; I be from Sapphique,” It should have been enough, she thought- until she remembered an incident involving last year’s brood. This young man looked to be about the right age, too- to have been involved in some squabble that had involved Sobeille and Astera. She sighed. It was just like fate, to cross their paths again. 

”I will not ‘urt you. I can ‘elp, if you want.”
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
The woman spots him, startles, then calms. She speaks, kind and patient.

The mention of Sapphique especially eases his nerves.

He lets out a quiet sigh, the tension dispels and a sheepish smile finds its way to his lips. Christ. I thought you were someone else.

I'm from the Rise. You a healer? He asks. Normally, he would be quick to turn down any charity. Yet the Rise had only an aspiring healer—perhaps the woman could teach him something to impart on the others back home. I'll take what I can get, if it's no trouble.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He calmed, and she was grateful. Whatever squabble had happened amongst last year’s brood seemed to have been forgotten; even she could not recall all the details. 

”Den luck ‘as found you today,” She said with a light smile. ”I be Suzu. An’ I can ‘elp a bit,” Basic skills she had picked up from her family- after all, blood fell on Sapphique soil often, in the process of defending it. She moved in to look at his shoulder, where the blood had become sticky. 

She sniffed his fur lightly, eyes the wound, but held back for a moment. ”Can you tell me what ‘appened?” It looked like a wolf bite- but she would need more information before she was willing to touch him.
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
Luck, indeed. But a whisper of egotism begs to differ. He thinks he could tough it out in the worst case scenario.

Suzu is her name, and he offers his in turn. Mulherin. 

As for what happened to him,

You should’ve seen the other guy.

Painfully cliche, but it got the message across. He turns his head over his shoulder to peer at her.

What’ll you do?
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]