Hoshor Plains follow and feel
he came and stole the wild
1,808 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Coach
Master Historian
Pack Activity 
Rannoch felt as though he could breath easier out in the plains. Ever since the pack had abandoned the Glen, Rannoch felt a weight lift from his broad shoulders. No longer were they in the shadow of Neverwinter or Moonspear's reign; they were truly on their own. Rannoch and the others sought a path that diverted them from any active pack scents in an attempt to separate themselves, even with Rose's advice hanging in the forefront in mind. The three brothers knew that for the time being, they would need to separate themselves as they built themselves up and began to solidify as a pack. 

They traveled continuously for quite some time, finding out quickly just how vast the Plains were. Rannoch had kept to the river for a majority of their journey, following the water as it rolled downstream towards Greatwater Lake. Though Rannoch was using the water as a guide, the looming peak of the ridge captivated him, and he knew that this would on the top of his scouting list. He would often pull away from the lead to talk with Rian and Cypress about searching the mountains once they had settled, or debate whether or no it was time to stop for the day. He also did his best to pull away a time or two to check up on Liffey to see how she was faring, but he never stopped with her for too long, fearing what the others might think of him if he so openly showed blatant favoritism towards the Naturalist. 

The sun was settling below the horizon as Rannoch, and the rest of the brat pack pulled inland. The first stars of the night began to twinkle overhead as vibrant splashes of magenta could be seen along the horizon. Though the pack was in the open, Rannoch and Rian made sure that they had more cover than they did in the Glen and opted to settle near boulders that sheltered four abandoned fox dens in case they needed shelter. Once it had been decided that this would be the best place to end their trek, Rannoch chuffed in an attempt to gather the attention of his wolves. 

"We will settle here for now," he decided, his eyes sweeping amongst the wolves as he turned towards them and sat before the boulders. "We have water in the lake over there," he beckoned towards the body of water that laid no more than a mile away, "And we have protection if we need to retreat," his muzzle motioned towards the peak behind him. Though he did not anticipate that they would have to flee, Rannoch wanted to have a plan just in case. 

"If nobody has any objections, I would like you all to rest now, so we are ready to explore once the sun rises again." But, he had one more idea before he dismissed the others. "Tryp," He added quickly, regarding the man with the docked tail pleasantly. "I would like to talk to you separately after the meeting about getting a hunting party together." Drawing his attention away from the aspiring hunter, he regarded the group as a whole, nodding in as if granting them permission to disperse at that time. "Have a good night, all," His words were spoken kindly as if reassuring the pack they were good to leave the meeting. Rannoch stood then, his eyes falling to the hunter as he waited for him to approach.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
he came untied, solid as a stone
all is almost lost and it starts to show
288 Posts
Ooc — KJ
Cypress remained a stygian sentinel at Rannoch’s left flank for the duration of the brief meeting. He, like the younger Frostfur, felt he could breathe a little easier now that they were out of the cluster of other established packs. The raven was no optimist. He couldn’t look at other packs and see future allies — all he could see, apart from Alya, was opposition. They were a threat as far as the guardian was concerned, and he felt far better with a hefty amount of distance between them. As before, Cypress dispersed from the meeting with the intention of staying awake and keeping an eye out for danger — but not before he paid homage to his brothers, nosing and mouthing at their chins in an obvious display of respect. He paused before leaving @Rian’s side, the memory of the jade-eyed male’s breakdown still fresh in his mind, and whispered so only Rian could hear, “If you get bored, let’s explore,” before he ensconced himself on a shallow outcropping of stone. He didn’t want Rian to feel alone, but he didn’t want to say, “Hey, we’re still with you,” because it sounded…well, frankly, kind of silly.
he came and stole the wild
1,808 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Coach
Master Historian
Seeing no objections, Rannoch nodded to the group to dismiss them. He would take the watch that night, allowing for the others to recover from the travel.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
he came untied, solid as a stone
all is almost lost and it starts to show