The Sentinels Old Burns
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Continuing... @Fleurette. As an FYI, I am assuming Fleurette is not in heat at this moment/her scent would not indicate as much.

They moved East from the Gilded Bay toward the forest. The wind blew through the air and Andr walked at Fleurette's side upwind to act as her shield. The cool air was unpleasant and he imagined it was twofold for his companion as her water-logged coat absorbed the cold. Although the air froze it also dried. 

By the time the sands under their paws turned to snow-covered grasses the ends and mid regions of her coat appeared dry. One concern is nearly overcome, despite having to endure through it. The woods and foliage would satisfy their remaining concern. Warmth, or more aptly shelter from the elements to keep the cold at bay. 

At the threshold of The Sentininels Andr hesitated. His head lifted and peered at the tree tops. An unsuspecting eye may not be alarmed, but Andr has seen these trees before. Seen the star that split from the sky and hurdled to the earth trimming a line of trees in its path. 

Months ago there had been fire and smoke, now the forest regrew again, but Andr felt as though the embers were still burning beneath his feet. Looking over his shoulder he addressed Flearuette "This way. Stay close." before crossing into the forest, away from the direction of once fallen sun.

The change in temperature within the protection of the trees could be felt immediately, and Andr took in a deep breath as they pressed on. The tall sentinels acted as shields but streams of air still snuck in, a more encompassing enclosure would be needed.

He pressed on until they came across a rock face. Andr lead Flearueete along searching for an opening. There were some smaller openings, and another that appeared to be able to fit the two of them but smelled of another creature's home, nothing worth fearing but something he didn't wish to upset. Then he found it, an opening that would house them both, and even offer some additional breathing room. "Will this suffice?" he asked looking for her approval.
34 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
I would assume that she is currently feeling hormonal changes and would be in heat by early-mid February. I don't believe it would be detectable to Andr at this time. She doesn't quite know what's going on with her right now.

The shivering rattled Fleurette's bones, even despite her protector shielding most of the wind and cold. She was thankful to finally reach the woods, the Sentinels living up to the image she had created back in the Bay. Their treetops blocked out most of the sky, and what did manage to break through became beautiful rays of light illuminating the forest floor. The young female so wanted to play in those lights, but that would have to wait until her fur had completed drying and the feelings in her legs returned.

She noticed a little hesitation in her steadfast companion, more so visible to her than when he initially mentioned trekking to these woods. The last thing she wanted was to be nosey, but she couldn't help but feel the need to relieve his unease. She thought to speak on it--surely, he may want to get it off his chest? Perhaps once they found shelter and settled in, he would open up to her. She would wait, then.

They soon found what they've been looking for: shelter. Andr brought her to a lovely, cozy cave that was just, absolutely, perfect. The mouth of it was just large enough to walk through, one at a time, but it then opened into a much larger space inside; it was able to hold them both quite comfortably with ample space. After assessing the cave, Fleurette examined the trees and the surroundings around them, wanting to find items to bring inside that the two could use to line the floor. All she could think about was getting warm now.

And a little snugglefest with Andr wouldn't hurt.

"I think I will take a quick look around the area for something to cover the floor, something to create a barrier between the coolness of stone and our bodies. I can't think of nothing else than to get warm, the journey here has just sapped every ounce of heat from me, I fear." She worked quickly despite the numbness in her libs. She found downed branches with thick boughs of needles shortly off the mouth of the cave. What luck! Her little body was tired but driven by the thought of warmth these branches would provide. She placed them neatly towards the back, far from the chill that seemed to threaten the entrance. Here, she and Andr could sleep and stay the warmest, the safest as well. 

She grinned proudly, turning to Andr. "This cave is fantastic, you did so well finding it for us! I hope these branches provide us comfort. I chose the thickest boughs, too!" She didn't even wait for his response; little feet took off and she dove on top of the bedding, rolling around onto her back, giggles echoing as paws waved in the air. As she did so, the scent from the needles wafted into the air. Fleurette sniffed deeply, the aroma was so pleasant and comforting, she sighed and snuggled down.

She watched Andr then, wanting so badly for him to lay with her. Not for anything more than his company and how safe and protected she felt when he was near. She could feel her energy, then; it was becoming less and less as her body soon realized that she no longer needed to remain upright. Her lids felt heavy, and her breathing evened out.

She slept.

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
They had found a hole to roost in but the cold bird wished to make a nest. To fill it with branches and foliage and properly pad the floor into a natural mattress. Andr lended his services, carrying in that which she pointed out and allowed her to arrange it as she pleased. Once all was in its proper place she awarded it her seal of approval and dove in. Rolling on her back and dispursing the smell of needles into the air.

He stood in the doorway, his front paws on the floor of boughs, looking down upon her with a kind smile. A face she seemed to gleam at until her eyes batted closed.

Night would be upon them soon and with his exhausted companion now asleep he imagined there would be little to do until morning. Before bedding down himself he did a quick sweep of their perimeter and marked the edges to deter any curious wildlife.

When he returned she lay nestled within. Andr laid down near the entrance, blocking a portion of the incoming draft, while also being respectful of her personal space - at least that's what he thought. Before long sleep took him as well.

- - -

A flash of light.
Fallen trees.
Cracking wood.
Burning lungs.
Singed fur.
Black and white.
Cries for help.

and the heat...

A nightmare brewing in the cauldron of his mind. Bubbling up and steaming. Mind and body running hot. His newly insulated surroundings trapping it within his fur. A battle against the fire and time seeped out of his mind and through his muscles. Twitching as he slept restlessly.

Happy to skip to the morning or continue in the night if Fleurette were to wake up :)
34 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Morning time! :) Assuming that Andr is still asleep when she wakes!

A deep, but quiet yawn was the first sign that Fleurette had waken. Eyes that matched the rays of the rising sun that spilled in through the entrance blinked open, clearing away sleep. They landed on Andr's still sleeping form; he had not slept next to her, she realized, and that made Fleur deflate ever so slightly. Her body wanted to move, to go to him and curl up against him. If only to give him comfort.

She watched him as she continued to lay in her nest of branches; it appeared to her that only one of them had slept soundly during the night. Something about this place must bother him. Why else would he have hesitated when we got here? It was a nice place, some areas not as developed, though; possibly something devastating had occurred here some time ago.

Her limbs felt alive again, the cold staved off by the thick needled-branches they collected. Lifting herself from them, she stretched, and another yawn--this one she was unable to stop--loudly burst from her as her limbs elongated. A small, ope, sounded from her lips, hoping that she hadn't woken Andr. 

He needed his rest, after all!

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
A screech hit his ears, a cry for help, flames consuming black and white, before Andr was jolted away.

He quickly rose to his feet and scanned his surroundings, his vision lagging slightly behind his body and mind. For a moment he did not know where he was. How be came to be within this enclosed space, standing atop the trees.

And then he saw Fleurette. Her creamy sunset coat a stark contrasts against the walls of the dark cave and foliage below. He remembered now, the reason he had come to this place, the lack of impending danger, and a weight was taken off his shoulders. 

But the adrenaline running through his veins would need more time to settle down. He turned his gaze to the ground and lowered his back legs to take a seat. Heavy slow breaths left his ribcage and appeared in plumes of warm air. His front legs shook from time to time as he gathered himself.

It had all transpired in but a few moments, but he'd been unable to hide his dis-ease. In an attempt to push through, he looked back to Fleurette. "Forgive me... I did not mean to disturb you" he said slowly, taking a breath in the middle.
34 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
"Mister Andr!" 

She rushed to his side without thinking, eyes wide in shock. In the time they have been together, as short as it has been, she had not once seen the male as shaken up as he was now. It unsettled Fleurette; she couldn't help but feel a faint tremble of nerves settle in her bones. 

What can I do? she questioned herself. She shook herself to dispel the anxieties; his strength was hers, and her strength, in this moment, can be his. That, she could do. In the next moment, she found herself against his broad chest, her head laying under his chin, for however long he allowed her. It was quite a sight, she had to admit. Her petite, lithe, body against his enormity, sitting as he was; she felt as though she were a bush at the base of a giant oak tree. The image would have made her laugh. But it was nothing of importance; what mattered right now was easing her protector.

"I've sensed your discomfort ever since we reached the edge of these woods. I just want you to support is yours, whatever that is worth." Her tone was serious; it wasn't a time for her usual exuberant self. All she could think of in this moment was being there for him. She stayed where she was, pausing to give him silence and a chance to do, or say, what he needed. If he chose to disclose what pained him, she would be there for him; she would be his oak tree.

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Fleurette had good intentions. It would have been clear to anyone on the outside looking in. And had Andr been able to separate himself from the moment, from the adrenaline pumping through his veins, he would have seen it too. But he was not outside of his mind, not outside of his body, and at the mercy of memory.

Her approach was rushed... intimate... close... strong... firm... with the faintest whiff of a repressed scent, one even now he could not name. Feminine craving. It sent a shiver down his spine and he stood up to back away but he hit the cave wall. Soon the walls felt too close and he quickly scrambled out of the cave opening.   

The cold of the snow hit his paws and sent another shock through his system. Overstimulation fueling his beating heart and if Fleurette had spoken he hadn't heard it, perhaps interrupted her even. His eyes didn't meet hers. "Please... I'm sorry... I'm... I have to go... I'll bring you back something... I just... I'm sorry." his will was unable to keep him there any longer and soon he was galloping out of The Sentenials.
34 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Her eyes had drifted closed and it was utter shock that forced them to snap open. Andr had scrambled away from her as if her touched scalded him; him sputtering apologetically, trying desperately to create distance. And her heart broke as she watched him run. From her.

Did she just lose a friend? Sure, they may have just only met, but he had helped her and all she had wanted to do was the same in return. What had she done that was so appalling? 

She was alone. Again. He said he would return, but was it just a farce? A false hope for her to cling onto just to be deserted? Again?

No. Fleur stood, all four paws planted firmly beneath her. She wouldn’t crumble. Couldn’t crumble; she wouldn’t survive for long, but she had to try. 

The small wolf exited the cave and stood just outside the mouth of it, solemn. Her eyes followed Andr’s fleeting prints in the snow until they were no longer visible. Taking a deep breath, she headed off in the opposite direction, her own will guiding her into an uncertain future.

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.