Verdigris Ravine ~Great spirits, of all who lived~
~Mourning Sun~
35 Posts
Ooc — C.C/ Annie
All Welcome 
Anyone is welcome, her curiosity is growing just as she is. :)
She stood still, gazing at the horizon. The sun had been beginning to set giving way to a dark star filled sky.

Sun fell to sleep, then moon and stars came out to play and she gazed upon their scattered glory. She wondered about the spirits she had learned about with Zoug, were they amongst that great black canvas….?

She sat down, then looked at small pool that lay before her. Looking at her own reflection, a moment of pride fell over her, “This one is so pretty!” She said quietly to herself.

Why must she enjoy this peace and tranquility alone. She looked around hoping for someone she knew dearly to show up.
19 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
She would find company in the twin lights of the Cavetreader who walked the darkness towards her.

While those around him grew in stature, Brac spindled out like the branch of a water-parched tree. If that one by the river was pretty, this one was something else. Not quite boyish, not quite roguish, not quite sure if he was on his way to anything anyone might call handsome.

Brac fell in line with everyone who entered that strange bracket of time they called teenhood.

This one greets you, he said through an owlish stare, this one wonders what is seen in the waters at your paws, for he'd seen her looking quite intently into them! The Cavetreader pushed forward to look himself.
257 Posts
Ooc — ebony
cameo <3

waters explored.

the tribe quieted as the young ones discovered what about themselves they must know. what would the next year bring?

zoug watched them both fondly for a moment, pausing to wash his paws free of red dust before passing on in another interminable hunt. the more food was stored, the more success they would have in winter.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)
~Mourning Sun~
35 Posts
Ooc — C.C/ Annie
Company found her, in the form of a fellow Tribe Kin. It was Brac, one of candles pups. He had a spindly, yet lithe figure, like that of willow cloaked in reds and charcoals.

He seemed quiet, and contemplating. A gaze reminiscent of the owls that frequented the dry trees. 

“Brac, this one is glad to see you,” She greeted in return to the boy, “stars in an endless deep sky.” There were too many to count, “they shine bright, like tiny white pearls.”
19 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Hmm, the boy hummed, dark head ever inclined to peer into the inky river.

Indeed, the stars reflected off the glassy surface in mirrored constellation. Speaking, in similar whispers, and the Cavetreader wondered what else they might say if studied this way long enough.

Tribekin break the patterns, Brac observed, and drew a long claw to outline the air where their faces silhouette the riverbed. His own melded with the shadows of the rocks beneath, but hers flickered in dull moonlight, golden eyes catching what remained of the lingering light, sandy fur radiant despite the night. Like sun on bright day, he murmured, the stars suddenly hidden -

- he broke away,  perplexed by the sudden rush that overtook him, and turned his gaze to the sky. Which pearl does this one wonder at most? And attenpt to shake himself back into Brac - but the thought of her eyes still burned brighter.
~Mourning Sun~
35 Posts
Ooc — C.C/ Annie
Sorry for the delay, had a string of busy events come up…. I’m here now.

“Yes, like sun….” He spoke of tribekin, he spoke of patterns being broken, and she continued to listen. Cavetreader was peaceful company, he asked about a particular pearl in which she gently pointed her paw at. This one was a large one, larger and brighter than the others in the dark silky sky above. “This one seems to be in the same spot every night, as if it were….” She tried to muster a word, not quite a leader or ruler, but watching over the other stars?

A gentle shake of her head, trying not to lose herself to too many thoughts, “what does this Cavetreader think?”
19 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Brac followed the graceful lift of her paw, but her words did more to guide him to her star. He had seen this one before, and had watched it as it stood in the night sky while the other stars moved about it.

Chisa did not finish her thought, and the Cavetreader could only guess at what she had named astral flame.

Hmm... he hummed again, thoughtful eyes flicking across the constellations. A compass. A shepherd. An ambassador, when the sun is gone. Like Candle, like Zoug. Like the law that lay beneath the warm sands and guided tribe in collective ways. A reflection of tribe. That is what this one thinks, and his eyes sparkled when he glanced at her, hinting he had more to say, and more, if this one still hungers to hear it.

Wishing she did not bore of his company like he felt Gaara often did. Hoping she'd probe his mysteries.

I'm sorry too @Chisa !! Likewise busy, but I intend to keep Brac active, even if he is a slow burn! And also I love this thread!!
~Mourning Sun~
35 Posts
Ooc — C.C/ Annie
Me too, <3
He had continued, watching the star as she was and speaking of names to fill the void of her words. He hummed softly, eyes flicking thoughtfully…. Shepherd, that was the word she sought, “yes, shepherd. This one agrees, shepherd watches over tribe.” 

After this, his glistening eyes met her’s as if stars aligned. She nodded, she did indeed hunger for what else the boy had to say. Mystery surrounded him, she would seek more.