Blackfoot Forest Lost within the forest's beauty
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
All Welcome 
Laska approached Blackfoot forest, her petite figure almost looked like a juvenile. She lifts her head as she takes the first few steps into the forest, making sure she is alert for any other creature. The trees were like a cover, something like that anyway, of darkness that she seemed at peace in. The stirs of the forest were of course scary to her but at some point in her life she realizes that sometimes fear is only in her head. In the forest she stuck out like a sore thumb, her pure white pelt and piercing icy grey eyes were not the color of a wolf usually found in the shadowy backdrop. For her size one would think that Laska is not fierce, but when pushed to the point this wolf can pack a punch. Her ears twitch as she lays at the base of a tree, waiting for the sun to rise to lead her way deeper into this unknown forest.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She started on her way from Blackfeather so that she might find some trace of Maegi ad she trekked forward towards Bearclaw Valley. She had to bring some sort of information back to Kove hopefully she would get good news about the pup
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
When the sun seemed as though it was rising and peeking through the tops of the trees it began to light up the forest. The white wolf was licking at her paws, getting herself ready for an adventurous day through the woods. Laska sluggishly brought herself onto her paws forcing herself to be awake. With one huff of her breath she started to stretch out her unproportioned legs and force her body to come out of it's night time trance.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Daybreak brought light to shine on who Moonshadow thought to be a female judging by her size. Though she was for certain. The female decides to approach the other. She however is careful not to appear hostile as she walked closer. "Hello." She calls out in greeting.
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
There was a rustle behind Laska and she put it off as a squirrel. Soon she did catch scent of what it was though, another wolf. The petite white wolf raised her ears and turned slowly, she wasn't for sure yet about this wolf. "Hello, I thought I was alone in here." her voice was soft and stance was though she accepted the conversation but was still wary for now.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow listened to her as she spoke. "As did I. My name is Moonshadow. I come from a pack west of here." She stated simply. "And you are?"
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
"I'm Laska, a loner" she said relaxing a bit. "If you're from a pack, what brings you out this way?" her question seemed a little straight forward but she has always been that way, no sugar coating.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She sighed "A pup from my pack was taken by a pack forming in the mountains and as was I. She ran in this direction so I'm hoping that she made it to Bearclaw Valley."
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
"I haven't seen anyone...for days. I sure hope you can find the pup, if it was my pup I'd be worried sick. I couldn't imagine your pack right now worrying." Laska was very empathetic. She felt for this situation, though it wasn't exactly like hers, she was left at a young age to fend for herself, and a pup younger than that... she could only imagine what harm could be done.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She nodded a bit. "Thank you and sure hope I do. She was injured pretty bad after her escape. As was I." In truth her vision in her right eye had never been the same since. She felt the haze over her eye everyday.
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
"I hope you heal. If you don't mind my asking, Why did the pack attack?" she shifted her weight and sat on the cool forest floor. Her eyes study the female, she liked the conversation since she hadn't seen a wolf in a while.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
"It's quite alright. A few moons ago our pack was under poor leadership and our alpha and how he conducted the pack started a war in the lands. A deviois pack was unknowingly forming in the mountains and I was the first to be taken. My original plan was to escape one night but that very day a she-wolf brought forth a young one from my pack and i was injured helping her escape."
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
"Oh.. Is your pack alright now?" She was sucked into this story, wanting to know if everyone was alright now. One day she hoped to have stories of her own to tell, she doesn't want harm to herself but stories..
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She nodded. "Yes, our pack is quite alright we are small in numbers now but we are recovering." She thought of possibly recruiting this wolf but that was a story for another time.
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
"Well that's great news!" she was genuinely happy for them. Her tail flicked as the sunlight was drooling on her pure white fur. The forest was no longer calling out in cries but there was rustling and songs from birds everywhere. She had hoped the female would stay longer, company was nice, real company not the flora and fauna even though that's nice too.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She chuckled. "Yes very. What about you? Whats your story?" Moonshadow liked the females attitude. It was refreshing and she was interested in knowing more about her.
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
" Was born outside of a town, in a pack in fact. We were really small though, I had 2 older siblings and I was the smallest. I got treated as such. Eventually our pack disbanded and every was going their separate ways, I wanted to go with my mother and father. They let me go with them and for a few days it was fine." her voice changed at this point, she choked a bit. " On the third night my parents snuck off while I slept, of course I was about 1 and could about take care of myself but I was small and have always been, it made me scared." she put her down and then looked at the female, her grey eyes were hollow deep down.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She let out a soft whine as she heard her story. If allowed Moonshadow moved to nudge her. She too knows the feeling of being abandoned. "I understand what your going through. Me and my brother were abandonded by our mother at a young age."
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
Laska accepted the wolf's touch. It was nice to have a friend, and someone who can share the same feeling. She took a deep breath. "Thank you, Since then I have been wondering alone, hoping to find someone." her voice was smooth and soft again.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
"Well your in luck, if you'd like you can accompany for a bit and maybe I won't rush you, you can consider joining my pack." She was sure of this now and it would be nice to have a companion on her journey.
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
Her eyes lit up with happiness, was this really happening? She couldn't let the offer go to waste "I sure would love to accompany you, and if your pack would accept me yes I could adjust to that.

Laska stretched out her legs and then waited for the wolf to reply. What a life she could live if she was involved with a pack, a family she could protect. These thoughts ran through her mind and made her happier.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The female agreed whole heartedly and it mad Moonshadfeel happiness as well. She hoped that Kove would allow her to join. "I can't say anything for certain but I hope they do. Nor can I say what will happen when we are able to return to my pack. All I know is that I have to find my packmate before I return."
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
"Nothing is certain in life, but it is nice to know we can try. I'm sure with both of our noses we can track your packmate down somehow." Laska nodded. "Have you looked for long and where shall we start?" she went into search mode. Laska's ears perked and her nose was ready, whenever they moved.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was greatful for the she-wolf's help as she thought. "I plan on heading to Bearclaw valley first. When I had escaped I met a wolf from there who may shed some light on the situation."
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
"Alright sounds good to me, I guess I'll be your shadow for a while" she chuckled a bit, she loved the company. " We had better get going, can't waste the daylight." she was now ready to help this wolf find her packmate. Laska wondered about all the places that they could be.