Haunted Wood Never Tomorrow
82 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
For @Santiago Arcos, @Lithium since she's always somewhere close by! Forward dated to April 7 so he can talk a little more!

Once again the little shit wandered away from their mother's side as she slumbered. Nothing would keep the little prince from his adventures, of discovering new things and growing stronger by the day! He was big enough now to be able to wander away and Serem was sleeping... without any patience to wait for their mother to accompany them, Valium snuck out on his own with his twin sister in tow once again. 

This time they came across a new face, a bigger man with dark fur, their mother's smell was often mingled with his, and their colour looked very similar too. Without fear, the little prince stood as tall as his little body could, looking up at the bigger man with defiance in his glimmering eye. Who you? His vocabulary was still basic but he could at least somewhat get his meaning across.
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53 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her brother had another adventure scheme in his mind and lithium like always was not about to stay in the boring den. So she followed him and when they came up to the man she was wary. Despite already meeting the man she was still curious. "Yeah." She agreed with her brother question.
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He watches the two twin pups dance towards him. His grin gets wider and he looks around to find their mother or perhaps Hashut, yet they were nowhere to be seen. Raising a brow at them he gazes down. “I’m Santi.” He offers simply to the two.

Lowering his head down to them. “Who are you two?” Even though he already knew I wanted to give the pups the opportunity to introduce themselves.
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82 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
Bumping shoulders with his sister, he offered her a wry coy grin before turning his bi-coloured focals onto the stranger again. Santi? Weir name. Said him, but the boy with his own strange name thought his was the better of all names! Because it was he, the son of the original Warlord and the current General! He and his sister were above all else!

Valium! He called out, pressing against Lithium while she would introduce herself. The boy was certainly all pride and was very confident that nothing could hurt them, definitely not him! You phite? He stepped forward, tail behind him swaying as he eyed the man with big bright eyes.
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53 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The weird man had introduced himself and his name was a little funny and she giggled to herself. "I'm lithium!" She introduced herself after her brother did and she stood proudly afterwards. Valium had asked him a question and she watched paitiently to hear his answer.
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He chuckles at them. “I do.” He says deeply. “Let me show you.” He growls playfully with his usual smirk.

Stepping forward he butts his strong muzzle against Valium’s side, gently rolling him on his back and lightly nibbling the pups scruff. “You are no match for me.” He laughs sarcastically. Letting go of Valium he turns to Lithium and gently grabs the tip of her tail with his pearly whites. It’s the most gentle he’s ever been with anything in his entire life.
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82 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
The larger, darker man pressed his nose against the little prince and immediately the boy fell over with a soft thump against the ground - his spine twisting enough to try and bite his muzzle as he did so before Santiago went and to grab onto his sister's tail.

Hold up! No one touches his sister except for Valium! No fair! he cries, wriggling his way back up awkwardly before bouncing over to one of Santiago's front paws and try to bite into them. You just bigger! At least he was aware of that now, that the man was older and bigger than they were - that didn't mean he was a great fighter, just that they were small puppies and easy to push around.
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53 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The big wolf grabbed her lightly by the tail and she felt her rear levitate in the air and she gave a sharp bark at him. This wasn't a fair fight but she wasn't going down easy, once he let go she pounced at him. "Can't beat mommy!" She yelled at the big wolf. Her mom was the General and a good fighter he was no match for her.
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He chuckles when Valium begins gnawing on his angle and paw, which he allows for a few seconds to mess with the other pup. She barks up at him, a small high pitched sound but it still has his raising brows. “You’ve got a voice on you huh, chica?” He teases the small female.

Then he laughs once more, bringing the paw that the other had been chewing on up in the air, making the male pup thump on his back. “You’re right, I am no match for your mother.” He agrees sarcastically back to the pups.

He flops his massive body down, a plume of dirt flying up around them and scoops up both of the pups to his chest, caging them in with strong, muscled forearms. In no particular order he begins nibbling and play biting them both. “You can’t escape!” He growls jokingly. “You’re stuck here forever. Better ask your mom to come save you.”
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
82 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
That's right! Their mother was so strong, she was the General after all! Their father, though they had never met them, Valium was certain was just as great - for their mom would choose no one else than the best. He was convinced that they were the product of perfection - not love or the desire to raise a family but to create a perfect couple of pups like his sister and himself. 

With a squeal of enjoyment, Valium was flipped over and nibbled which tickled so much that he had to do what the big guy said to and immediately started crying out Ah! Mommy! Moooommy!! Inbetween giggles and fits of laughter, pushing at the guy with his little paws and kicking, meanwhile that little tail flickered happily.

This was so much fun! Better than staying in the den and doing what Serem wanted them to do all the time.
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53 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
When the male started tickling her brother she growled as fiercely as she could before charging at the wolf's head. Her little tail swaying as she hopped on top of his head and nibbles on his ear.
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He chuckles vibrantly at the two pups silly antics. See, he can play with puppies and not eat them. Santi grins as the female jumps onto his head, jagged little claws scratching him and tell pulling relentlessly on his ear. The little bugger actually hurts a bit and mildly he hopes she doesn’t rip the tag off his ear.

At this point he rolls over onto his back and splays his legs out, going limp, and pretending to be dead. “You killed me.” He sighs and flops his blackened tongue out the side of his maw.
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82 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
Victory was theirs! As the dark man rolled over onto his back, Valium was quick to claim his spot at the highest peak of the man's chest, awkwardly, clawing his way up there until finally, he was able to stand tall and proud atop there. Liphium, we di eet! He declares with pride, throwing his head up to the sky to revel in their abilities. This certainly fed his pride and boasts his beliefs on just how great they were. The things they will be able to do later on in life, the skies were the limit!
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383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Santi allows the pup to climb up his form and declare victory. Little did they know the victory would be short lived. Slinking his tongue back into his maw, he looks down to the pup. “Just kidding.” He says deviously and rolls over to grab the pup with his paws and cage him in beneath him.

Valium is caught in his arms, tucked against his chest once more and Santi’s chest rumbles with the laugh he lets out. The faux evil in it and his wide open mouth makes it seem even worse. Looking down to the small one to at his chest he chuckles. “Give up. You’re stuck here forever. Once you give up I’ll let you go.”  He barters horribly.
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82 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
I really just want to finish this thread to claim it for Valium's trades, and Lithium is inactive. This is his final post!

He wasn't pleasantly surprised as the man popped back to "life" instead of just playing along. With a yip and a growl as he wrapped his arms around the small body, Valium wriggled and pushed and used his smaller, more nimble and flexible body to get free and start making his way back home to momma (assuming with Lithium in tow too). The fun was over and he didn't like how it ended, the little prince would be sure to remember this!
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