Bramblepoint Apples for a Doe Doe
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
All Welcome 
Hunt Roll Results: Large w/ Average Rate of Success

Andr spent his morning grazing on the various berries of Bramblepoint. The berries along with the newly fallen apples and cherries made it easy for him to snack and tap into his none carnivore side of his diet. But it also serves as a great bait location for luring in a lone white-tail deer doe. 

The wind was in his favor and the scent of the doe wafted into his nostrils. He had not set out to hunt this morning but was not in the mindset of letting a chance at a meal go to waste. He lowered himself to the ground and lingered towards the scent of the doe. Her head was down and her ears were up as she ran her nose across the floor and bit into the succulent fallen apples.

The thick brambles did a great job of keeping him concealed but he knew he would need to strike. It wasn't as though the doe was going to merely wander towards him and away from her snack. He sprung from the bushes and caught the deer off guard taking a bite into her back thigh. She began to kick and was successful in getting Andr to release his grip. She took the opportunity to run but Andr was right on her heels.

The terrain was rough and it was unclear who benefited between the two of them. He nicked at her heels and avoided her hoofs until the doe caught herself within the foliage and fell to the floor. She got up quickly but the fall had taken its toll, and she instead of running turned to defend herself. She angrily stomped her front hooves into the ground in an attempt to ward off Andr. Andr was cautious and precise and slowly worked the doe until she lay on the ground injured and tired. He clamped his jaws on her throat and dealt the final blow.

After her demise he took some time to catch his breath in front of his kill.
3 Posts
Ooc — Half Moon
It was pleasant morning.
A gentle mist in the autumn air kept Moth's fur cool as they wandered among the brush and brambles, snacking on berries as they did. They liked berries. Liked the sweetness and the mild effort of getting to the best ones. 
They weren't much of a hunter, they knew. Voles and mice were the best that they could get on their own, maybe a rabbit or a groundhog if they were lucky. But fruit was easy. Fruit didn't run or thrash. No one would fight them over fruit.

As they crept through some particularly thorny blackberries, the gentle breeze blew a scent towards them. Deer, they thought. Dead, but fresh.

Moth pushed their way out of the bushes and towards the smell. Berries were fine, but meat was better. If the deer had died naturally, or been killed by some predator that would abandon the carcass after eating its fill, they might not have to hunt for several days. If not... they were good at slinking off. They'd been told that before. 

They stuck to the bushes, trying to remain unseen. The mist half-blocked their vision, but they could see well enough. There was definitely a deer, freshly killed... and a large, fierce-looking wolf standing in front of it.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
He had begun to rip into the belly of his prey when a strange scent introduced itself into the mix. It was not the dear, or the many berries and applies, it was another wolf. But there was something off about the smell and yet slightly familiar. It reminded him of the innate feminine scent of his home pack mates, but... there was something else, something he was unfamiliar with. It also differed from the creature he had encountered a few days prior.

Scanning the area caught a glimpse of a reddish wolf lingering in the bushes. Blood from his meal had messyed his muzzle as he locked eyes with the stranger. "Good Day..." he said in a neutral tone in his deep voice.
3 Posts
Ooc — Half Moon
Moth did not flinch at the stranger's voice, but it was a near thing. Stupid. They knew how to greet another wolf, had done so plenty of times in their life. And here they were, just a couple weeks wandering, and now they froze up at the sound of a voice. 

Their breathing steadied, and they responded to him like a normal wolf.
"Good day."

A short pause, to give the other wolf time to respond.
"I'm Moth."
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The wolf returned his greeting and provided a name. Moth. It was rather neutral, simply the name of an insect. Andr was still unsure of this wolf, being tucked away in the bushes much of them was still obscured. "I am Andromed Dorian. What might I do you for?" he asked.
3 Posts
Ooc — Half Moon
Moth nodded, their tail twitching in the bushes. "I smelled the deer- your deer." No, they've said it wrong, the wolf- Andromed- will think they came to steal it. "I didn't realize it was yours. I've already eaten, anyway." Not that they would have passed up the chance at fresh meat, but they're a scavenger, not a thief. They just need to make sure that the wolf in front of them- a strong, sturdy looking male that has to be a warrior of some sort- doesn't think they want to steal from him.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
His meal is what had attracted this wolf and his eyes narrowed towards them hearing of their motivation. He quickly relaxed though as they stated they were not hungry and thus likely had no intentions of taking or stealing it. It also make Andr feel better as he was unsure if he would have been willing to share it, but there was no need to share with a full belly. Although, if they had already eaten, they why seek out food.

"And what was it that you ate?" Andr asked.