Dawnlark Plains I only call you when it's half-past five
82 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
She felt lost all over again. Rather than return to Sapphique, Rae decided to cut further inland to shake off the bone-deep melancholy that now drenched her. There was no comfort in finding out that her sister still lived, only a new way to highlight the ways her own life was absolute shit. Arguably Rae had gotten the better start, having their mother in her life for longer than Lilia, and still she'd ended up in the worse position.
It wasn't her own fault, but that didn't mean it didn't sting.
In an effort to distract herself, she hunted quail. But the moment she made the kill, she discovered she was not hungry at all. In frustration she kicked the limp thing, and sent it skidding several feet, finding a small amount of satisfaction in this. Fuck that quail.
5 Posts
Ooc —
hope it's ok if I join <3

Along an unknown trail, the soldier treads. Past glacier and snowmelted peak, and meadows alive with summer sounds. Towards a land untouched, perhaps, by light.

He wished to know - for Him to know. To take in all it's divine beauty.

A scuffle , he melts away from the shadows towards the young wolf, making his presence known with a stern chuff as he surveyed the scene.

"If you are angry, there are better ways of seeking release than on some poor bird." Eyes narrowed, he places a paw purposefully on the discarded quail. She seemed young. She would learn.