Verdigris Ravine I swear to God, I saw her howling at the sky
22 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Limit Two 
Open to anyone of the tribe!

Ri'zura continued her search for usable herbs. She'd found many thus far, but her hunt would not be finished so soon. 

Soft leaves for dressing wounds. Echinacea for infections. Chamomile for stress. She recited her findings within her head as she walked, while also trying to decipher what new things were necessary to find still. 

There were always options to test new, potential medicines. But in a time when it is best to be well prepared, she knew better than to experiment too often. They would wait, for now.
The Tribe
136 Posts
Ooc — xynien
S'ari's sister was among them, and Candle did not know what to make of that. She wanted to like her, but every time she even thought of trying to interact with the woman, her heart jumped into her throat and pounded there until she thought she might be sick. So for a time she avoided Ri'zura.

Soon her curiosity grew beyond her fear, however, and she found herself shadowing the pale coyote at what she deemed a safe distance. Candle watched her, and kept as quiet as she could. Eventually she would greet her. Or at least, she planned to, though she wasn't yet sure when that would happen.

If it was left entirely up to Candle, she would probably stalk her for weeks first.

For now she followed in silence.
22 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
A sudden discover. Ri'zura, on a whim, approached. Was it what she thought? Lengthy vine, dark budding flowers. Nightshade. Yes, she knew it well. 

Careful as she neared, the pale coyote looked to see just how far the vine had grown. This would be a dangerous spot for the tribe, as not many knew of this poisonous existence. S'ari must hear this. But not until Ri'zura knew more.

To her dismay, it did indeed range far, the vines looping between every bush crossing this distance. A small, dissatisfied grunt fell her, ears falling. Had this been a sign? Was the ravine not a good home for the tribe after all?
The Tribe
136 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Unnoticed for now, Candle crept along behind the girl. She watched her pause to assess a dark green vine, and her own pale eyes followed. From what she could see, it was nothing special; darkly-flowered, tangled among the bushes, uninteresting. Just a vine, like any other.

Yet she sensed a tension in the air. Candle drew in a careful breath and began to back away, uncertain what manner of dark magic she might be witnessing. The vine was cursed. Or the girl was cursed. She wasn't sure, but it scared her.
22 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
She could not stand here idly. No — S'ari must know what she has seen!

Turning quickly at her heal, almost enough to cause unbalance, Ri'zura intends to set off to find her sister. But to her surprise, a figure sits ahead. 

Knowing not if they were tribe-kin, she paused, watching steadily. Would they show themselves willingly, or would this sight be better off forgotten?
The Tribe
136 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Last for me! <3
Candle froze when she realized that she had been spotted. Her heart jumped into her throat, and in a panic, she bolted off in the opposite direction. The image of the woman remained burned into her mind. Dark magic. Here.

She missed her sisters more than ever.