Alpine Lake Another day, A new adventure
3 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her mother had spoken very highly of this place. Not this particular area but the wilds in general. She spoke highly of a few packs that her mother had been in and came across as well as wolves she had met and became close to.

Now it was time for the young she wolf to make her own adventures and figure out where she would fit in this life she planned to to build.

For now it was time to eat and drink for the day as she came to the lake and lapped up a bit of the cool water before her.
163 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
thank you for starting this!

Fiona ushered Prowler to go fetch her something useful for once. She loved the bandit dearly, but she really did need to earn her keep if she wanted the Greenroot native to continue to keep her around. Occasionally, Fiona would threaten to make her into a meal. Prowler, of course, knew this was merely a threat, though she'd always make a show of pretending to be terrified. The raccoon toddled off, and Fiona set herself to the fresh trail of wolf. It wasn't like she made a habit of introducing her familiar to strangers anyhow.

She came upon a young woman, perhaps not so different in age from herself, though quite a bit larger in size. The stranger's thick black coat was complimented by a lighter stockings, her tail, and her ears. They looked soft, supple. Fiona never failed to admire a handsome specimen. With a swish of her own dark tail, Fiona approached with a relaxed demeanor, glad that this would not be a meeting beginning with startled surprise.
3 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
As a swift wind blew past her it brought the scent of a wolf to her nose and she looked towards the wolf. “This isn’t a pack’s territory is it? If so I apologize.” The wolf seemed calm and She hadn’t caught any other wolves scents when she came here but she wanted to be careful to not cause any problems.
163 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The stranger quickly assumed the worst, and Fiona shook her head. If it is occupied, nobody's doing a very good job of doing the upkeep required to maintain it, she quipped. Does that mean you're not from around here? Fiona asked. Was that so odd, two strangers from far away places meeting in some place new? The witch idly wondered how often that happened, and if it had any significance.

She made herself comfortable, settling into a sit and wrapping her tail around her hip so that it lay alongside her foot.
3 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The female gave a small chuckle and a short nod. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” The woman seemed to have her figured out, suppose it was obvious. “Yeah I am. My mum lived here before, not this particular area. I thought I would check it out.” She wanted to venture out, make her own way in the world and figure out what she wanted out of life. “My names Aylin and yours?” She questioned.
163 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Ancestral blood from this place, but not born of it herself. Curious, Fiona thought. The wolves of Greenroot had been there countless generations. Fiona was one of the first to venture out on her own. Many times, they attracted rather than repelled members to their coven. Not that "repel" was the right word for why Fiona had departed from there. She had simply felt called to something else. Something away.

Fiona, she said, of Greenroot. Aylin seemed a fine young woman, and perhaps one that could become a companion, should Prowler ever become not enough. It had been some time since Fiona had spent more than a passing conversation with anyone. Not since she departed Greenroot. Few seemed up to the task, but perhaps this one...

Did your mother provide any useful information on this area? she asked.