Gilded Bay [m] Chapter ONE: Washed Out
34 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
All Welcome 

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Vulgarity, mention of blood later in thread.

Grit in her eyes, sand in her teeth, water in her lungs. 

Sputtering and coughing, Fleurette found herself soaked to the bone, lying on a hard surface. The frigid waters behind her could be heard lapping at the unfamiliar lands as if calling out to all who were near that she had arrived. Eyes that seem to reflect the setting sun blinked rapidly and, soon enough, cleared to see snow that glittered with little bursts of daylight. It stretched along the coastline, that which she noticed stretched for a few miles in either direction, the horizon stark white against the skies. 

These lands were unfamiliar, but how did she get here? Where did she even come from? Her brain felt so foggy; muddled, even. The only thing that felt concrete was her given name: Fleurette. She had stood up as soon as her eyes had cleared as she surveyed her surroundings. 

Her gaze landed on a collection of small pools of water shortly off from where the land meets the sea. It seems as though the tide was the only thing keeping the pool free of snow. One pool caught her eye. Did she just catch water being splashed?

Curiously, with forward facing ears and a light step, she padded over to investigate. She sniffed the air, making an attempt to scent what, or who, made that splash? She wouldn't be surprised if the water splashing had just been her brain tricking her. Who knows what else this brain injury she seemed to have acquired might cause? Clearly, whatever she endured rattled her enough to cause her to lose her memory.

But, she felt in her heart that this was not the worst thing to occur. She still had a hope that filled her veins with the courage to continue on, to create a new beginning. It felt right. Although she was cold, hungry, and UTTERLY alone, she did not fear it. It felt like freedom.

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
174 Posts
Ooc — Raven
@Iaghe for reference. Meet up soon :)

It had been months since he had last seen her. Months since he had stayed where they last slept. Months since she left with no goodbye...

He'd tried searching for her. Tracking her using his honed hunting skills, but to no avail. He continued his search, but over time his search turned into wandering. Turning him into a lone boat drifting with the tide.

He thought of her some nights. When the sky was dark and the moonlight lit the white clouds in the sky against the speckled stars. And he could envision her in the dark foam tides of the ocean. But her memory was fading and he grew vexed with himself over the thought that he should have... could have done more.

Following the coast down he returned to the Gilded Bay. The smell of salt in the air and how it drifted over the ocean biting little nips of the cold breeze under into his coat. As he walked over and through the various slopes a noticeable temperature difference occurred in the wind-broken dips.

Reaching the top of another hill he saw it in the distance. A figure rising from the water's edge, weak and washed in with the tide.

Was it a flash back... a memory... no this isn't how things had played out. Was he still seeing things? All of these thoughts rushing through his mind as he broke out into a gallop over the Bay and towards the figure.

But as he approached, the figure became more materialized. A female form drenched in water but what he imagined to be black and white was instead accented with golden browns. And though she was of smaller stature, should she not been smaller?

His pace slowed to a trot. Then a walk. He gently approached her before halting a few paces away. 

She faced away from him as he "Ex... Excuse me... Miss?"
34 Posts
Ooc — Kitt

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Mention of blood and mild vulgar language.

"Oh! Hello, there!" Her eyes landed on the male as she popped around to face the voice. Realizing she might look a bit waterlogged, she shook herself vigorously, water spraying in all directions. In her attempts to dry herself the petite wolf became unbalanced, her front feet slipping, a surprised "Oh, shit!" left her lips before she landed on her side, back feet still planted. To her dismay, her chin hit the ground and she felt something sharp slice her. Poking out of the ground where she impacted was a piece of broken...wait, what is it?

It was somewhat opaque, tinted green, and sharp. As she looked around, pieces of this material seemed to materialize every time the waves crashed on the shore. Some green, some red, some as white as the snow, some even resembled the colors of the skies. Most were rounded; she wished she had landed on one of those in her fall, because when she pawed at her chin, red tinted her fur and a warmth spread along her lower jaw. It appeared that she had an open wound and embarrassment flooded her system. 

"Skies above, I am so clumsy!" She blushed heavily and eyed the stranger with an abashed look. "Mister...Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't even ask your name. I'm Fleurette. Or--well--I'm pretty sure that's my name, anyway. Kind of the only thing I really remember at the moment. Do you happen to know these lands?" As she paused to let him answer, she padded a little closer to him and onto a more undisturbed portion of snow. She laid herself down, placing her chin into the cold to slow the blood. The bite of the snow was a relief she relished because, damn it all, her chin hurt! Although, it truly didn't compare to the pure self-consciousness she felt in the way that she appeared to this male.

As she gave him a once over, she noticed how handsome he was and his eyes! Oh, his eyes mirrored a cloudless summer sky. How she knew that, she didn't know. She couldn't remember anything specific beyond washing up here. But, what she did know was that those eyes brought her a warmth that she couldn't experience in the real world, expecially since she's lying in a wet heap in the snow. "I'm so it always like this here?"

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
174 Posts
Ooc — Raven
A young lady turned around to face him and it was blatantly clear this was not Iaghe. Even before she turned around he knew, but to see her face solidified the matter. It wasn't only her appearance but her energy. It seemed to flow uncontrollably and slipped out at inopportune moments. 

When she shook out her coat Andr turned his head. An instinct to avoid getting the water droplets onto his face.

'Oh Shit' he heard, and before he could turn his head back to her she was on the ground. Tread marks and way her body lay suggested that she had fallen.

Andr closed the gap between them and knelt down to her level. "Are you alright Miss?" he asked with light concern. That was until she lifted her head and brushed a paw across her lower jaw. Red dyed her fur. Increasing his concern.

He was about to speak when she flustered over him and regarded herself as clumsy. But it was clear she was embarrassed as she could barely bring herself to meet his gaze. A flurry of comments and questions followed.

A passive request for a name.
A name of her own.
A hazy memory.
And unknown whereabouts.

When the flurry settled she lowered herself back down to the ground. Deliberately resting her chin into the snow.

Not having encountered someone in a while it was almost a shock to his system to be bombarded with such pleasantries, making him pause a moment before he was able to compose his thoughts. 

"Hello Fleurette. My name is Andromed Dorian" he introduced dipping his head and closing his eyes to bow before her. "Though you may call me Andr if you wish. I am a... I'm quite familiar with this region yes. Though I do not claim any particular part of it as my home at this time." at the conclusion of his intro he lifted his head to look at her again.

A small warm colored sunset against the winter snow. Her following question sounded as though she only knew sunny days.

'I'm so cold' It stung in his chest cold than a polar plunge "No. Just in winter. Though the season has only just begun... There are a few areas of respite. Please allow me to escort you someplace warmer" he offered. Though he truly wished she would accept.

"I'm sorry that I was not able to stop your fall..." as he said it, red snow slowly spread from under her muzzle. "If you will allow me, I'd like to take a closer look at your chin. I'm not a medic, but I'd like to examine your wound. Just to ensure it's nothing too sever... Only if you are comfortable with it that is."
34 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Upon his approach, Fluerette stood. She dipped her head with a smile that reached her eyes. He was pleasant and a real gentleman; he made her feel at ease the minute he spoke. His rich voice was soothing, absolutely matching the warmth in his eyes that she had noticed only moments ago. She lifted her chin to allow the gentlemen to inspect her wound since she was not able to see it herself. "Please, take a look for me, won't you, Mister Andr? If only I could see it for myself..." But, then she felt a little squeamish, a little dizzy, and sat slowly on her haunches. Oh, I am such a weenie, she thought while internally rolling her eyes. It was a little blood, nothing to get all worked up over. Maybe this was how she behaved before today? Maybe she didn't like the gore. 

Her belly rumbled loudly as her nausea abated. She was HUNGRY, so very hungry. It didn't dawn on her until now that maybe she hadn't eaten in a while. Her stomach felt as if a little animal with sharp teeth was gnawing on her insides. His offer to find somewhere else to get warm sounded very appeasing, because maybe he could help her fill her belly on the way. Fleurette was not even sure how to obtain food...

Looking at Andr, trying desperately not to lose herself in the warmth of him, she spoke. "I would love to take you up on that offer for somewhere warm--I can hardly feel my toes and I'm afraid I might become encased in ice if I can't get my pelt dried." What predicament she found herself. It made her giggle out loud. Her memory has been muddled by the sea, but this man gave her comfort that she will be okay. A friend to help her guide her; however long he may stick around is entirely up to him, but she hoped for a long while yet.

"I also wonder--would you happen to know if there is anyone that can help with my memory? A fixer? Or, whatever it is that you call someone who can with ailments of the body?" Even if he said no, everything would be okay. He knew this place well enough, he mentioned, and surely he might assist her in knowing it, too. She was still excited to make herself anew for now. 

Her steps to follow him should he lead had faltered as she thought to herself for a moment. Do I want to know my past? Why was I even out in the water? She turned and gazed out to sea, seeing nothing on the horizon but grey skies and a wavy horizon as the waters tumbled over themselves to kiss the shore. No evidence of her arrival but what was washed on the shore: a broken wooden crate. Was that how she arrived here? Why would she have been in such a thing? Did she have a family? If so, did they know she was here?

Do they miss her? All of these unanswered questions flitted through her mind tirelessly. A feeling of sadness swept her up into its current and the silent flow of tears came as the feeling settled in her bones. She didn't like this feeling. She looked towards Andr again, finding comfort in his gaze. She wasn't so naive to think that after just meeting there was more to this random coming together of two souls. He was a friendly face, a kind stranger willing to help her. For that, she would always be grateful. 

But he was easy on the eyes, that she could admit. 

The little wolf sniffed back her tears, released a heavy breath, and smiled brightly enough to reached her eyes. She bounded to his side, feeling a bit lighter now. "Let's go, kind sir. I want to know more about you and these lands, too. I'm ready." 

I am loving these two already! Andr is such a gentleman <3

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
174 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Her thoughts and speech became more composed as she allowed him to inspect her injury, lifting her head and taking a seat.

Andr was no medic. If her injury had been severe the most he could do would have been to inform her of it, or try and get help. Though that would mean abandoning her out here. An image of the dark cloudy sky female alone on the rock flashed through his mind.

No. He thought to himself. He needed to be present. Looking to Fleurette his worries subsided. As he moved closer to her he gently pressed his nose beside the injury to gauge its depth. It was more surface level, it hadn't penetrated through the muscle and no vein had been severed.

His touch against her was warm. Despite his moist nose and the chill in the air, he could feel the frost running through her. Her skin was tight against the feminine curves of her neck. Was that due to her positioning or a lightened weight... Goodness, how long had he been staring...

"... Yes, well..." he stammered clearing his throat and taking a step back. "It appears to be superficial... Thankfully."

His embarrassment quickly subsided as he heard the sound of her stomach rumbling. Which only deepened a pit in his.

She accepted his offer of an escort to warmer surroundings, but he mind would not allow him peace knowing her stomach was empty. "Would you allow me a moment before we depart?" he asked kindly.

He walked over to one of the pools and as he glanced over his shoulder he could see she was following behind. He locked his eyes onto the water and followed as life twisted and turned within. She spoke to him as he did asking about fixers of the mind and body.

Had he come across someone like that in the past? Surely he mu... Splash! His body lunged into the water and submerged his head. Thrashing about under the water. Then stillness. 

Slowly he pulled his head out of the water and locked in his jaws was a fish. A fish that was just slightly too big to be called small, but something.

He lightly shook his head free of loose water. Careful not to spray his new follower. Without skipping a beat he turned to her and gently placed the fish before her. Licking the blood from his lips before speaking. "Would you allow me some time to think it over? I'm sure we'll find someone... but first. Shelter and... a meal. Or rather a snack for now, until I can find you something more suitable." he finished gesturing to his catch before her.
34 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
It seemed he had missed her little show of emotion because as soon as she had told him that she was ready to head out, he had already made his way to one of the pools and plucked a fish so quickly, it almost seemed to appear out of thin air. She realized then that he DID hear her complaining stomach and oh, did her cheeks redden! The fish was placed at her feet, and it took everything in her power not to dive at it like a crazed animal.

Fleurette felt an immense sense of gratitude towards her newfound friend and she danced in happiness before him. Her emotions were so heightened, her body was just buzzing. The need to move her body was so overwhelming and, honestly, she didn't care what he thought at the moment. She was just so grateful to 

Whatever had happened to her before washing ashore was almost moot, because it had gotten her to this place where she could rebuild herself. She felt so right here. This land felt like home. The seas had erased her past and maybe that was for the better. Andr had told her he would need time to think a little longer of someone who could assist in revealing her past--but, right now, she didn't care. 

 "Andr, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Squealing in delight, she did everything she could to surpress her wriggling body, her front paws still tapping and tail wagging despite her efforts. Bending down, she tore into the sizeable fish, making happy little noises as she chewed. The ache in her chin was exacerbated slightly from her chewing with gusto, but it was easily overlooked as she felt the gnawing start to cease slightly. 

She dipped her head towards the fish, a little smile to her eyes. Her mouth contained a bit of fish as she spoke, ignoring manners for the sake of filling her belly. "Will you have some? I don't mind sharing--you did catch it after all! Ope, sorry!" A small, but noticeable, piece of fish had fallen from her lips! She paused to swallow and looked to Andr...all bets were off. The little female double over and laughed.

And laughed. And laughed. Tears ran down her cheeks, the force of her laughter causing her sides to cramp. 

It took a moment to compose herself, wiping the moisture from her face, and she once again looked to Andre. She couldn't help but admire him for a moment; he exuded a strength that she soaked in, feeling it bolstering her. He appeared to her calm, cool, and collected, whereas she was all over the place, discombobulated. She could sit in it forever if she could. 

When he was near her only moments before, inspecting her chin, she remembered the way her core tightened and heated. Her body reacted to him in ways she didn't really understand and, deciding it was nothing to act on now, she shook herself, dispelling the tension deep within her.

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
174 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Andr did not need thanks. Did he naturally expect a thank you to be uttered following a kind deed? Yes. But would he have been offended if he went without one? No. The gratification he felt from providing for others was enough. Filling him with a sense of purpose... he lacked without it.

Humble fulfillment was far from needed in this instance. For from the moment the fish left his mouth he was showered with praise. First, her body became ablaze. Redness filled her cheeks, connected by a great smile, and her paws danced as though they were over joyous hot coals.

The thanks that left her lips were also plentiful, but to watch her eat and be satiated is what filled his chest with pride. Along with the bliss that erupted from her in laughter.

If not for her drenched coat and empty stomach one would be unable to guess she had risen from the seashore but minutes ago. Had her journey with the tides been less formidable than one would expect? Her spirit certainly made it seem as though it was possible. Like an expert making the most challenging look like child's play.

"Your offer is appreciated but not necessary. I need only eat when you are full. And if you would allow me to be so bold, I would wager it will take more than one fish to meet that threshold." It was rare that Andr allowed himself to go hungry, especially when he'd only been hunting for one in recent times.

He looked off into the distance, contemplating viable locations they could take shelter from the elements and allow her to dry. Only one came into view. And it made his insides turn over. A hint of anger festered within him for even thinking it, and a sour taste stayed in his mouth when it became the only reasonable option.

Those trees ablaze and the night sky female within it, an image he may never be able to forget.

"There is a forest to the East they call The Sentinels... The trees should allow us refuge for a short time before we press on further." he stated trying to proceed as though his mind were not elsewhere.
34 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Sorry for a short post, figured we could move on with Andr's next post in the Sentinels!

Andr had refused her offer of fish; she shrugged in response, returning to it with the same ravenous focus as before. He was right; it hadn't been nearly enough to fill her, but it satisfied that gnawing little animal inside her for the time being. Her body, however, felt stiffer than it had been, the cold worsening as her pelt lost its ability to retain heat. 

They needed to find shelter--now.

The Sentinels. A name that brought an image to mind of a forest of trees that touched the sky, protecting all below them. Surely, if that were the case, then it should be the best place for them to hunker down for a short while. Possibly find a larger animal to feed them both. Despite his refusal, she knew he would need his own fill soon. His strength cannot dwindle, she would remind him should he ever put her needs above her own again. She felt protected by him; it was only right that she reciprocated in her own way.

She also didn't miss the difference in his countenance when mentioning their next location. It was ever so slight, so she didn't press on it, the quickness in which it occurred meant it wasn't meant for her. Maybe another time, for those woods meant something to him, and she wasn't sure if it was a good thing. All she did was bump his shoulder gently and bade him to start moving towards them. 

"We should get going. I will follow you there, Mister Andr."

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.