Blacktail Deer Plateau [m] No [m]atter where I go to
186 Posts
Ooc — Jess

Mature Content Warning

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: baby making o'clock

As the tide rose higher and higher each day of the month as the full moon approached, Solveig had found herself awakening, and becoming restless. At first, she chalked it up to the joy she felt to now have a pack that was full, healthy, and thriving. Their home was comfortable and safe, and the children grew steadily even though the winter months. While she still longed for more- a pack so full each rank had a name to go with it- she was content with what had been created when Epoch had come to join them. 

But it did not take long for her to take stock of the true nature of this newfound energy, though it did bring her some surprise. Her second brood of children had come so late in the year- it seemed uncanny for her body to go into longing so early in the year. But when she considered how confident she was in her husband's capabilities, she smiled. The rank of King suited him; and it allured her to think of him as such. 

She called to @Rusalka, now truly ready to receive him. Her usual hunger for him grew to become ravenous; she followed his scent, to drive away any minutes and miles that kept them apart.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
bravo six
180 Posts
Ooc — delaney
his wife's scent catches his attention, tempting him. it calls to him like a siren song to a sea weary sailor; a promise of so many delicious and delectable things.

rusalka does not wait, stationary for her to find him. instead, he meets her halfway, steps purposeful and stride swift. rusalka falter for a moment as solveig comes into view but he composes himself a moment later, seeking to close the distance between them.

though he means to rumble her name, there are no words in the low, throaty noise. it is a wanting croon and a rumble filled with his desire for his fierce wife.

as rusalka draws near, he aims to nip at her cheek: wanting to taste and drink her scent in, all at once.
186 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Her own steps thundered in her ears, but all sound fell away when she caught sight of him. The world went silent, until the gentle croon of his voice reached out and pulled her in. She was desire, and she was need; he was both the item and the fix.

She silently bared her teeth when she felt his brush against her cheek. She was an impatient creature, so she shouldered his chest, affectionate as a house cat but with the brute strength of a lion. She walked along the length of him, pressing against him as if hoping she might cause him to stumble sideways- a test of his posture. 

And, also in a very kittenish way, she batted his muzzle with her tail.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
bravo six
180 Posts
Ooc — delaney
though rusalka would never dream to tame his wife's fierce, impatient nature — it was one of the many reasons he loved her — he cannot help the low, teasing rumble that escapes him as she shoulders his chest impatiently. he desired to tease her that all the best things take time but his blood sings loudly in his ears, and he burns for her.

the kittenish flick of her tail against his nose is what does him in.

he draws her into his embrace without preamble.
186 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She laughed, but her breath was pushed from her lungs as she was drawn into his embrace. Silenced for a moment, she simply smiled, and tilted her head back to croon once her voice finally returned. 

She would maybe make him spar for round two- just so that he would know she wasn't growing soft. 

She grumbled appreciatively once they had both been satisfied, though she knew it would not be long before she would demand his attention again. She reached to kiss his cheek, and then smoothe out the fur of his chest though it was wiry and unruly as always. She smiled as she feathered her teeth through his coarse fur, reveling in the afterglow. "Sometimes I think," She began, thoughtfully. "That parts of life are hard; and that no matter what I do, things might fall apart, like they have before. But then I think of you- how I found you, and what our life is now- and I-" She shrugged, speechless for a moment. "Sometimes it is something I can not believe. Like I must shake myself awake, eventually."
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
bravo six
180 Posts
Ooc — delaney
the afterglow settles over him, and he basks in it, pressing kisses to wherever he can reach as he feels her teeth feather thru his chest fur. rusalka's gaze is heavy-lidded as it settles contentedly upon the horizon, catching his breath until the second round.

for he knows it will follow. looks forward to it.

when she begins to speak, though, his gaze drifts down to her, where it settles; offering solveig his rapt and undivided attention.

i'm not going anywhere, he rumbles his promise. i love you, my fierce valkyrie, an affectionate nip given to her ear; the knowledge that is the first time rusalka has given voice to the true depths of his feelings for her not lost upon him. and i love our children, even the ones yet to come. which was ironic, perhaps, because he had not been sure how he would do in the role of father.
186 Posts
Ooc — Jess
If she had felt love before, she doubted it now. Scarce heard in her thoughts was the name of her former mate, whose face refused to appear in her mind, and the sound of his voice had long since faded away, as if he had been no more than a stranger, met only once. In her dreams she saw only her saltborn husband, and the flashy gold of his eyes. She knew the feel of his fur, and the shape of his body from touch alone. 

She was flattered by the nickname, and her heart thrummed to hear the word love spoken to her. She growled, an affectionate and possessive note, knowing it would say that she loved him- and so much more as well. No others would hear that tone of voice from her, it was for his ears alone. "And I love you too," She spoke, though it felt almost redundant to say. Still, important for him to hear. "And there will be many years of children to come; we will be mother and father of hundreds," She chuckled.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
bravo six
180 Posts
Ooc — delaney
her soft growl settles into his bone like a nestling warmth, making it's home in the cavern of his heart.

rusalka, given how their marriage had came about, though blooming with plenty of attraction, had never came to expect this. love. solid and unyielding. a truth that had came to be, as if anything else before was always a lie. like it was the most natural thing in the world to him.

but she returned his love! and that sparks rusalka's own rumble of unbridled affection.

mhm, he rumbles the noise, drawing his tongue against her ear. i look forward to it.
186 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Solveig rolled her weight against him, so she might lean back and gaze up at the sky above them. She closed her eyes, still smiling happily as she envisioned what the future might look like...And found that her smile only deepened. She watched with her mind's eye as their young milled about them even when they were greyed and their muscles soft. She envisioned grandchildren being brought to her  and she would fuss over them and play with them when she was old enough to act like a child again herself. The future looked beautiful and bountiful; her spirit was happy.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"