Porcupine Ridge but they're weird and they're wonderful
47 Posts
Ooc — siv
let me know if anything needs editing <3

for my reference, territory desc.
Jutting out haphazardly from the ground, the Porcupine Ridge is most known for its treacherous peaks and uneven surfaces. It appears a place of danger, but among its tumultuous rises are forested glens and hollows and hill side pastures, which shelter and provide for predator and prey alike. Spring-fed mountain lakes hold glacial, exceptionally clear drinking water, and the southeast overlook offers a breathtaking view of the Northstar Vale below, and the peaks of mountains that mark the vale's boundary.

Athens did not think he would ever be grateful to see a bird.

Tawodi returned with a series of sounds to announce his arrival, settling on a perch not too far. He supposed the right thing to do was find some kind of return for sending the flyer ahead. Whatever remained of his caught fish was offered up freely.

His own appetite was hardly there after all, far too nervous about what would prove to be a hard journey — path found or not.

He imagined @Losi was already well aware of the bird's arrival and Athens preparations to set out. A wash in the brisk waters was all he allowed himself before they would set out. It was not the cleansing of his looks that mattered to him, but the alertness he felt once the cold water lapped over him. That might be what kept him alive on the journey upwards.

Tawodi could lead while the canines followed.

He did not voice an ounce of concern he had when these lands seemed terrible. Jutted stones and dangerous paths. The one thing he made sure to do was never look behind him or down below. It might have been a poetic moment if he did not feel the heavy smack of his heart against his breastbone like a rattle. A thing that proved far more distracting.

He could not have fathomed the thought that the landscape might soon become more bearable.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Tawodi had returned to the pair shortly after they had finished fishing. Athens had offered the last of his fish, which Tawodi gulped greedily, and Losi found herself surprised at the gesture. Not many thought much of her hawk companion, let alone give him a prize, and she fought the aww that threatened to escape her lips. 

Instead, she showed her gratitude in a smile, though not letting herself tarry too long in his eyes. If the glance his way had been any longer and she would have forced him into a hug. It was the small things that got to her the most, the things that many people might not care too much about in others. Little gestures spoke loud of a person. And, Athens was practically screaming at her. He may appear sullen, but there was something else underneath there; the livered female could truly only guess, but, maybe, someday she would be right.


As for the area around them, she felt unease in her bones, and her own heart hammered against her ribs. She was not inclined to heights, they made her feel slightly lightheaded and dizzy. It may very well be a reason the mountains had not called to her—or, rather, she ignored them, if they did. But, she agreed to see Athens through, and wanted nothing more than this, so she would call upon her ancestors for safety and guidance to push through.

And, if he allowed, she would inch herself closer to the man, almost to the point of bumping shoulders as they traveled up…and up, and up. 

“This is—how you say—treacherous. I do not know if Tawodi’s idea of safe is the same as ours.” The bird squawked in indignation. He was a bird, a traveler of air, and paths were nothing more than weird bits of terrain that held no significance to his kind, but he did the best he could her them. “Calm, Tawodi, it will be alright. Right, Athens?”
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
(Please see profile for disclaimer)
47 Posts
Ooc — siv
Just this once, he swore, it was good that someone stayed so close to him. Mainly because he feared that if she fell behind or if something happened he might not be brave enough to steal a glance.

Treacherous, indeed. His voice had grown thick. Heavy with the thinning air and the tiredness that threatened to grip his limbs. He had not wanted to voice his uncertainty about the bird's decisions to her but...if she started it. The privilege of eyes above. Words meant to be a whispered thing towards Losi.

Athens would not admit it but perhaps he was nervous he might offend the bird.

Yet he thought he spotted glimpses of color up ahead. Something other than the drab grey tones of all these rocks. It would be nice to find something closer to grass again. Maybe there was a valley or at least a creek to break alongside.

Look, He encouraged with a motion of his chin forward. Did she see it too? The potential for this land to have some kind of relief if they just went a bit further?

This was also a kind way for him to figure out if the mountain air had begun deprive his brain or not.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
The hint to send the bird into the skies again was not missed, and so she did with a gesture upwards, a gentle command after his fleeting form to scout for dangers. His call in return was short and quick.

They traveled ahead, skirting around large boulders, slipping on loose rocks that ended up tumbling down into the depths below, finding new spots to settle. The further they climbed, the hope that there was relief soon to come became greater, and, at the gentle encouragement from Athens, the hope had been answered as the path ahead opened into shades of greens, and soon the sound of running waters filled her ears.

She bumped his shoulder, happy to have found some respite coming their way. It would be too early to tell if their journey crossing the mountains would prove uneventful. Losi knew that was not the ways of life; it ebbs and flows haphazardly, unpredictable but ever present. 

“I see! Let’s continue on further and rest when we get there. I am only two suns, but my hips think they belong to an Elder.” Her hip problems had not always been an issue, but lately they would ache something fierce if she overused them, or, stressed them too hard. She did not feel embarrassed by the needs of her body; she only has one body in this lifetime, and if it tells her it needs rest, she will unapologetically give it what it needs.
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
(Please see profile for disclaimer)
47 Posts
Ooc — siv
For the first time, he stole a glance away from the path ahead of him.

Her hips? He looked as if he might see an issue with them. Yet unless she limped or struggled visibly, he could see nothing. Not that he was any kind of caretaker or healer. It made him wonder what he was.

He thought himself no true hunter or guardian — certainly no Hound for his inability to hunt down those he missed — and seemed to lack as medic.

His gaze was eager to return back to the trail and see the grounds roll into the glen. Somewhere here must be a place that she could bed for the day. He would have been hard pressed to make her travel a mile more if she truly thought her hips were like an elder's.

Find somewhere you like, He encouraged even if his tone mellowed into something distant. I might stretch myself further ahead to see if anything of note is nearby.

Even if he tired and hardly fancied the idea of one step more. He would not leave them vulnerable in a new place — and perhaps it would give him time to process her kindness even more.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
She did not stir much under his searching gaze, giving him one of her own in return. “It is nothing you can see, only feel. They ache at times. I will be alright once I rest—just for a little. The upwards hike might have stressed them more than I thought it would.” She stepped from him as they entered the glen, finding a shady spot at the base of a tree just off a bubbling creek. 

He seemed determined to continue on, his words hollow for her but filled with something else. Something of importance, maybe? She did not know, but acknowledged his words with a nod before settling down, stretching as she did so. “Tawodi will be able should you need his assistance, but he will keep an eye out for the both of us.” She gave Tawodi a whistle, clear and sharp, and his circles grew tighter above them.

“Oh, and Athens…be careful.” She added, a little worry in her tone for the male she had just met, but found herself not wanting to lose just yet.
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
(Please see profile for disclaimer)
47 Posts
Ooc — siv
sorry for the delay! weekends are always my busiest with my job <3

if the time-skip and return isn't okay, let me know. happy to edit!

Only feel.

Somehow, in a sad way, that made it all the worse. Perhaps if it could be seen it might have been fixed. They could have found her someone, something. Instead it would have only been guesses at most.

He cared about this pain in her more than he wanted to admit, but perhaps the pinch of his brows gave it away.

Be careful.

She cared about his pains too, whether she knew it or not. He had become so good at projection upon others in order to ignore himself.

Until sunset he had gone to stretch his legs. Sometimes he roved, sometimes he stood deathly still. Yet he knew the moment that his body touched the ground he would have no more energy to move. He was not sure that any part of his travels had been as rough as this had. If only because he knew his limits and he stuck to the lowlands or wide open spaces.

It was why when he spotted a vale below he felt a well of relief spring forth.

He tried his best to urge Tawodi to head back towards her, if he still circled near. A way for her to know that he would soon follow.

He could not have imagined what might have happened had he led them to somewhere desolate or miserable. If the world had gone back to nothing but stone he might have very well turned them around.

This was good news to share and thus he felt confident in turning around.

Losi, He called out when he thought he had found the freshest of her scent again. The sun had set and the earth had become swallowed in shades of purple and blue. He hoped he would be forgiven for how long he had been absent.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Sorry it took me a hot minute, too! I’m totally fine with the time skip!

Much time had passed between Athens departure and his return, but because she had not heard updates from Tawodi while he was away, she did not worry. The time allowed her to rest, wading in the waters she laid beside to alleviate the ache in her hips.

A shriek above alerted her to their return and she excitedly removed herself from the waters to shake off and greet them.

She barked a hello, a slight dance in her step. “Athens! You’re back. Just in time for the sky to sleep—oh, you look exhausted. Why don’t we bed down and we can talk about what you’ve seen.”
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
(Please see profile for disclaimer)
47 Posts
Ooc — siv
He found himself overwhelmed.

Perhaps it was the exhaustion mingled with her bustling greeting. She seemed to nearly dance upon his arrival and it wiggled something in his brain. Sharp and jagged.

Golden and radiant.

He did not mean to come across so distant when he spoke —

There's a vale down below the ridge. Sleep and we can make it in the morning. It should be easier there, for your hip, I think.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Head cocked, she listened to him, his voice distant but still present in his words. Curiously, he seemed to recede into himself quite often.

She wondered the reason; was it the mountains themselves? Or, something else? Her knowledge of the man was barely anything to sneeze at and she could only speculate the reason, more than likely anything she came up with was far from the truth. The man was a mystery and she was determined to crack him. One kind word and action at a time.

Athens’ mention of sleep called to her bones, eyelids feeling the heaviness, and she dipped her head in agreement before settling herself in a bed of thick grass. “Thank you for thinking of me, you are too kind. My hips are feeling better now.” A grateful smile sent his way. He was kind, despite his aloofness, and he was charming nonetheless.

Patting the grass next to her, “Sleep, Athens. You look spent, too. We will go in the morning.” Whether he slept next to her or not, it did not matter, she just wanted his well-being taken care of, as well. And, maybe, rest would ease his mind.
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
(Please see profile for disclaimer)
47 Posts
Ooc — siv
fade? <3

He wished —

He wanted it —



Self-loathing overcame him in a grand wave and he felt the need to distance himself from someone so nice. Genuine behavior could somehow feel like a barb when he was so convinced he was nothing she said. It was easier to only thin-lip smile. A soft nod.

He could not bring himself to sleep so close, but he would be near. Asleep? Uncertain.