Moonspear Hello world
42 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Mismatched paws slid past the doorway. Little eyes peering outward. Pert nose twitching. Wondering if her friend was here. Not that she knew that word yet.

A little shoulder twitch and a smile. A soft look to hwr mother and siblings and moved outward.
7 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Nashua was not far behind.

Like a warm shadow, he took up Tikaani's trail, hovering not out of fear or bashfulness, but out of want for her to be within eyeshot, now that he could see her (and everything) all the more clearly. He smiled back, and stayed his silent course.

Obedient. Observant. Already protective over his sister's especially. He would not stifle Tikaani's exploration, but hoped to join - and protect - her in it.
42 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Aani heard and saw her brother. She trotted back to him. To press her nose right into his face and nose. A aoft whine and a

A wag of her tail and a toss of colorful head. A message to follow me. She traipsed away. Paws held high a jaunty step in her gait.
7 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Nashua whined right on back, his voice slipping through a smile of equal measure. She didn't seem upset that he followed her - in fact, she seemed happy enough to want him along! If she had sent him away, he still would have followed from the shadows, but now he felt better to wander out alongside her.

He plodded after his sister, his steps less springy, less graceful, more like the rocks in the riverbed he was named for than the water itself. While she pranced, he glanced at the land about them. Bright sunlight cut through the thick tangle of trees. Spring insects fluttered about the dense underbrush, and between the boughs of evergreens, Nashua caught sight of rocks taller than he'd ever hope to grow.

The child stared a moment, mouth agape. Then, a soft boof his sister's way; he hoped to direct her attention skyward, towards the towering stone. She'd already been out more than him - and had she ever seen such a sight before?
42 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Nashua kept close to her. And she didn't mind. It was nice to have a sibling so near
 And one that was attentive.

Where light steps went heavier steps followed. Their shadows moving amongst each other. One bigger one smaller so far at least.

A boof and she turned to look up and up and up. A small titter of delight left her maw. So big they were monstrous.

She stepped next to him and gazed bright eyed.

7 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Her laughter made him smile, a bright and boyish thing. How happy to have her as sister! Though they were still so new to the world, he was thankful they had never been new to each other. Nashua couldn't imagine a life without her, or either of their brothers.

Huge, he emphasized with a grand arc of his paw against the backdrop they admired. How big did it look from the very bottom?

Nashua dropped into a playful bow. Less go see! How excited mama would be to hear of all the adventures they would have today!
42 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She pressed a paw to the gisnt rock. Marveling at the coolness of it and yet also hot. It was two halflings of things. And it was a mystery. How could something be cold and hot. She touched it again. Small paw against big rock. Coarse and yet smooth. So strange.

She took her paw back. And followed him into a play bow and then bound away.

Come, Come Shua

She motioned him again. Tail weaving and wagging like a flag. A small happy smile.