Profile of Treepie: Quick Facts
Moonspear NPC
Played By: Kat
Basic Info
Full Name: Tiuttuk "Treepie" Ostrega
Spirit Name: Tapitsik ("Two at Once")
Subspecies: Wolf, various subspecies
Size: Small, Lanky
Sex: Intersex
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 0.5+ (March 25, 2024)
Birthplace: Moonspear, Teekon Wilds
NPC Guidelines
As Pie enters adolescence (and grapples with agoraphobia), she has become noticeably more withdrawn. She visits with everyone but only really socializes with her immediate family, Tikaani and Alaric.
Profile of Treepie: Details
Jet black cloaks her face and throat, contrasted by a white swatch beginning at the crest of her head, enfolding her ears and draping down the back of her neck to wrap her midsection. This pale coloration is disrupted by a burnt orange saddle fanning across her shoulder blades and upper back before fading dramatically into cinder forelegs. Her hind legs are a matching shade of charcoal offset by an orange fringe. Her tail matches her snowy white torso, the latter third of it dipped in inky black. Her eyes are the same sunshine yellow as her parents', though her svelte, willowy build favors her mother. See: white-bellied treepie.

Mate: n/a
Offspring: n/a

Paternal Grandparents: Bronco & Fennec
Maternal Grandparents: Jarilo & Kukutux
Asterisks denote adopted relatives.
Pack History


Moonspear: 03/2024 — present
Profile of Treepie: Additional Information
Registered on March 25, 2024, last visited October 18, 2024, 02:18 PM
Art Credits
Appearance Reference: Twin
Treepie's Signature

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-

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