Moonspear Passages
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
All Welcome 
Long overdue. Backdated to April 28th. Open to everyone! <3

It had been weeks since Elentari returned to Moonspear. Her fire time long gone, but not forgotten. With each passing week, her sides swelled. Her tummy grew rounder. She felt jolts and kicks. Faint at first, then more and more frequently. She would be a mother again! 

The first part of her second pregnancy was different than her first. She was nauseous and moody. More so than in the year prior. Her appetite suffered and she struggled to keep down food. At first she thought something was terribly wrong. That the pregnancy didn't take. During this time, while she coped with her symptoms, she had been more absent than usual. Missing out on socialization she would have otherwise enjoyed with the pack.

But then the troubling symptoms subsided, evening out. She was still uncomfortable as she now forced herself to be up and about. Being active would be good for her and the unborn children. And, her appetite was back in full force, as she tore ravenously into the nearest cache she found.
7 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Nashua was no troublemaker- but ever since his eyes opened, he grew more and more curious of the world outside the den. Sometimes, mom would leave to go out there and come back with yummy things. Even Tikaani had ventured out there once! Today, Nashua decided it was his turn to try his paw at wandering out.

He still couldn't see very well, but what he could see made his eyes grow wide. How could everything be so big! For now his eyes didn't drift much further than the world right in front of him -- the blades of grass, the bugs which crawled along them. He only saw these when he got up real close.

Nashua wobbled after a grasshopper, wiggling his bum and trying to mimic the little creature's movements. How big he must have seemed to it! He wasn't yet used to focusing on more than one thing, and soon the world became only him and the bug. Oblivious, to everything else around.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The Archer had been unaware that she stopped by a den site, not far from the location of the cache. Her dark furred head was lowered towards the ground, one paw placed over the mound of flesh that had once been a beaver. Holding the dark furry brown body in place, she tore into the succulent meat.

She ate leisurely, savoring each mouthful. Satisfied and content with the knowledge that her growing babies would be nourished. As hungry as she was, she was mindful to clip away the meat as she neared the tail. The portion of the animal renowned for the most fat. Prized for it's calories.

Once she nosed her way there, licking her slightly blood stained chops, she contemplated saving it. Unaware that she had company.
3 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
His brother may have been curious about the bug but the pup was more curious on his brother and he followed him on his path. He wasn’t very steady on his paws yet and falls into his brother.

A grunt comes from his maw as he tries to stand himself up. He watched as the bug hopped away and he looked around sniffing the air. Mesmerized by the scents of the world.
7 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
He wasn't very good at hopping - but he could have been, if someone hadn't knocked him over before he could get into the groove!

The boy toppled onto the ground, puppy legs flailing to catch him, but he wasn't very good at doing that either. Instead of finding himself on his own four paws again, Nashua found himself one with the grass.

Yati! Nashua protested. He rolled onto his back and stared at his brother upside, a boyish frown pressed across his lips. But Nayati was sniffing - distracted - and Nashua breathed in, too.

Myriads of scents overwhelmed him, but one in particular.

His mouth water, and Nashua scrambled about and found his footing again. With a bump to his brother's shoulder, Nashua said, Nayati, smell dat too? He had to! Less go find it! Unaware, too, of how close they both were to the one who had uncovered the cache first.