Boartusk Heights ≡ Beautiful Things That I've Got
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
What was this place? He had entered the wilds yet again as a foreigner. Legion long gone--purposelessness set in.

  The horizon glowing with the remnants of the sun the golden boy trailed the plains. His feet dressed in muddy earth his focus was unbroken as he inhaled the ground--searching.

The healer kept but a small stock. Things only necessary in an emergency. His time away had not been all bad. He had learned--he had grown. Evidently, he had matured nicely. Obvious sinew rippled beneath browning hues of yellow, a strong jaw-line, strong stature. It was useless. He had not a violent bone within him.

  His was a medicinal purpose. Lips ensnared a pretty little herb that budded in a group along segments of a full marsh. These would be useful for sleep. A lone-wolf did well to stay alert during the night, and yet the photo-sensory tricks played on his brain urged him to grow tired. The herbs would see to his relaxation.
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La Muerte
79 Posts
Ooc — idle
Tired, with the last remains of strength, Nivis encourages once again a wolf he doesn’t know and who doesn’t belong to the land of his. At this point, however, he finds himself yawning, dark heavy bags underneath his eyes despite sleeping all the time. Unfortunately it wasn’t of high quality and Nivis found himself restless, just looking for a space to stay the night at.

You don’t belong here, he hums.

They smelled too much of herbs and medicine, which hurt Nivis’ sensitive nose, but also intrigued him. With Reyna in mind and good intentions, he wanted this guy to speak more than anything. Imitating what his wife would usually say, he decided to try to be professional for once and gain more information. You have stepped on the land of La Muerte; welcome to our home. My name is Nivis and you are lucky I don’t feel like killing you, how can I help you?

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The thing that all loners feared was dancing the line of a pack. Especially one that didn't particularly have an open-minded welcoming committee. It was a promise of pain. One that most loners would accept as knowing punishment. Soleon wasn't a fighter. He would've attempted to flee.

The rumble of another echoed into the evening air and Soleon released his grasp on the poppy, which was handled with care, and stood to simply stare.

Honestly, this was the oddest meeting he had ever had. He wasn't sure if he was going to die today or receive a hug. Hm.

"I didn't mean to overstep," That seemed like an apology. Kind of, "I just lost track picking some herbs," Soleon studied the almost sullen look of the other male, "Not to be rude, but maybe I could help you. Well, you look a little know, 'round the eyes,"
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La Muerte
79 Posts
Ooc — idle
La Muerte was open to new members and wasn’t exactly strict when it came to the requirements; it was just that Nivis didn’t know what he was doing, and despite it, tried to make himself appear more mighty than what he actually was.

Picking up herbs? Are you a healer by any chance? Nivis blinked, eyes wide open to stay more focused. I am fine, just need to take one bigggg napppp. In the middle of this sentence he yawned though, and nearly fainted.

Judging by the smell… and you entering our space… I suppose you must be a loner.

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Soleon supposed it wasn't going badly. Perhaps the way he spoke leaned more towards straight forward, but it seemed anyone worth being around could handle it. Given that his words were often filled with genuine intention it was hard to take them in poor merit.

The male's head twisted inquisitively to the question, considering his answer, "Yes. Probably not the best--but I'm on my way. I seek information, I pile it away, and I'm not afraid to take risks of my own," While it was a dangerous game to play it was fair to say most things wouldn't kill you in small doses. Might put one down for a few days, but that was the price a scientist paid.

Tired? Hm, he didn't look like someone that rested very often. Perhaps the thrall of pack-life was more tedious and tired. Still, Soleon didn't note too many scents and assumed the packs numbers were small and work piled up.

"I am, and one that can help," He turned his head back to the poppy he had been intending to grab and took a very small amount of it into his mouth. Without much thought he moved closer to the male and placed his head at his feet to drop the poppy. "You can eat that. You'll certainly rest, but maybe don't self-medicate, huh? They can be...fatal in wrong doses," Honesty was the best policy wasn't it? "Oh, I've a tendency to be rude. You can call me Soleon,"
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La Muerte
79 Posts
Ooc — idle


Nivis questioned, confused. Rude? This guy was everything, but rude and Nivis realized so while staring down at his feet, where the herbs laid for him to eat. What if this guy tried to poision him, though? It made him think.

A traveler then. How can I know you are not just trying to murder me on the spot? Sounds very suspicious. He tilted his head with a smirk in his face, letting his eyes run up and down the stranger’s body to look for some signs of betrayal. They seemed helpful, like someone La Muerte would need and could utilize in the future, especially now that his love gave birth, though how could he trust him?

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
That was actually a great question. Soleon didn't consider that he could be trying to kill this 'La Muerte' character. It was odd enough to consider that strangers just roamed around offing one another. Still.

"Hm," He hummed and thought deeply, "I hadn't considered I might be here to kill you," As if that was a helpful way to say things. The man reclined and the more he thought about it the more jaded he realized these people might be. Perhaps they needed him in more ways than one. Maybe they needed a sprinkle of good. Certainly, they needed someone watching out for their pack in a medical sense of the word.

The idea hit like lightning, "I've got it. I think we could be of use to one another. I don't fancy being on my own. You clearly need some help--how about you show me where I can rest my head and I'll take my own similar dose. Then, if I'm lying, we're both dead and probably a little pissed off about my failure," If there were an afterlife.
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La Muerte
79 Posts
Ooc — idle

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: suicide mention and consideration!!

Now they were talking, and luckily Nivis was a little stupid, a little suicidal to take the risk.

You must really be wanting to rest your head somewhere or be really mad if you are offering your life for a pack you are not even a part of. His brows raised, but so did his anxiety and the thrill that came up with the possibility of dying. He was never very open to suicide as his death option, though lately his life has been too much to handle, he wouldn’t regret very much losing it. Reyna would be happier.

Fine then, you go first. If your herbs prove themselves non-lethal, I’ll take my dosage. There was still the possibility of only his portion being actually poisonous, but Nivis was willing to do it anyway. Death would hug him around warm.

If this guy’s dedication was to sacrifice his life for strangers, it meant they would do so for the entire pack.

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Soleon shrugged his shoulders, "I don't really get mad. I suppose I get bothered at most," He eyed Nivis carefully and took more of the plant from where he gathered the rest. Carefully in full view of the man.

Soleon supposed it could be a foolish task at hand. For one, he was about to ingest things he didn't need for a problem he wasn't burdened with. He needed no help sleeping. Arguably, his schedule could need a little work. For two, he didn't know anything about this place. The fact remained: They needed someone, and he needed someone to care for.

"Then I suppose you better escort me inside, no? We'll be sleeping soon," A raised brow and he knelt his head down to consume his medicine. Yet, he stops. He leans forward--below Nivis; he takes the dosage he had set aside for the sleepless king and swallows before sitting back up. He nodded to him and invited him to the treasure at his own feet now.
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La Muerte
79 Posts
Ooc — idle
Nivis stared at him swallowing his portion, and when that was finished he looked down again, hesitant. What else but death could occur, right? So with that in his mind, he bends down to smell the herbs. Those nearly made him sneeze before their spicy taste melted on his tongue.

To his surprise nothing has happened yet; he didn’t choke nor started to itch. Everything was alright, meaning they probably weren’t poisunous. Time would show, however.

I’ll take you to the mansion, though I won’t be staying there with you. You need to meet @Reyna as well.

When will the effect show up? Immediately? He questioned as he gulped down the last bit and cocked his head.

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Soleon watched as the ruler knelt and consumed that which was given to him. A smile broaded across his lips. His strange new lord had acted on a coin toss and decided to trust him. He felt quite accomplished.

He felt as though most medics were women. Was it odd? A male of his stature a useless warrior? It didn't matter. This was what his heart was made to do.

"Is she the big dog 'round here?" He hadn't heard mention of her yet, but he assumed she was important. Maybe the Alpha? He pondered what she was like for a moment. Opposites attracted: all he could imagine for a moment was sunshine and rainbows.

He shrugged his shoulders and offered but half a laugh, "It'll take some time. You'll feel super relaxed at first, and then we'll get that sleep,"
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La Muerte
79 Posts
Ooc — idle
since nivis will be dipping and not going with him, you can then start a new thread w reyna!

It better be a loooong sleep. I actually wouldn’t mind that much if it lasted forever. He hummed, now overly too open with a stranger he just met. 

As they walked he found himself relaxing with each step, and soon enough it was easier to let his mouth run more. Reyna is my love, my wife and the woman of my dreams, actually. She is the one who manages the pack with me and even though I have not been around much, she still functions. It is quite admirable; she has always been a great woman, who followed a fool like me all the way here to hell on the earth. He rolled his eyes back. Ah, women… They are gonna be the death of me as much as those little rats.

I believe you could help her to relax with all that medication you carry.

Nivis knew they would utilize this guy in every aspect, but if his main skill was to heal, then that was more than an important role to take over. At that point though, they stopped close by the entryway. It’s here. You are already marked by my scent and should have no issues, therefore. I am certain you will find her by the scent. I shall now leave.

Nivis was still a fool though. If this guy he easily trusted was dangerous, he would put Reyna and his kids right into his hands.

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Soleon prodded alongside him. Nivis was an odd fellow, but he didn't particularly consider him a bad-man. If anything he felt a pang of sorrow for him to even consider that slumber could last forever. Perhaps the newest addition didn't carry the same pain that burdened the shadow man.

He spoke highly of Reyna. She must be such a delight! A soft, contemplative smile at the thought of the--no his Queen. Soleon didn't know much about women. None had ever piqued his interest. He hoped if ever the day arrived that he would speak as highly of her as Nivis regarded his own. And there were children?

  "I thank you for the opportunity. Enjoy your slumber," It had officially become a 'take two and call me in the morning' sort of situation, and that was highly fine with Soleon. He wanted to prove useful to La Muerte. By the way; What did that even mean? He found a place to lay and contemplated this until his thoughts were no more and delighted dreams swarmed his unconscious.

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La Muerte
79 Posts
Ooc — idle
Nivis left before seeing him doing so. He went far away into the woods and mountains, where nobody could disturb him, hopeful to get some better rest than what he was getting nowadays. If these were his last hours on the earth, then better that sleep and a rock to rest his head on be worth it.

He didn’t have much time left though. His legs were hard to carry now and dizziness urged him to find a spot rather quickly.

Goodnight, rest well.

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads