Silver Moraine There is Nothing to Change in This Stranger's War
confidence, charisma, character
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In the early morning before the sun began to rise, Saena discovered a vast plain. Rather than traveling north through it, the young woman skirted its edge, intimidated by its seeming endlessness and the possibility that she would be caught in the open if she tried to cut right through it. Trotting along the edge of both plains and foothills, the lone female felt much less exposed. The comfort the mountains afforded her was an artifact of her lifestyle, but was also typical for a wolf with no allegiance, as she now was. She knew she could count on her aunt for anything, but she didn't plan to go back to Blue Willow until she'd fulfilled her dream.

The edge of the plain soon met a miles long pile of rubble and debris. Not knowing that it was called a moraine, she picked her way carefully upward, climbing until the rocks became larger and easier to traverse. She picked her pace up and bounded between rocks. Being a wolf, she was sure-footed and knew that she was in no danger. Even when a dark-haired wolf became visible further ahead, Saena kept on going, feeling high-spirited and a little drunk on life.

When Sen was close enough for Saena to make out details, she grinned wolfishly and loosed a playful growl. She stopped her bounding for a moment, paws splayed out on three different rocks, then dropped into a play bow in an attempt to entice Sen into a game. It wasn't really an impressive sort of game—first to the bottom without tripping wins[/mdash]but it was something to keep her in a good mood, and hopefully infect the stranger with it as well.
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RE: There is Nothing to Change in This Stranger's War - by Saēna - March 27, 2015, 07:25 PM