Redhawk Caldera Out on the verge of the rest of our lives
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Ever since his sleepwalking habit had been discovered, Peregrine and his family had taken steps to prevent him from going off wandering. For several nights in a row, this system worked as intended. But on this night, he somehow managed to rise and glide away from the rendezvous site without anyone else waking nor noticing. He walked his usual path down toward Lake Rodney.

But something happened tonight that hadn't happened on previous nocturnal jaunts: he lost his footing, stumbled and fell. He landed so hard that it jarred him awake. He lay there, blinking up at the night sky, for several beats. Slowly, he picked himself up and shook out his pelt. Peregrine looked around, slowly realizing what must have happened. How he had slipped past his family tonight, he didn't know.

He turned to climb back toward the clearing, only to realize he felt wide awake. Instead, he continued downhill and took up a slow midnight patrol. When it began to rain lightly, he pressed on, enjoying the sensation as the temperature dropped suddenly and the cool droplets began to splatter against his onyx coat. He finished a full circuit, only growing tired near the end.

Now ready for sleep (and dry warmth!), he began to shuffle home. En route, though, he caught @Pantaleimon's scent. It wasn't fresh, necessarily, but it was enough to cause the newly crowned Alpha male to pause. He inhaled deeply, sharp jade eyes scouring the night for any sign of Pan's lithe, pale form.
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Out on the verge of the rest of our lives - by Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2015, 05:54 PM