Hoshor Plains Pluviophile
63 Posts
Ooc — Will
@Rakharo Sorry for the really late reply. Had no muse with Azzaro for a long time. Maybe paragraph spar until ten posts then roll a dice to determine the winner?

Family. Most of Azzaro's family was gone, save for Raezho, and even his golden healer of a brother seemed to have vanished. So while he was loyal to his Khalas and trusted them, the dark furred Dotharan wouldn't consider them to be family. At least, not yet. He couldn't find it within himself to even call them family in his head, because he didn't know the majority of them well enough to understand them. But perhaps with time, his family would expand.

Azzaro met Rakharo's fiery gaze evenly, like water with fire and found himself grinning as well when the Khal leapt forward, silently challenging the yearling to a spar. Immediately, the boy shifted into a combative position and charged forward, feinting a blow to the Khal's shoulder before dipping his head and attempting to pull Rakharo's left forepaw from him, therefore unbalancing him.
Messages In This Thread
Pluviophile - by Rakharo - July 03, 2015, 02:19 PM
RE: Pluviophile - by Azzaro - July 04, 2015, 05:17 AM
RE: Pluviophile - by Rakharo - July 06, 2015, 03:54 PM
RE: Pluviophile - by Azzaro - July 10, 2015, 03:28 AM
RE: Pluviophile - by Rakharo - July 10, 2015, 12:23 PM
RE: Pluviophile - by Azzaro - August 02, 2015, 12:04 AM
RE: Pluviophile - by Rakharo - August 02, 2015, 02:22 PM
RE: Pluviophile - by Azzaro - August 05, 2015, 03:23 AM