Lost Creek Hollow I'm unsure of where I stand
186 Posts
Ooc — Magdalyn
got it (: I had a thread with Mordecai regarding it, can't remember if she inquired about how. Again, Ilya just knows from a loner and is known to make assumptions lol

Ilya sat still, listening. He was right. She felt slightly offended the male would accuse her of blaming the two males, but she did word it so. She simply interrupted quickly. "Not at all. i only say that because of how he acted, but I don't believe he'd seek it out in his own. It was just a thought," she said, shaking her head. Beyond that it was just a thought. She'd expressed to Mordecai how strangely the male had been acting, and soon after he had disappeared. When he returned he was wounded badly. She shook the thought and returned to the carcass shed found recently, the she-wolf shed fought off. "I was out and about a month ago and came across a dead wolf with the same scent on her. We are just a pack of the valley, and he's come for two of our ranks..." She stared forward again, thought overwhelming her once again. "He didn't even eat the loner, just maimed her. She looked horrid,"

She explained what she meant and then fell silent again, letting the wolf talk. He spoke wisely for someone younger than her (as she believed herself quite wise). The woman took no offense. To her, rank was only a way to show the amount of effort put into the pack. She turned her gaze to him and watched intently, ears flicking once or twice as he mentioned points that she supposed were spot on. And a border patrol? He had offered the idea of her going on one. She was not keen on the idea, but shrugged. Perhaps it was a good idea, after all it was her job. But the male mentioned something quite interesting. Harlan, pregnant? She perked her ears. 

"Harlyn is expecting?" She asked, tail thumping gentle against the ground. Much as the male hadn't known about Shardul, she hadn't known anything about this. It was her fault, perhaps, but she didn't know Harlyn all that well and had only seen Mordecai about his injuries and when Luke was found at the borders. She looked to feet, feeling rather stupid about her ideas of abandoning the pack over petty fear. The pups were far more important than she was, in her own eyes. Perhaps she should've focused on that. 

"You are right... Lagon," she murmured, giving his shoulder a gentle nose of thanks and a friendly affection. The woman was bipolar, in a sense, but perhaps was just easily swayed. Her fears were easily ebbed by the smallest of reassurances, but maybe everyone's could be. She gave him a gentle smile. "I apologize that we had to meet this way. I'd like to think I'm more on top of things," it was a  lie, but the black wolf wasn't aware of such. She looked up at the male curiously, watching his expressions, before staring forward again, different thoughts jumbled in her mind now.  
Messages In This Thread
I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ilya - January 08, 2016, 10:21 PM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ancalagon - January 09, 2016, 11:04 AM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ilya - January 09, 2016, 02:57 PM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ancalagon - January 10, 2016, 07:22 AM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ilya - January 10, 2016, 10:29 AM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ancalagon - January 10, 2016, 11:31 AM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ilya - January 10, 2016, 12:02 PM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ancalagon - January 12, 2016, 04:41 PM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ilya - January 12, 2016, 05:20 PM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ancalagon - January 13, 2016, 04:04 PM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ilya - January 13, 2016, 05:52 PM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ancalagon - January 14, 2016, 03:20 PM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ilya - January 14, 2016, 06:55 PM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ancalagon - January 15, 2016, 05:12 PM
RE: I'm unsure of where I stand - by Ilya - January 16, 2016, 01:23 PM