The Sentinels the breeze it wrapped around me, as I stood there on the shore
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lasher cameo!

taltos was charmed by the tiny yippings and squeaks shared between deidre and emaleth -- it seemed they spoke to one another, though he would never know the secret language of infants. she turned the glowing blue of her eyes upon him; he quelled with love beneath their intensity. her small teeth moved to nip, to draw, before she made plainly clear her interest in the light shining to dispel the den's shadows.

he watched, delighted, as deirdre crept toward the mouth of the den. of course, he would not let her wander into the snows and succumb most undoubtedly to frostbite, if not the cold itself -- he tensed his muscles, ready to uncurl his body and step to grasp her delicate nape between his powerful jaws, and remove her from out-of-doors in a return to her mother's embrace. but she did no such thing. 

the image of her small and pale body, paw clutched to her chest, indignation writ into the features of her face, caused the druid a great chuckle, and as she whined toward him in questioning, he smiled at her. "snow."
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